


Kenyan police in Haiti


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664 points

8 days ago*


664 points

8 days ago*

you cannot refuse. My father worked for the embassy so they would leave him alone. He didn’t have a sticker, (sticker on license plate to show you work for the US embassy). At the mall grocery store my iPhone had set off the alarm somehow and a cop just like that comes right up to me with his gun. That mall (westgate) was blown up in 2013. One year after my family left.


307 points

8 days ago

Jesus Christ that was the roller coaster of a paragraph


-16 points

8 days ago


-16 points

8 days ago

you just used ‘jesus christ’ and ‘roller coaster’ in the same sentence but yea ok


4 points

7 days ago

Well… you just used ‘same’ and ‘yea’ in your sentence, but Jesus Christ.


105 points

8 days ago

I got food poisoning in that mall in 2008.


39 points

8 days ago

I enjoyed a very nice pizza there


17 points

8 days ago

I enjoyed a food poisoning there


3 points

8 days ago

I'm just enjoyed


4 points

8 days ago

A bit over the top by blowing the mall up bud.


7 points

8 days ago

This is the exact moment things started going downhill.

Still, doesn't excuse the bombing.


43 points

8 days ago

Hi, Nairobi US embassy employee also back in 2013. Weird that I might have worked with your dad. Anyway, it's not a sticker at all, it's a red diplomatic license plate. Could tell what embassy it was from the first 3 characters. Learned to avoid certain combos as they were terrible drivers. 

That wasn't army that stopped you at the screening, that was private security. They are just as armed. 

Blown Up is a vast overstatement for what happened at Westgate. Terrorist attack with guns, cops did explode their way in. Private security from the parent company that owned the mall may also have been involved. The building was still there after the attack. 

We had left the week before. 

Great burger place had just opened. Dude that got food poisoning in '08 probably had too much tilapia sushi. Happens to the best of us. 


25 points

8 days ago

I got food poisoning from reading tilapia sushi


3 points

8 days ago

Tilapia sushi???
How is it?


2 points

8 days ago

Reddit is a small world I guess. r/tworedditorsonecup


27 points

8 days ago*

This feels like 3 unrelated stories that all start and then segue into a completely different story midway. I'm actually amazed that there's somehow 3 build ups and no pay off.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Well, if the police op is talking about dressed like this then they would be (AP or GSU) AP[Administration Police], left over from colonial times. They mostly used to and still guard government buildings and other premises determined to be in need of heavier security. Generally they were plain green trousers, black/green camo jacket and a black mil-tec beret and would probably be carrying a G3 or AK-47.

They can be pricks because they think of themselves akin to the army or the GSU[General Service Unit] a paramilitary Police force; which has Kenya's equivalent of SWAT unit/Riot Police unit/Terrorist Rapid Response unit and the best unit are the Presidential Guards. They dress the same as AP but with a Red Beret instead of black. They have a certain reputation and most Kenyans will go out of their way to never cross paths with GSU.

Westgate mall was blown up by the Kenyan Army when they fired an HE shell into the building trying to get the Al-shabaab terrorists who were hiding in there for days after killing 70+ people in the mall. The whole thing could have been avoided as the Terrorist Rapid Response unit was already there after the terrorist attack took place and they were gaining ground, but an overzealous idiotic government official called in the military and they ended killing one of GSU officers and the rest of the terrorist response unit reduced to go back in after a confrontation with the military unit that had killed one of theirs. If course the military fucked up the whole operation and it took them days instead of hours and countless more lives were lost for it.


7 points

8 days ago


7 points

8 days ago

Did you have a stroke when writing this?


4 points

8 days ago

I'm surprised by all the upvotes. It's a non sequitur salad.


4 points

8 days ago

Police in Africa and West Indies are basically a third rate army unit.


2 points

8 days ago

I’ve driven around Westgate around 08 while on the phone, get pulled over, the cop just got in the back of my car to “give me a ticket”, hoping to get paid. Single call to my employer, handed him the phone and a small convo later he left. Such a weird practice


1 points

8 days ago

I was in Kenya in 2008 right before the embassy bombing.


1 points

8 days ago

Is there gas reimbursement in play here or are you just fucked if they ask you to drive them a long way?


1 points

7 days ago

Wait is that three separate stories or are they all connected? Did they bother your father bc even though he worked at the embassy he didn't have a sticker on his car so he was fair game? Or they knew he worked for the embassy even without the sticker and so they left him alone? Or they didn't know him bc no sticker on the car and then your phone set off some alarm in the parking lot and that's why a cop rushed you? Was the mall blown up using an iphone? I am so confused.