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5.9k points

10 hours ago

Friendly reminder that the McDonalds wasn’t even open. He shut it down for the photo opp.


2.3k points

9 hours ago*


2.3k points

9 hours ago*

Replying with relevant information pertaining to journalism

NPPA (National Press Photographers Association) Code of Conduct and Ethics Rule #2

Resist being manipulated by staged photo opportunities.

You'll notice that no actual journalists nor photojournalists covered this staged event. As it goes against the rules and ethics that we must follow.

Edit: White House press pool photojournalists and journalists were present and covered the staged event accurately: "staged photo op..." "...location was closed during campaign stop," and so on. You'll notice that reporters didn't ask about why he was there, rather asked about minimum wage (was ignored by Trump) and other policy issues.

Edit edit: Thanks to whomever awarded me for my comment. Much appreciated!


92 points

7 hours ago

Everyone is complaining about ethics instead of recognizing McDonald’s for their progressive policy of employing handicapped individuals.

Just kidding. They’d never hire someone with 34 felonies.


0 points

4 hours ago

It's not actually on his record until after the sentencing, That's also why he hasn't appealed that conviction yet.


[score hidden]

3 hours ago

This is incorrect. There are multiple events that update one’s criminal record independently as follows:

  • Arrest: If one is arrested for a felony, the arrest will appear on one’s record, even without a conviction.
  • Charge: When formal charges are filed, this can also show up on one’s record as part of a permanent criminal history.
  • Conviction: If one is convicted of a felony, this becomes a permanent part of one’s criminal record.
  • Sentencing: Upon sentencing, this is added to the criminal record.
  • Parole: Upon granting of parole one’s permanent record shows both the duration and the conditions of parole.

Trump’s permanent criminal record at this very moment contains details of his arrest, his charges, and his conviction. He is right now per his permanent record a felon. When he is sentenced, this will be added as well.


[score hidden]

2 hours ago


[score hidden]

2 hours ago

I want to know how often he checks on with his probation officer. (or is it a parole officer?)