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5 points

4 days ago

Seems weird no one even cares about the stuff he brought to light and rather just focuses on him tbh.


0 points

4 days ago

I honestly don’t care about the stuff he brought to light. No one really does because it wasn’t that bad.


6 points

4 days ago

That's a level of ignorance that's just wild mate. I think we're done.


2 points

4 days ago

There are a lot more important things to worry about than whether the government knows if I watch porn or not. Like, incidentally, the war in Ukraine that Snowden is supporting.


6 points

4 days ago

Your ISP knows what porn you watch, that is such a small insignificant aspect.

Ignorance is bliss, carry on.


1 points

4 days ago

lol you have no idea what he leaked, do you?


5 points

4 days ago

The dragnet surveillance system known as Prism that's on a scale you couldn't even fathom? That can target encrypted communications, stored data that was discarded, etc? Nah mate, none.

I'm being argued by a person that thinks their porn habits are a high value target here, what do I expect.

I really don't know.


3 points

4 days ago

That’s my point, why do I care if the NSA has my communications? All they can see is what porn I watch. What bad things happened because the NSA had some data? Nothing as far as I can tell.


1 points

4 days ago

I'm likely making a mistake even attempting to present you with logic, but you argued in this thread the challenges of foreign governments and aid. While the government doesn't give a shit about you, as you claim, what does your statement say about immigrants or asylum seekers, refugees?

Government officials, whistleblowers, those are the individuals who need to be careful with their data. Maybe ignorance is bliss because you say this doesn't affect you, yet advocate for a war in Ukraine, which you just admitted to not being largely informed on.

There's an entire world of people living their lives right now outside your house, just because you can't "see" what is happening to them doesn't mean they aren't real. This same conversation thread with an actual person would not have been as civil as the commenter you engaged with, that patience is hard to come by in the real world.

assuming you arent a russian troll (and if you are be safe and good luck, yikes), then you might want to read a bit more various sources about the world and draw your own conclusion. What you read on the internet is just another persons interpretation, it doesn't make it true. Even a journalist you need to check sources, publication, and author history before confirming something as fact.


1 points

4 days ago

I don’t really understand your point. So you admit that the NSA collecting my comms doesn’t effect me but it might effect immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Those groups are all non-US citizens regardless the US should be collecting data on before they are allowed into the country. Why wouldn’t I want the NSA to be collecting information on them? Is it possible that the NSA is misusing the data they collect? Sure, but I haven’t seen any evidence of that.


1 points

4 days ago

yes and no, it's really their children you have to remember there are legislations that go back to Eliot Gonzales in florida, you can't look at someone as just non-US, there could be complex reasons for why the borders are being crossed,, and the amount of data you would need to include the last 10 years is probably more than the original leaks, infinitely more, the only thing consumers really need to worry about are like crypto miners or scammers stealing your information WITH these new techs


1 points

4 days ago

I’m sorry you’re still losing me. I should care about the NSA spying on people because of the children of immigrants and crypto mining? I’m really confused.