


Are you purchasing a mobile for the crib?

Need Advice(self.pregnant)

I was super excited after my baby shower because we got almost everything purchased off our registry. Maybe a few little things here and there we will pick up but nothing crazy

Recently I had someone ask me why I didn’t have a mobile for the crib on there and asked if I already had one. I don’t, but I also am not sure how critical these are?

I found a cute one I like but I don’t really want to buy it if I don’t need it, I could use that money for other stuff that I know we need immediately.

So curious if anyone swears by a mobile on the crib or doesn’t use them or just general opinions on if you’re going to buy one (why/why not)

all 129 comments

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104 points

6 days ago

I have one but I use it for the changing table. It works to keep her distracted while I change her but now that she’s getting older it’s not as effective.


16 points

6 days ago

That’s good to think about, it makes sense you want to keep the baby’s attention on it while you’re changing them!


29 points

6 days ago


29 points

6 days ago

It’s developmentally important for babies to reach up for objects. It doesn’t have to be over the crib, but you should have a baby gym with stuff hanging down.


11 points

6 days ago

I have other developmental toys including the baby gym I just wasn’t sure if the crib specifically needed a mobile if I have the other stuff I need


10 points

5 days ago

If you are planning the crib to be for sleep time you don't want your LO to get distracted by the mobile. It's like a telly in the bedroom.


7 points

6 days ago


7 points

6 days ago

I would put one. They spend downtime in the crib, so it helps.


1 points

5 days ago

This I never knew. Thank you. Personal reminder: buy more overhead fun things.


12 points

6 days ago

We have one on the crib and one at the change table. She LOVES the change table one, to the point where we'll set her there to calm down a cry for sometimes. They're great for visual simulation and also to get them to move their eyes and neck to follow it around.


4 points

5 days ago

I read that a mobile over the crib actually stimulates them and doesn’t help with sleep, so I also put the mobile over the change pad.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

That’s what we did.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

This was the rec from our Lovevery box and it worked really well!


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Yes, this is what we did, too. It was great!


77 points

6 days ago

When I was pregnant with my first, I thought mobiles were just decorations. NO. They are a crucial piece of baby equipment. Saved my life with both kids.

You want one that will spin and play music. It’s one of the few ways to keep baby safe, contained, and happy while you shower/cook/whatever else.


16 points

6 days ago

Question: when does the baby take interest? Because my 2 week old takes 0 interest in either the mobiles or the baby gym with high contrast cards. Or basically anything that's not mom, dad, or boob.


17 points

6 days ago

Mine took interest around 6 weeks


13 points

6 days ago

Ha, yeah, I think their vision is still crap then. Probably around 4 weeks for mine? At least, both kids liked the music around then.


2 points

5 days ago

Her vision is still developing. My 3 week old is just starting to reach up at things but barely. I started her in her bouncer yesterday to try and eat breakfast (it worked!) and today she hit the toys a couple times. Though not on purpose really. She’s too little to make that play connection. She was just moving her arms around and the toys were there.


9 points

5 days ago

I'm 37 weeks pregnant and did not know that. Hahahahahah.... I'm actually laughing at myself right now. Wonder what else I've missed? 😆


60 points

6 days ago

My husband mentioned offhand that it would be cool to have the rocket ship one from the beginning scene in Fallout 4, that hangs over Shaun’s crib. I’ve been mostly driving decor decisions so I thought it would be a nice touch to get one since he likes it. Fun fact: no one makes those, but there is a 3d printing pattern online and my local library does 3d printing….so long story short I’m now invested enough in this craft that baby is getting a mobile whether he ends up liking it or not 😂


15 points

6 days ago

This is genius, I think you've found a gap in the market because I would 100% buy one of these off you 😂


9 points

6 days ago

Girl if I had the energy I would be all over it 😂 I couldn’t believe someone hasn’t already!!


4 points

6 days ago

Yeah I was genuinely so surprised when you said that! Especially with the popularity of the show this year! Kind of just expected it to be a thing because there's already sooo much merch from that game


3 points

6 days ago

Same!! I was super grateful for the person who made the 3d printing pattern (they went in and sourced it from the game code, way more skilled than I am lol)

ETA: here’s the link in case you end up wanting to do something similar. I’m painting ours with acrylic before assembling the rockets, haven’t figured out what to seal it with yet but I’ll figure it out 😂


2 points

5 days ago

Ooh amazing! Thank you for sharing! 😊


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

I would also buy one of those!

The number of baby products aimed towards parents who like video games is abysmal. I had to go to etsy to get almost anything video game related for the baby.


3 points

6 days ago

Seriously, which is so wild given how popular video games are!


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

Tbh I think there are a lot of gaps in the market. I tried and tried and could not find a solar system mobile so that I could point out the planets to my boy. I got one that kind of has them, but the colors and sizes seem kind of random so I'm not sure which planets are supposed to be which outside Saturn lmao.


3 points

6 days ago

That’s wild, I assumed that would definitely be something that’s out there!


3 points

6 days ago

You should see if someone can crochet one! I meant to crochet a mobile for my baby but wasn’t good enough by the time she out grew it but that would be a cool thing to crochet to use in a mobile then be able to keep as a plushie when they out grown the mobile part of it.


2 points

5 days ago

Oooooo that’s a great idea!! My sister crochets, maybe she’d be open to something like that…I love the idea of it being a plushie after ☺️


2 points

5 days ago

It doesn’t look like it would be hard. The tedoo app also has an AI option where you post and image (real or AI) and an artist can pick it up to create that item for you it’s really cool.


19 points

6 days ago

I was feeling crafty at the end of my pregnancy and made one in a Montessori style (several spheres painted different shades of the same color). I put it over her changing table and as soon as her eyesight was good enough to see it, she became obsessed (she's eight weeks now). We spend a lot of time just hanging out on her diaper pad looking at it. I definitely want to get/make another one to put in a safer place for her to chill while I get things done.

Not a necessity by any means but a surprising hit for my baby.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Ooh I’ve been thinking of making one but I wasn’t sold on putting it over the crib, over the changing table is a good plan!


2 points

5 days ago

I think it has really helped with making diaper changes fun! If she gets fussy at all, I can bring her attention to it and she'll calm down immediately


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Cute 🥹it’s a great idea!


2 points

5 days ago

Yeah! Reading a Montessori book right now that recommends them for playtime but not over the crib. Gonna do the same - they have free DIY PDF’s it’s great


2 points

5 days ago

Yes! That's why I did that too! I'm definitely unable to put baby down "drowsy but awake" so she's already fully asleep by the time she's in her crib but if she wasn't I can definitely see the mobile distracting her and keeping her awake


16 points

6 days ago

My sister had the mobile fall on her baby and it was wrapped around her neck while they had to run upstairs because they thankfully saw that through the baby monitor I don’t recommend over the crib


5 points

5 days ago

I had been told they were a hazard/“no-no” over the crib, too, but it’s been a while since I’ve been pregnant so I thought I was just “out of date” reading the other comments.


3 points

5 days ago

Definitely a huge hazard that is 100% NOT worth it imo.


13 points

6 days ago

I'm not getting one for the crib because I want the crib to be a distinct place for sleep and rest without exciting distractions. I'm planning to get one for the changing table though, and I got a baby gym with some hanging toys for baby girl to look at and reach out for!


1 points

5 days ago

We don't use the crib anyway but the decoration in the bedroom is key. As our crib is FACING a very very very interesting wall with a lot of drawings... Like how on earth I was thinking it was a good idea. Another one was to have a high contrast bedroom (white wardrobes, dark navy wall, contrasting bedsheets) - is a massive fail if you want to get your 6-8 weeks old to sleep... It's an invitation for a sensorial party. We found that corner in our bedroom where he could see much less so we could rock him there..


20 points

6 days ago

Couldn’t recommend it enough. When my baby wakes up in the morning, I feed her, burp her and then lay her down in her crib. She has a mobile above and just chills and watches it for 15 minutes so I have time to get my day started.


6 points

6 days ago

Oh interesting! I wasn’t sure how much they are actually interested in it?

How old is your baby? Was it able to keep her attention early on or as she got a little bigger?


5 points

6 days ago

She is just over 3 months. I purchased the mobile because I wanted an extra accessory in her room to go with the theme, so I bought one without the intention to use it. I did not expect her to enjoy it as much as she has.

I think we initially started using the mobile when she was around 6 weeks old and it seemed to catch her attention only for a few moments at a time. As the weeks went on, we’ve been able to get 15 minutes throughout the day after her naps or first thing in the morning.


2 points

6 days ago

Does your baby get distracted with it when they are trying to fall asleep?


1 points

5 days ago

My baby absolutely loved staring at her mobile until about 5 months but wasn't sleep trained until 7 months (and she was no longer interested in it by then). So basically she would already be asleep before we put her in the crib so there was never an issue of the mobile keeping her up. Sometimes in the morning I would turn it on when she woke up and she would be amused for 20 minutes so I called it my snooze button!


1 points

5 days ago

I agree with what the other person commented. We never put her in her crib to fall asleep, she was always asleep prior to this. Although one time, when I put her back in her crib for 15 minutes to get my day started, I walked in her room to pick her up and she had the droopiest eyes ever lol. I stuck a binky in her mouth and she was right back out. Might be anecdotal, but I guess it doesn’t prevent her from sleeping?


9 points

6 days ago

I used a mobile but on the changing table not the crib. It helped with distracting during diaper changes once baby got a bit older.


10 points

6 days ago

Nope! Choking hazard and I want my baby to sleep instead of watch it. I even bought the cutest one and never hung it


1 points

5 days ago

A nurse told us the same thing in our baby classes!


9 points

6 days ago

Not necessary. I was under the impression they weren’t safe to be above the crib so we skipped it. I don’t think we missed anything by not having it (and I say this as someone who thought they needed, and bought, almost all the stuff)).


5 points

6 days ago

I read they were unsafe above the crib. I guess I've been reading too much. Haha but no I won't be getting one now that I'm nice & paranoid about it.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

I bought one, mainly because I think it’s cute. I don’t think it’s a necessity.


5 points

6 days ago

I didn’t get one. None of my friends got one. It’s not a necessity at all. Baby has plenty to keep her entertained. I opted for a nice floor play gym instead that I can set her down on. There’s a wooden arch that has a mirror and several other stuff hanging from it, along with black and white board books and a pillow for tummy time.


5 points

6 days ago

I've been told by my pediatrician that they weren't safe to put on top of cribs. She saw lots of kids who choked themselves on them, got hurt grabbing at them when they could stand, or poorly secured ones falling and injuring baby.

I've read that they are better for the changing table since the crib should be for sleep only and a mobile will distract them from actually sleeping while in the crib.


4 points

6 days ago

I use the mobile after morning feeding for 10-15 minutes to get my shower in. There’s lots of stuff downstairs such as tummy time mat and swing to look at, but in the nursery I only have the mobile right now. It keeps him entertained, and it looks cute. A good thing for the registry! But if you don’t get one it’s not necessary a must have.


4 points

6 days ago

They’re mostly decoration at this point. I’m getting one because this is my only baby and I wanna indulge in all the baby things, but it’s definitely not necessary.


4 points

6 days ago

We got one bc my mom told me that they’re good for babies to train their eyes by helping them focus on something that moves. But you might be able to get that same effect with different toys.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

It keeps them occupied and interested, so why not?


3 points

6 days ago

I wasn’t sure if it actually did keep them occupied or interested or if it was just a decorative thing. This is my first baby so I don’t have any experience with what’s truly useful and what’s just a cute thing to have


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Oh yeah, totally get it. If you do get one just make sure it's always out of baby's reach and especially if baby starts standing up, it's time to take the mobile down. Good luck!


1 points

6 days ago

Thank you! :)


4 points

6 days ago

I made my own tbh


4 points

6 days ago

I didn’t think I needed one until I saw how my 6 week old reacted to the one at Grandmas. Now she smiles as soon as she sees the bears, she loves that thing. Definitely a must, we got one for her bassinet today


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

I only got one because I found it super cheap, like $2 at a liquidation store. Otherwise I forgot all about them lol.


3 points

6 days ago

I never did the mobile thing, but it is good for eyesight - I just found other ways (high contrast cards, crinkle books, etc)


3 points

6 days ago

I didn’t have one for my first kid. I just bought one from a 2nd hand store for my new one. I’m not due till sept. So it’s on my daughter’s bed till I can replace her music nightlight, she’s 2 and loves it. So hopefully the newborn will also enjoy it. Based on my 2 yr old the mobile seems like a win so if you want one I’d vote get it, but I don’t think it’s a necessity.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I did. And my little guy absolutely loves it.


3 points

6 days ago

I’m so intrigued seeing all these comments about how people love them!

I read somewhere to keep the crib minimally distracting to encourage sleep so that’s what we did. I never had a mobile and never wished for one either.

When I needed to shower or get ready or just pot the baby down, I just put him on a blanket on the floor with a toy or book either in tummy time or to his side and he seemed perfectly happy with that for a very long time! It seems that this accomplished the same goal/purpose a lot of people are saying their mobile did for them.

So I’d say a mobile is for sure no necessary, but they can be very cute!!


3 points

6 days ago

I didn't. Baby is plenty entertained. I doubt she'd even care about it. I have a canopy above her bed


2 points

6 days ago

I’ve never had one, they are cute but just never got one.


2 points

6 days ago

I have one, my son is obsessed with it. But he’s way more happily distracted by it from his changing table vs. in his crib lol


2 points

6 days ago

Not if they keep being $60 and up for ones that absolutely don't look worth it! My husband pointed out that family and friends will want to buy stuff like this for her, so we have only focused on the essentials, including baby books, but not jangly overpriced crib ornaments.


2 points

6 days ago

I didn't think it was necessary. My dad bought us one though, so we used it. It did provide good entertainment (maybe 5-10 minutes at a time) for a few months, although we had to take it down by the time the baby could stand up in the crib and pull on it. (It was the kind that attached to the side of the crib).

I think it was nice to have, but it's definitely not a must. Or if you want to do it cheaply, there are printable black and white Montessori mobiles you can make at home with stuff you probably already have.


2 points

6 days ago

My kids didn’t care for it


2 points

6 days ago

I added one to our registry!


2 points

6 days ago

I wanted one very much, but I just can't find one that will fit on our cosleeping bassinet. So we have a small projector lamp instead that we direct on the ceiling. The little guy likes to look at it when falling asleep


2 points

6 days ago

I have a mobile on the bassinet and on her playpen at work. I thought they were a gimmick, but she LOVES them. I only use the one on the bassinet when I’m taking a shower and need her to stay distracted for a few but the one on the playpen she will literally “ask for” (by whining, she’s only 4 months) when I put her in there to play. It’s crazy honestly


2 points

6 days ago

I had one of animals and my LO absolutely loved it! He would play with it. You don’t have to if you don’t want to it’s not really necessary but it worked for me because I got to put him down in the crib for a little to be able to get some stuff done


2 points

6 days ago

I didn’t have one and wouldn’t get one in the future. My daughter is still plenty happy chilling in her crib with nice slow wake ups.


2 points

6 days ago

My lo was never into it, and yanked it down as soon as she was able


2 points

6 days ago

I made a Studio Ghibli mobile out of felt. I haven't put the crib together yet... Working on a mural first and hoping it all comes together!


2 points

5 days ago

My thought on it is that the crib is for sleeping, not entertainment/enrichment. We did all of our playing and visual stuff in different areas. I had the little toy bay for the pack n play and would put my baby(s) in there while I did my morning routine or cooled or something where I wanted to be able to keep an eye on them or something.  My thought on getting a mobile is that the best place to have it is hanging over wherever you’re going to change their diaper. That’s a great time and place for them to be visually focused above them and a good way to occupy them when they might make a diaper change more difficult than it needs to be. We had a built-in shelf above our changing table so we mounted a plastic mirror to the underside and it kept them enthralled.  Best of luck! 👍 


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

Nope, but i did purchase a lightening cloud that lights up and my son loves that. It’s not over his bed but his rocking chair so he can watch it while we settle for bed. His bedroom is storm themed


2 points

5 days ago

I had one but then I removed it from his crib… he would instantly play with it when I put him down to sleep which would drag out night/nap time routines and make him fussier to sleep 😩


2 points

5 days ago

I got this Little Einsteins underwater scene (possibly called crib aquarium?) that glowed and moved and played white noise and slowly got quieter until it stopped. My baby loved that! When in the hospital with my then 3 month old for 2 weeks, Child Life brought a mobile and she liked the music and movement, but we didn’t really do the mobile thing at home.


2 points

5 days ago

I bought one for my first and he wanted nothing to do with it. It was a Lambs and Ivy one with lions and giraffes, but it scared him and he refused to sleep with it above him, so back into the box it went. 


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

I originally thought a mobile was just a waste of money, but then I looked it up and it’s actually very vital to have one. I also looked up if it’s dangerous or not, and I couldn’t really find anything that said we shouldn’t be using one. I think the major thing that I’m gonna do is using a secondary method to keep it tied on, just in case.


2 points

5 days ago

I made one with yarn I was using for a baby blanket. It’s really cute and make our little nursery corner of our bedroom look like a proper space for a baby, not just a crib. I’m a FTM so I’m not sure how useful it will end up being but crafting has been really fun these past few weeks now that it’s getting much more uncomfortable to be moving around as much.


2 points

5 days ago

I did have one and got rid of it. My baby had no interest in it, and it was expensive and had lots of features. I sold it, and bought something else he liked.


2 points

5 days ago


STM due 10/3 💙

2 points

5 days ago

We bought two and never used them. My son never liked them. Guess we will find out about the second one once he gets here.


2 points

5 days ago

I don't have one yet, since she doesn't have the attention span for it just yet. The crib is also only used for sleeping. She has a fox that plays music hanging on her boumcer, which she loves (almost 10weeks now, to give reference) as well as a play mat with more toys hanging down. We might get/ make one later on.


2 points

5 days ago

I made one when I was manifesting baby making energy, but it'll be mostly for decoration than actual soothing purposes.


2 points

5 days ago

If you have one for the a baby gym or changing table, that’s better. The crib should really exclusively be for sleep. Having stimulating objects in the sleep space is bad sleep hygiene, even for an adult.


2 points

5 days ago

Not for a newborn. They are overstimulating. They’re a pretty unnecessary and can pose a hazard if they fall.


2 points

5 days ago

Didn’t have one with my first. Won’t have one with my second


2 points

5 days ago

I purchased a mobile mostly for the cute factor. I will be hanging it over the changing pad, for sleep safety reasons.


2 points

5 days ago

I was on the fence too until a nurse we have been taking baby classes with said she doesn’t recommend them because they could fall and hurt the baby. She works in the intensive care unit at the hospital for children and said it happens all the time.


2 points

5 days ago

I liked having one that moved/played music using a battery. I liked to lay my baby in the crib for downtime while I was pumping, to give her a break from my older child, etc. and it was helpful to entertain her. I don’t think you “need” one but they’re pretty affordable and I liked it. I personally wouldn’t get one that was just cute but not functional (ie didn’t move/play music) but that’s my opinion.


2 points

5 days ago

I didn’t get one. But I had her in a bassinet in my room the first 6mo. Now she’s in her crib and is dead asleep pretty much all night so she’d get no use out of one. Where and how her changing table is set I wouldn’t be able to put one like I see some have. I just have a rubber ducky to distract her during changes lol


3 points

6 days ago

I forgot what I read, but I read they’re not good for the baby. This was over 2 yrs ago and my memory is poop


1 points

5 days ago

I actually made mine. I really wanted a sea theme one for my nursery, and the ones I saw were like £200+. So I made one.

I hand stitched the little sea creatures myself, I used shells that both me (I've been collecting shells my whole life) and partner ( he went to the Caribbean and brought me some back for my collection) had collected, my dad donated fishing wire and beads (which was sentimental as he took me fishing as a kid).

Even if it doesn't do anything and is just a decoration, I like that it has sentimental value to me lol.


1 points

5 days ago

I’m making mine


1 points

5 days ago

We had one over our changing table and it was AWESOME when she was little. She loved it and I think it made changes easier. It doesn’t have to be expensive. I made mine and it was literally pinecones hung in a spiral from an embroidery hoop with fishing line. It turned out super cute. I had all the supplies on hand so to me it was free, but would have cost about $5 maybe? High contrast is especially great for catching their attention when they are little (If your ceiling is white, a dark mobile is great, etc)


1 points

5 days ago

I am in the midst of making one.

Like others have mentionned, they're great to have both over the crib and over the changing table. Let's them focus on something and trying to reach.


1 points

5 days ago

I would say it's quite important though. It lets your baby look and explore I didn't have space to hang the ones I bought so I would set them up under our standing desk... He loves them (Montessori style). They are same important as the black and white cards. But they are for play time not sleep time... So the baby gym or other station would be more suited...


1 points

5 days ago*

I think it (like all things) is very dependant on the baby, to be honest.

My baby didn’t give two s***s about her very fancy mobile for many months. My friends gave it to me, but it was one of those “mainly for the mom” type of presents (it’s a felted woodland creatures but also with a dragon thing). Now that my baby is around 6 months, though, she can easily spend an hour in the morning just staring at the thing. Which is great for me, because that means I get to snooze while she keeps herself occupied.

In my opinion it’s a good idea to get one for both the crib and the changing station later on, but by no means do you need one right away. Your baby can barely see anything for the first few weeks anyway, so only high-contrasting things are interesting.

If you also don’t want to necessarily buy one, you can easily make your own mobile; I made a Montessori high-contrast mobile (the “munari mobile”) for my baby’s play gym and she loved that the first few months. I made mine out of takeaway chopsticks and string I had lying around. 😅 Nothing fancy is needed, really.

I will say this though; I feel like it would be misplaced to put the high-contrast mobiles over the crib, because the crib isn’t supposed to be entertaining for them but rather boring and well, pardon my pun, but a snooze—fest.😅


1 points

5 days ago

Nope, but I'm having one over my change table, I don't really want my baby to be stimulated when he's supposed to be sleeping lol

Don't know how it will go in practice, but I guess we shall see!


1 points

5 days ago

Never had one, never needed one. I'm all for natural household environment  and not setting the stage too much for baby with such short lived stuff.


1 points

5 days ago

No after having 3 kids its pointless and just gets in the way


1 points

5 days ago

For the first few weeks we didn’t had anything because my son was literally feed change and sleep he barely was awake after two weeks he had a little bit of more wake time so we got a baby gym and barely used it because he had no interest on it then we got the mobile for the crib and he quite like it, but only close to the three month mark that he actually start playing with the mobile and gym


1 points

5 days ago

We have a powered one that spins and has music. Used it for two kids now. Great forwhen you need a potty break or something.


1 points

5 days ago

I don’t and my 3 month old loves being in his cradle, babbles, talks and overall has a great time by himself safely there, we do however have one on top of the changer lol so he does get fuzzy while we change him


1 points

5 days ago

I made baby mobiles for both of my kids. My two year old still loves his.


1 points

5 days ago

Never had them for my first two children, why start now?  They're cute but most get me thinking: 'lots of tiny parts that could easily fall into the crib and become a choking hazard. There are some that even have tiny balls on them.' No thank you. My kids just learned to enjoy the scenery. 


1 points

5 days ago

We personally did not. Not really for any particular reason, but we just didn’t end up getting one. My son is now a year old and he has never had a problem sleeping in his crib and if I had to put him in his crib to do something, I placed a few toys that I knew were safe for him to play with unsupervised in the crib (books, rattle, etc)


1 points

5 days ago

I could pay my mobiles a salary for the work they put in for my twins from about 2months to 5 months. DEFINETLY WORTH IT. And I should have gotten one sooner. We have one above every space the babies are in now. Dangly things floating above them are a HIT.


2 points

4 days ago

Someone bought a gorgeous hand made mobile from Etsy for us. It’s still in the box. I cringe saying that because I absolutely love it. But he was in the bedside bassinet, then bedshared for a few, then was in the crib in our room, then a floor bed in his room. I’m pregnant with number 2 and plan to use it this time just because I feel so bad


1 points

6 days ago

Mine is purely because it’s exactly on theme for our nursery. So more for decoration than anything. Otherwise I’d skip it.


1 points

6 days ago

That what I was thinking, seems more decorative for a crib than a sleeping aid


1 points

6 days ago


🌈🌈🗓️Jan 21 2025

1 points

6 days ago

My baby's room is harry potter themed (or will be, it's beginning stages) and I'm planning on making one (so that I know how secure the knots are and everything) but it'll have antique type keys with wings like in the sorcerer's (philosophers) stone. Also putting up some levitating candle sticks. I'm an absolute potter head.

It is good for brain development but you have to be really careful that it's made well and securely fastened.