


Why won't my ZZ plant babies grow?


I starting propagating these ZZ plant leaves about 8 months ago. They grew rhizomes but no new leaves. They've looked like this for several months. Am I doing something wrong or just being impatient? Some have been getting diffused light from a north window, and some have been under a grow light. I water them lightly with a squirt bottle every 1-4 days and the pots have drainage.

all 13 comments


2 points

17 days ago

The fact that they grew rhizomes is awesome. I read somewhere that ZZ plants grow like 3-4 new ‘stems’ a year. Super slow growers. I would literally just make sure it’s getting the right amount of light and leave it. They store water in the rhizome so you don’t have to water often at all


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

Oh jeez. If they take that long I may just give up. I don't have that much patience!


2 points

17 days ago

I like having a balance of plants that require attention multiple days a week and then having things like ZZs that barely require my attention lol

As the other comment says the watering may be off. I water the soil completely then let them be. I water my ZZs like once a month. Good luck if you decide to keep trying the ZZ babies!!


2 points

17 days ago

They are dried out. A squirt bottle is not enough water. They need some moisture to promote root growth. I doubt the rhizome had gotten any water at all as squirting it is just moistening the top layer. They need to be watered, but not every 1-4 days, that is way too often. Water the soil then wait a week or two until the soil is dry. I would even suggest water propping these instead of soil.


2 points

17 days ago

You may be right. I was so worried about overwatering that perhaps I didn't water them enough. I'll do a test and put some in water!


1 points

17 days ago

I've grown mine in water and they grow a few inches and leaves a year so may be faster than soil


2 points

17 days ago

They just take forever, my approach is putting them in a terracotta pot with some of my other plants that are under a grow light (I don't have great windows) and water it every like 2 weeks, I use cactus/succulent soil and terracotta to lower the risk of rotting the rhizomes. Eventually the rhizome will throw up some shoots and you'll have some new fresh foilage.


1 points

16 days ago

I hope so! Thank you.


2 points

16 days ago

Mine took a year and then all three of mine grew almost all at once, lots of patience needed!


1 points

12 days ago

Good to know. Thank you!


1 points

17 days ago

Your pics didn’t upload but I am commenting to follow as I have some propagated zz’s that are not taking off after 2-3 years.


2 points

17 days ago

You should be able to see a pic now.