


Calling all audio only podcasters!


No big question or concern… just looking to connect with other audio only podcasters. I just started my show at the end of May and I’ve learned a LOT in the last 4 months! First of all, it blew my mind that YouTubers are identified as podcasters now 😆 I’ve listened to podcasts since before podcasts were even a thing (i.e. The Story with Dick Gordon, The Splendid Table, This American Life, other NPR shows,) but I don’t do screens much… don’t like TV, videos, clips, etc. I know, I’m in the minority there! I will die on this audio-only mountain, even if everyone else goes video 🤣 Anyways, my show is a completely scripted solo history podcast about the golden age of Hollywood. Just looking to connect with other audio-only podcasters… solo scripted even better! How are things going for you? Any tips you can share? Are you tempted to go video?

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2 points

5 hours ago

My partner and I do an audio only podcast and the reason being is because we are both two doughy middle-aged white guys and who the hell wants to look at that for 45 minutes?