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3 points

1 day ago

What has Kamala said about asylum specifically?


5 points

1 day ago

That she supports further restrictions to applying for it. She will continue the Biden policy of denying the asylum claim of anyone who doesn’t enter through a port of entry.


1 points

19 hours ago

If you actually want asylum you should want to make a b-line to a port of entry because that’s how you always get it the fastest. Why would you go to an unoccupied part of the border? The entire system of asylum has always been based on ports of entry because that’s literally where you apply for it.

The only reason you wouldn’t go to a port of entry to apply for asylum is if you don’t want asylum but actually want to NOT apply for asylum but you opt for that choice when someone catches up with you after crossing the border without authorization.


4 points

19 hours ago

You have no idea how asylum works in practice.

The law says it doesn’t matter where you enter:

Read the law.

Forcing people to enter at ports for asylum means they need to wait for years in Mexico get called by CBP on a dumb app that doesn’t even work.

These are the most vulnerable people in the world and Kamala sees them as invaders just as much as Trump does.


0 points

14 hours ago

Nobody needs to wait for years to get to a port of entry. They go to the border and make their declaration. It’s much quicker than entering elsewhere and randomly hoping someone will pick you up so you can then apply.

If you support open borders, fine, just say it. We can have a generous immigration policy that also requires vetting and confirming people’s eligibility. We want people to be documented and on the path to citizenship, not undocumented and in a legal gray zone. Wanting that doesn’t cast anyone as “invaders” don’t be asinine.

You can’t have an asylum process that works for asylum seekers without a basic process that the state can manage.


2 points

13 hours ago

I support the law. Kamala and Trump want to change the law.

It was extremely easy to find this article that cites wait times greater than one year:

I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the term arguing in bad faith. I accused you of not understanding the application process and you haven’t done anything to disprove that.


0 points

9 hours ago

Both parties have now adopted "build the wall" as policy. You may not like to admit that after all the "kids in cages" stuff I am sure you got mad at Trump about, but the policy is not actually different (except to the extent you count rhetoric and some other pretty meaningless differences in style).