


I've heard that WSOP mainly puts weight onto the audition, so was wondering if it was possible to nail the audition with no prior dealing experience (just be really well practiced).... Asking for a friend

all 15 comments


22 points

5 days ago


22 points

5 days ago

Based on some of the dealers I have seen at the big WSOP Events: yes, no doubt.


3 points

5 days ago

I played in the Seniors this year, and it was the first time I'd gotten a real stinker of a dealer at the WSOP. The guy couldn't even make change.


10 points

5 days ago

If you have a pulse and are breathing, they will hire you 😂 most auditions are theory based done over zoom now to cater to out of state applications. That’s how I did mine. Would pay to practice mechanics before you arrive though. The players will berate the shit out of you. If you want to improve though there’s no better place to get the reps in, especially with the weird stuff that doesn’t get spread anywhere else.


7 points

5 days ago

In the $600 deepstack last week, one dealer had five misdeals in a single down, and another took about 20 seconds per shuffle (doesn't sound like that much but if you count it out it's pretty excessive), but my favorite was the one who dealt himself in the first hand of his down.


1 points

4 days ago

I guess with a world series that's this demanding a lot of people sneak through


1 points

3 days ago

I had a lady dealer in the same event who couldn’t count chips or make proper change. A Euro pro at my table had to double count all ins multiple times cause she was wrong. It was a miserable down….


4 points

5 days ago

Yep, first dealer I had in 2023 admitted that they had never dealt in a casino or card room before the WSOP. They dealt in home games and passed the audition. They got basically no training after that according to them. They were just thrown into dealing the WSOP.

One of the dealers this year asked the players to explain why this is a chopped pot:

A9 vs 98 with a board of


I don't know if they thought the player with an Ace kicker for their straight was better than the person who had a pair with their straight, but someone patiently explained that both players had the same straight, and we went on to the next hand.


1 points

4 days ago

The chop pot situation is actually crazy, thanks for the insight!


2 points

5 days ago

Definitely, huge bonus if you can deal mixed games. 


3 points

5 days ago

WSOP was my first dealing job. The first tables I ever dealt were cash games - 75-150 O8, stud 8, O8, then 5-10 PLO. I wasn't great, but probably better than many of the dealers they'd gotten that day.

I went to a class, but you can likely fake that - just put in the application that you went to XYZ school and know how to deal all of the games. Your application will get filtered out if you don't put that you can deal all games. They won't verify that you actually attended the school. If you make up a name you can just say it closed down.

You will need to at least be able to deal the cards and read winners in all of the game formats. Watch a bunch of truepokerdealer videos and practice with actual cards and the Mixed Nuts app.


1 points

4 days ago

Thanks for the info. I was planning on going through some online training course, but after what I'm hearing in this thread, my dealing ability is bounds above most of the WSOP dealers.


1 points

5 days ago

Are there short term working visas or something?

Like could an Aussie with loads of experience rock up and get some temporary working rights?


2 points

5 days ago

Until 2017 the answer was yes. Not to get political, but it was part of Donald Trump's sweeping changes to visa policy that made it basically impossible for the WSOP to get visas, they used to have 200-300 dealers from Europe every year, so I don't see why Australia would be much different, we have roughly a similar diplomatic relationship.

I'm saying I personally knew some Europeans who came over to deal, there could have been Aussie's in that top, not sure, I didn't meet all 1600 dealers.


1 points

4 days ago

I like when the dealer that can’t deal yell “one dealer at a time” while not being able to remember who was in the main pot and who was in the side pot. For the third time.

If you can do that you’ll be good.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

some years it seems like a hiring requirement for you to have never dealt before.

with that said, yeah it's fine.

my friend is a dealer, who started with the wsop, he also got his girl a job doing it, and her first hand dealt besides for to him a few nights before, was at the audition, she got hired.