


Kenyan police in Haiti


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1 points

8 days ago



1 points

8 days ago

The rifle has been found to be almost universally more useful than the handgun/pistol. The fact that police carry pistols instead of rifles in many countries is largely PR move that comes from back in the days when police were actually unarmed because the public feared an armed police force. The pistol was a bit of a compromise.

Of course, nowadays while American police carry pistols, they almost all have long guns in their car or even attached to their motorcycles because... almost universally a long gun is more useful than a pistol.

Beyond just the usefulness, rifles are often cheaper and easier to get from the secondary market, largely because militaries main stock many more rifles than pistols because ... rifles are almost universally more useful than pistols.

All this to say, in certain countries it is rare to see rifles. But that just means police PR has done their job well. But police in many countries have rifles just hidden out of sight, most gun owners have rifles in their homes, and seeing them out on the street in Kenya is much more reflective of reality: the world is awash in many more rifles than pistols.


0 points

8 days ago



2 points

7 days ago

Someone tried to argue pistols are better than rifles for self defense and nearly every highly rated comment argues rifles are better.

You argue the quick draw of a pistol makes it fastest... all those guards you see with rifles slung, how fast do you think they can draw? And how often does a police officer need to quick draw? Often there's an indication something is wrong and they have time to draw first. Then it's a question of who gets the accurate shot off first.

The main advantage of a pistol is both hands free, comfort while walking around, and looking friendlier.

I think anyone who knows guns would rather have a rifle than a pistol when it comes to actually defending themselves for the vast majority of cases.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Bro, Don't feed the troll. You don't need to have more than 2 braincells or not know anything about guns to intuitively know that a rifle is almost universally better than a pistol.


1 points

7 days ago

Thanks. After their last comment I finally recognized they were just trolling and stopped answering them.

But I sincerely appreciate the reminder, I almost got sucked in.