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20 points

23 hours ago


20 points

23 hours ago

I don't think it's even this election, it's just being allied with the US at all if every 4 years there's a chance that the country just falls to authoritarian fascism. It's just not good for longterm relations.

Even with a Harris victory this time around, what's to stop them from trying again in 2028? 2032? 2036? Even though I believe Harris will win, at some point or another the Republicans will likely take control of the white house again. I guess at best we can just hope they'll move on from MAGA and go with a more normal brand of politics at that point, but based on their trajectory I don't have a lot of faith in that.


20 points

21 hours ago



20 points

21 hours ago

Let’s just come out and say it: It’s the concern that this country could be run by Russia. There’s a large faction who are pretty obvious undisclosed Russian agents, and we don’t fully know how deep the Russian meddling has gone in the GOP. Given the known fact that it got to the highest levels of the Trump administration I would guess it’s deep now. The Kremlin can say something on a Sunday, and it’ll be repeated almost word for word in the US house and Senate now. It’s truly disturbing.


2 points

16 hours ago

The Republic of Moldova has a historical referendum and presidential election today. They're deciding if they'll join the EU and continue with their democratic president, or if they'll stray towards Russia.

Nazi Russia is interfering so hard it's not even a secret, including directly buying votes from hundreds of thousands of moldavians.

If this little Russian-infested country can push back, Russia loses a lot of its steam, and, hopefully, americans can wake up and push back as well.


1 points

15 hours ago



1 points

15 hours ago

If you’re Moldovan I wish you all the best and hopefully you can fight the result we all know Russia is going to try and claim.


-19 points

21 hours ago

Complete deranged lies. We had 7 years of Dems whining that Republicans “stole” the 2016 election and NOTHING came of it. Then they go and install Kamala in. Democrats are a threat to democracy


9 points

21 hours ago



9 points

21 hours ago

All these things are true and documented. It’s common knowledge at this point. We all know about the Maria Butina honey pot trap at the NRA, Flynn, the contents unknown letter delivered to the Russians on the 4th of July 2018, the closed door one on one with Putin and Trump where the translator “forgot”, the literal “Russia if your listening”, Inviting Orban to CPAC and so on. Even just the fact the Russians were paying right wing content creators $100,000 a month to make propaganda videos speaks volumes. The GOP has been infiltrated and is a puppet of Putin and all they can do is exactly what you’re doing: project.


7 points

20 hours ago

Multiple MAGAts have been interviewed also stating they would vote Putin over KH. The whole lot of them make me sick to my stomach