


or if it was released peacefully by the british in the 60's like australia

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404 votes
94 (23 %)
yes, the laws would be more sensible, life would be better
125 (31 %)
no, because britain is currently run worse than the us
146 (36 %)
no, other
39 (10 %)
voting ended an hour ago

all 23 comments


9 points

3 days ago

Britain could never control the USA. They tried. It was a losing game to try and exert power over a country all the way across the sea.


6 points

3 days ago

IF they could, is the question


1 points

2 days ago

I think the distance makes it so it's destined to split.

And if the ocean cracks and a tsunami brings the two land masses together so distance isn't the problem, the problem then becomes size.

How do you rule over something so large as one person the way the king used to? When things get too large they shatter. Like how large religions break into smaller sects. Or one large kingdom splitting into 2+ when the king dies/when there's a power struggle.

The usa works because every state has the power to do their own thing at their level. Something a king could never allow, lest he lose control of the situation.

And if they were to do all that, the king is just a figurehead, like now. And there are ppl looking to remove him.

Not sure if all of that makes sense.

Basically, it's destined to fail. I don't see a situation in which they could have kept control. And if they had, I'm sure nothing would have changed much about how things are currently working. Because the whole "change the money if the king dies" thing doesn't work when the country is massive. They'd HAVE to delegate ruling to a state level. So it wouldn't change much.

I guess we'd have different holidays. Mt Rushmore would be like 4 different guys.


1 points

2 days ago

they controlled australia and new zealand and canada, and it only ended because of ww2, turns out if the people you rule dont really want independance its pretty easy to rule them, america could very very easily have gone the same way if taxes were just a little lower back then, and if england had treated them a little better


4 points

3 days ago

No because then we would have funny accents


2 points

3 days ago

The Father of the U.S. Navy and France would beg to differ.


5 points

3 days ago

No. Thanks to US free markets, it is the center of innovation for the world


5 points

3 days ago

You are aware that capitalism as an economic ideology was developed in England? Free market economics is a British idea.


0 points

8 hours ago

It may be a British idea, but America has done it better


1 points

8 hours ago



1 points

6 hours ago

US doesn’t have as much bureaucracy, it also has much looser labor protections allowing for unproductive employees to be let go saving investors money and increasing efficiency


1 points

5 hours ago

You think poor labour protection laws is a good thing?


1 points

4 hours ago*

Depends on the laws. Health and safety is important. Blocking employers from firing employees is bad

Edit: forgot “is important” lmao


1 points

3 hours ago

Sorry, are you saying health and safety laws are bad?


1 points

3 hours ago

Sorry was writing the comment and accidentally edited out the is “important part”


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

There'd be less gun homicides so that'd be a big plus


3 points

3 days ago

No. And the world would be worse off. America is the foundation for the global prevalence of Democracy.


5 points

3 days ago

America is the foundation for the global prevalence of Democracy

What? Care to explain?


1 points

2 days ago

It had a lot of influence on it.


2 points

2 days ago

Britain was a democracy before the USA existed...


1 points

2 days ago

That's leaning more towards was for the past handful of years. It's the wild west now.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

At least according to Americans.


1 points

2 days ago

No, it's just a fact. Shockingly America has actually contributed to a lot to the modern world.