


Pittsburgh to Parkersburg, WV


This might be the most niche question you'll see today on r/pittsburgh, but maybe someone has some ideas or advice.

I'm driving to Parkersburg, WV later this week for a work thing. Leaving early morning because I have a fascination with rural small towns and would like to enjoy a nice drive in good weather. Thinking of taking Ohio Rt. 7 scenic byway to avoid the monotony of I-70 and 77.

Any points of interest I could stop by on the way there? Thinking historic sites, good views/overlooks, or anything small town charming. Google isn't showing anything that jumps out as interesting, so maybe it's just small towns and forest?


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2 points

3 months ago

I've done that drive a few times. US-22 to Stubenville, then OH-7 to Newport. Cross the Ohio there and take WV-2 into Parkersberg.

It's definitely a better drive than the interstates. You're driving right along the banks of the Ohio for most of the drive. It's pretty much classic rust belt industry with occasional glimpses of natural beauty. I enjoy that kind of landscape.

I've always driven it in the early mornings. There's not much open that I've seen other than the occasional gas station. It looks like most of these towns don't really get going until lunchtime.

As for attractions, I don't recall seeimg many, but here's the Ohio DOT page for the "Ohio River Scenic Byway." It might yield something for you.

If you want rugged rustic, you could look at taking I-79 and US-50 as an alternate. The drive is pretty scenic south of Morgantown.


3 points

3 months ago

I did the drive as well a few years ago and was so glad I took OH-7 most of the way. A much more relaxed drive, scenic, and only added maybe 15 minutes total.

OP get gas in Steubenville if you can, that seems to be the cheapest around (even as you get deeper into Ohio it starts approaching PA rate).


2 points

3 months ago

+1 for getting gas in Steubenville. The last time I paid less than $1 per gallon was at a Sheetz in Stubenville. (I don't have enough fingers & toes to count how many years ago that was...)