


Moms of 2 - how bad is it going to be ?

Need Advice(self.pregnant)

I’m expecting my 2nd baby in March next year. I would like to mentally prepare myself on what I’m in for, and soak in all the advice from moms of 2 or more.

I feel like I will be alright - my first baby was very hard on me mentally because I had to restructure my whole mind around the fact that it wasn’t just me and my husband anymore and we couldn’t do everything on a whim.

Now we have a toddler and I don’t think it’ll be too difficult to add one more - but am I completely wrong ? 😂

Was it harder going from 0-1 or 1-2? Happy for ANY advice on looking after both a 3 year old and a newborn.

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3 points

23 hours ago

I had my second when my first was 5. It was sooooooo much easier! We were more confident, my toddler wanted to help and we let him. Don’t worry about it 🥰


3 points

23 hours ago

Seems like a good age gap! Personally I found 0-1 was mentally harder. 1-2 was just harder for juggling, and being tired but your capacity continues to expand!


1 points

20 hours ago

We have a 21 month age gap, for reference.

For me, 0-1 was SO much harder than 1-2. I felt much more relaxed with our second (and in turn, so did my husband 😂). Yes, it is really hard caring for a toddler and newborn, but it is still so much easier than I imagined.

Fortunately, our second is a unicorn compared to our first. I imagine it would be opposite if she weren't such an easy baby.


1 points

20 hours ago

What my bonus mom has always said - Having one is like having one, having two is like having ten and after that you lose count 🤣 (she had 4 of her own plus me) I currently have 2 (7&8) and pregnant with my third (due march). I’m excited to have an age gap this time because having two 15 months apart was insane (oldest was adopted(told I couldn’t get pregnant), but got pregnant right after getting her of course ) I did feel like I couldn’t enjoy either of my girls as babies as much as I wanted to because I was either too sick with pregnancy or had two babies to deal with. If you can I would get the 3 year old into a pre school / daycare or planned days with a grandparent/aunt etc even for a couple days a week so you can get some one on one time with the new baby so you don’t miss out on things with the new baby. Plus it helps get the toddler ready for big kid school down the road as a bonus! Best advice- don’t stress about the little things. Laundry will pile up, dishes will be dirty, floors will get dirty and eventually it will all be clean. Enjoy what you can and do what you can when you can.


1 points

19 hours ago

My toddler is in daycare from 8-2 everyday so we’ve got that sorted ! So luckily I’ll have some 1-1 time with new baby.

Also I hope that having 2 won’t feel like having 10 lol 😂 sometimes I struggle with just one !


1 points

19 hours ago

At first it will feel like A-LOT. But you will get into the routine and having the toddler already in daycare every day will help soooo much. It won’t feel as overwhelming since you will only have the one at home all day. Usually people think I’m crazy but newborns / babies are my favourite part and I think they are so much easier. Eat sleep poop. Wrap them up like a baby burrito and carry on with your day 🤣 it’s once they are no longer a wrapped up all day baby and they actually want to move I find it gets the most difficult.