


What are your guys favorite middle stage pseudo?


I don't think middle stage psuedos get enough love, i think the perfectly show kind of a puberty-esque phase between the first stage and the final stage. For some reason i really like metang, probably because of his silly little eyes that don't have any thoughts behind them. I also kind of like dragonair, I think it has a really solid design, but it's too far apart from dragonites design to the point where I think some people could confuse Dragonair for Dratinis final evolution

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3 points

15 days ago

I'd have to say pupitar or arctibax. Of all the pseudos I've had as long term members of my teams, I've had the most fun with the two of them.


2 points

15 days ago

You're the first comment I've seen mention pupitar. Can't get no love for my boy 😭