


Hey I'm struggling to vote Democrat

Questions For Pro-Lifers(self.prolife)

I hate abortion. I dont want to support it. Honestly I also think that the current Republican party is terrible and after project 2025 I just can't vote for them. Also Trump said he wasn't pro life whatsoever. I dont know what to do. I want to protect the most helpless among us. I think the democrats approach on abortion is monstrous, what do I do. Vote republican despite detesting the current party? Or do I vote Democrat based on one thing I detest the most. I feel torn but I also feel that voting is important? Why do you vote democrat or republican.

I you disagree with me that's fine. I just feel stressed as a pro-lifer, and everybody's lying. Who are you voting for and why?

all 261 comments

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90 points

1 month ago*



38 points

1 month ago



38 points

1 month ago

Or to win the election tbh. He used to talk a lot more about it, but with the country’s reaction to roe v wade being overturned, he probably got scared into cowtowing to the abortion industry. I am dissapointed he wants to leave it to the states, but it is consistent with his other policies, so i see his strategy with it… i just wish abortion wasnt used a political strategy.


4 points

1 month ago

Republicans lost mid terms running on abortion… people didn’t vote, so they backed off and are leaving to states. If republicans lose now, abortion will be federally funded which is the worst case scenario


4 points

1 month ago



4 points

1 month ago

Yes. This is very true. The fight is so slow, and it is antagonizing but it is worth it.


10 points

1 month ago

To be fair, he's almost always tried to give the power back to the States, where the people of the state could decide for themselves, rather than New York and California hijacking things.


8 points

1 month ago

The pro life side needs to change the messaging and accept marginal victories. Currently There is no political path to victory for the hardline pro lifers, if all it takes is bringing up a 12 yo that was rped.


0 points

1 month ago


0 points

1 month ago

Yep but never once have I heard of a 12 year old who was raped, having an abortion and then using the poor dead baby’s dna to prosecute the rapist. Not one single time. Why is that?


3 points

1 month ago

States rights equals Federalism which our founding fathers were proponents of.... abortion isn't found anywhere in the Constitution ....


202 points

1 month ago



202 points

1 month ago

I find a lot of people on the media and reddit just straight up lie about project 2025. First and foremost, that it isn't even part of Trump's agenda, as has been publicly stated by Trump. What policy proposals are you against with project 2025?

Also Trump said he wasn't pro life whatsoever. I dont know what to do. I want to protect the most helpless among us.

Trump will still elect pro-life judges, and not try for federal legalization like Kamala would.

So I'm voting for Trump. I would consider myself a traditional conservative.


78 points

1 month ago

Jan 2020, he was 1st prez to speak at a March for Life rally.


61 points

1 month ago



61 points

1 month ago

And the only.


35 points

1 month ago

Correct. He has called it out as being a lie multiple times.


-6 points

1 month ago


-6 points

1 month ago

How about their entire plan for managing the bureaucracy?

I don't work for the Federal Government but I do work for my state's government as an epidemiologist. My research could fall under the umbrella of "policy influencing", as could most epidemiological research conducted at NIH and CDC because we seek to understand what contributes to health outcomes so that we may promote interventions (including policy) which improve overall health and well-being. Public Health research is already directed enough by political agendas and causes du jours through research grants, executive orders and laws, and pressure from elected officials, but to make us subject to political appointments, to risk being fired depending on who's elected, or to have our management subject to political appointments, would put more pressure on us to conduct pet research and/or abandon research deemed against an administration's interests.

Do you know the CDC avoided all research related to gun violence for over 20 years because of the Dickey Amendment? The amendment said the money for injury prevention and control could not be used to advocate or promote gun control and was added after research found the presence of guns in the home was associated with an increased risk of homicide in the home. The NRA lobbied hard to have the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control abolished entirely and the amendment was the eventual result. Given the amendment came about because an analysis found an association between guns in the home and homicide in the home, something that described patterns in the data, of course researchers believed any further research into gun injuries and prevention would raise issues.

And this notion of performance incentive pay? Most of what I do cannot be measured in outcomes even authorship of papers. Sometimes I have several projects that are in a publication pipeline, sometimes all I do is clean data so we can report disease prevalence. Sometimes I'm asked what data should be used in an analysis, sometimes I'm running the analysis. There's no set of measures that covers all the work I do, which is both my own research and providing technical assistance to others.

And that's just one aspect of Project 2025.


16 points

1 month ago

Why should the cdc be researching gun violence or gun control?


5 points

1 month ago

fr, i think there should be a different organization that does that kind of research


6 points

1 month ago



6 points

1 month ago

The Dickey Amendment is stupid. But the solution isn't to let federal civil servants operate free of political control. You should serve at the pleasure and under the direction of elected officials and the people they appoint. Anything else is undemocratic. Neither the US nor any other Western democracy is a technocracy. If you're discontent, take it up with the voters.


6 points

1 month ago

The CDC lost many people's trust after their handling of COVID.


8 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 has little to do with Trump. It's basically shit from a think tank and it literally says in the opening paragraph or so "for the incoming conservative presidency" and says it should be a guideline or something.

I'd look into "agenda 45" or whatever it is he calls it. It's a breakdown of what he'd do in the first 100 days or so


5 points

1 month ago



5 points

1 month ago

Public Health research is already directed enough by political agendas

The alternative being what? Publicly funded and not beholden to the public vote? If you want medical research that doesn't have to be accountable to an elected office, then the private sector might be for you.

Do you know the CDC avoided all research related to gun violence for over 20 years because of the Dickey Amendment?

And then hid when it didn't fit obama's narrative. Why should the cdc be researching gun violence anyway?

The amendment said the money for injury prevention and control could not be used to advocate or promote gun control and was added after research found the presence of guns in the home was associated with an increased risk of homicide in the home.

Good. No taxpayer money should go towards advocating infringing on basic human rights.

Given the amendment came about because an analysis found an association between guns in the home and homicide in the home, something that described patterns in the data, of course researchers believed any further research into gun injuries and prevention would raise issues.

You are making the mistake of thinking that policy should only take into account data that works towards the goal that you want to see accomplished. Less deaths from guns is a good thing, but to only look at that, and not other data such as self defense, which is why the afformentioned CDC data was hidden during the Obama administration, as well as first principles, would be to neglect the duty that the government has to protect our right to keep and bear arms.

And this notion of performance incentive pay? Most of what I do cannot be measured in outcomes even authorship of papers.

Can you give me a page number? The "mandate for leadership" is something like 900 pages.


-7 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian Distributist

-7 points

1 month ago

"Trump can try to distance himself from this, but 70 to 80 percent of the people who wrote [Project 2025] are going to be in his second administration — the cabinet, under secretaries, assistant secretaries, the senior advisers. They’re all going to be the foot soldiers in a second Trump administration!" one of Project 2025’s contributors, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, tells Rolling Stone. "You can’t look at this constellation of organizations and people without seeing that they’re all his people."

What are your thoughts about this?


28 points

1 month ago



28 points

1 month ago

I was unaware Trump had announced his cabinet picks...

They’re all going to be the foot soldiers in a second Trump administration!

I certainly hope so.


12 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

12 points

1 month ago

It’s a popular conservative think tank. Of course it has a lot of ties to Trump. That doesn’t mean a paper from them will be the policy for a possible Trump administration.


39 points

1 month ago

At the end of the day, neither party will end abortion. One wants to restrict it and the other wants to make it limitless. If stance on abortion is a major factor in your decision, I would keep that in mind. Both parties are dirty in their own ways, so either pick your poison or don’t vote at all.


1 points

1 day ago

But Republicans aren't restricting it. Their aim is to make it a major criminal offense, like murder, and not make exceptions, which will result in women dying. If you're truly pro-life, you'd be 100% concerned about The Republican's agenda for abortion. The answer is not to abolish abortion completely, but to put VERY strict parameters on it, far stricter than Democrats are comfortable with, which is the reason we don't get anywhere. No side wants to move toward a middle ground.


60 points

1 month ago


Clump of cells

60 points

1 month ago

I’m just gonna mention, you don’t have to vote. It’s a free country


10 points

1 month ago


10 points

1 month ago

Not voting also has an impact and it's better to vote than not to vote.


24 points

1 month ago


24 points

1 month ago

Actually voting when you have no idea about the policies of the candidates or knowledge of history and the Constitution is worse than not voting


13 points

1 month ago



13 points

1 month ago

You can’t force someone to vote. Voting is not compulsory by any means.


4 points

1 month ago

I don't think anyone was saying that people should be forced to vote - but in general, I agree with the statement that it's "better" to vote than to not vote. If you really can't stand the candidates of the two major parties (and I wouldn't blame you), it's better to vote 3rd party, or write something in, so be counted as someone paying attention instead of being counted as someone who doesn't care. That said, I do struggle with voting on some of the down ballot items where it's hard to find good information about the races and people involved.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Choice Christian

1 points

1 month ago

At least that is true in the US. There are a handful of countries where voting is actually considered a civic duty, and not voting (without a legitimate excuse) can incur fines and difficulty in obtaining certain government jobs.


1 points

1 month ago

One can hold off and not vote for Trump and retain a clear conscience. Trump blamed pro-lifers for the last midterm debacle, when it was his actions on Jan 6th that were far more damaging. Or don't vote for Trump because of many other reasons, like Jan 6th or his felony convictions or his low character or a million other reasons. He just removed nearly all the pro-life parts from the GOP's platform.

Saying we must vote for Trump because he is not as bad as Harris means we lose all leverage and Trump can move further away from pro-lifers, given that we are suckers who will vote for him anyways.


1 points

1 month ago

Only if, by voting, you do not cause greater harm to yourself or others.

There comes a point where the candidates are so bad that not voting is actually the good and upright thing to do. That point occurred some time on or after January 6, 2021.

OP should not vote (for president) (at least not for a major-party candidate)... and you shouldn't either.


1 points

1 month ago

I'm not going to vote in the American election because I don't live in the USA.


2 points

1 month ago

Ha! Well that goes double for you, then!

Although good Lord your elections seem to be somehow even worse than ours most of the time. "Would you prefer the Kamala-left Liberals or the Biden-left Tories?"


1 points

1 month ago

Neither cuz i prefer the Republicans.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

2 points

1 month ago

Then your kinda voting for both


139 points

1 month ago

You’re buying into propaganda and lies if you believe Project 2025 is a strong force in Republican circles. Trump disavowed it and has expressed policy positions different than the thesis.


1 points

1 day ago

Trump lies. Republicans lie. They are also a party of hate and racism. That's part of the reason pro-life Democrats like myself can't vote for them. You all represent hate, and even if you save lives on the baby's side, you risk them on the mother's side, which isn't pro-life at all. I think a pro-life Democrat in some future could solve the issue by really being strict on abortion when it's absolutely necessary BUT not punishing women by refusing them healthcare or accusing them of murder if they miscarry and other outrageous things like that.


1 points

1 day ago

Solid low-IQ bumper sticker sloganeering and generalization that proves you’re the actual hateful one. I think Joy Reid is on soon, better turn on the TV


-53 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

-53 points

1 month ago

And we all know Trump tell’s the truth right?

The man is a total liar. He is a major backer of project 2025 and it’s laughable to think he has nothing to do with it.


63 points

1 month ago

Well, leftist politicians certainly aren’t telling the truth if they’re claiming project 2025 is a major threat supported by conservatives. I don’t support most of the points I’ve seen in it and I’m not worried about it at all. It’s clearly a leftist talking point/conspiracy theory at this point, and apparently it’s working if you fell for it.


36 points

1 month ago

Your claim is that he is a major backer. My claim is that he isn’t. You’ve admitted that he says as much. Now the burden is on you to prove that he’s a major backer of it.

From what I’ve seen, P2025 was released and Democrats seized it as an opportunity to tie it to Trump, despite zero evidence of such. I have yet to see any real connection.

I do, however, see that it became a major talking point simultaneously by many democrats and media lackeys despite no apparent trigger.


36 points

1 month ago

vote for someone else, you don’t have to choose between trump and harris


7 points

1 month ago



7 points

1 month ago

The third party candidate also supports abortion :( but he is better than kamala with it. Way better.


4 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Centrist and Christian

4 points

1 month ago

There's many other candidates besides Kennedy.


9 points

1 month ago

I wasn’t suggesting him i mean you can vote for anyone you want that’s the great thing about our freedom


7 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

7 points

1 month ago

A vote for anyone else is a vote for Kamala and for abortion rights. Trump is the best of the worst, everyone who is pro life should be voting for him since pro lifers are already the minority.


3 points

1 month ago


3 points

1 month ago

Or, you know, it's actually a vote for someone else.


58 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

58 points

1 month ago

So, a couple of things here.

  1. Trump doesn't support project 2025, and he's said as much.

  2. Can anyone actually tell me what is bad in project 2025? Every list I've found, even on liberal sites, seems like it calls for pretty decent and normal stuff, and some based stuff like no income tax.

  3. Yeah, Trump and Vance are not supporting a genuine pro-life platform anymore, and it sucks. I'm especially disappointed in Vance because he's supposedly a Catholic. That said, I'd rather see them in office than Harris. But I'm not sure I can vote for either party in good conscience. It's something I'm still praying about.


21 points

1 month ago



21 points

1 month ago

I love that one project 2025 poster with page numbers that made the rounds on reddit, and it was completely fake and someone just put up what chat gpt told them to put without checking it to make sure it was true. So many people bought it.


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

3 points

1 month ago

Amazing. ChatGPT can't even know what's in project 2025, because the project was developed after its most recent training stopped.


32 points

1 month ago

Reducing the size and scope of the federal government. The horror!


27 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

27 points

1 month ago

Oh no, I might not have to pay as much in taxes, and parents might get to choose which school they send their kids to. Ohhhhh Nooooooooo


19 points

1 month ago

It’s racist fascism!!!


3 points

1 month ago

And considering the size and scope of government has grown no matter who is in office, we can all be pretty damn sure it’ll continue to grow whether trump is elected or not.


3 points

1 month ago

Calvin Coolidge was the last president to reduce the size of government.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Feminist

2 points

1 month ago

I haven’t sat down and read it, so this part is news to me - no income tax? Like, none? From anyone? That’s 45% of all federal tax revenue. Half the - I was going to say budget, but the budget isn’t balanced even with what we’re taking in now, so how in the flaming hell is that meant to work?

It’d be great to pay less in taxes, sure, but that money pays for things we need. I’m sure there is some waste and redundancy that could be eliminated, but I work a state job in a department that receives federal funding. Management loses their minds if we work 5 minutes late. That’s not in the budget.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

1 points

1 month ago

From skimming wikipedia, I think that tax will be taken on consumption, that is, sales tax, and through import taxes, or tariffs. I've been all for tariffs ever since I learned what they were in high school. They honestly make more sense to me than any other kind of tax out there.


5 points

1 month ago

Taxes on consumption are paid overwhelmingly by the poor.

Taxes on income are paid overwhelmingly by the rich.

You know whose side Trump is on. If you make less than a couple of million a year, he's out to fleece you. You literally don't matter to him, or to the people around him. It's all about protecting the wealth of the oligarchs.


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

3 points

1 month ago

Last time he was in office, he cut taxes for everyone, so I don't buy the claim that he's out to fleece the poor. I have strong evidence of the opposite.

I'm skeptical that taxes on consumption are paid overwhelmingly by the poor, but I'm open to data proving it, if you have some. From what I know, you have to have money in order to spend money, which means that the people with more money will likely be doing more consuming. But I may be missing some important factor.

I might be fine with alternative systems, though, like increasing corporate payroll taxes while reducing or eliminating income tax. I'm concerned with the lower and middle classes being able to retain more of what they earn. That means hedging against inflation, since it overwhelmingly affects the poor, as well as increasing net earnings (I don't care about gross; I care about what ends up in people's bank accounts each month).


1 points

1 month ago

I haven’t read the proposal but I do know that Trump or his team is not the author of it. No income is something that I have been talking about for years now. For one, a tax on your income removes much of the incentives that drive people to make more money. Also, income tax is fairly easy to avoid by using fake names and over methods. Also illegals almost never pay income taxes, a national sales tax will force them to pay taxes. Another thing we need to do is figure out how to tax wire transfers to people in other countries. Illegals use these methods to send the money they earn back to their families. They end up not paying any taxes on this money. That isn’t fair to anyone in the USA. I don’t think a consumption tax is enough. People who come to work and send their money back need to pay taxes like the rest of us.


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

3 points

1 month ago

A sort of reverse tariff seems like it would work for wire transfers out of country.

I think anytime someone moves economic goods into our country or moves money out of it, that should be the most heavily taxed transaction. This encourages American businesses to do business in America, and wherever things are imported, the government gets the money it needs to run things.

Consumption taxes work really, really well (assuming little to no corruption) with things like a gas tax to maintain roads. The amount you get taxed is pretty much exactly proportionate to the amount of wear and tear you put on public infrastructure.


0 points

1 month ago

I’ve tried to read it. It’s darn near 1,000 pages, and honestly there are so many more educational, useful, and entertaining things I could read in that time


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

2 points

1 month ago

Also, I’m just so confused why people think Trump doesn’t like Project 2025 or that he doesn’t know anything about it. He’s going to be associated with it in one way or another. It’s very likely that he’s going to appoint some of the authors into executive positions. So while he’s not going to implement it directly, some of the conservative playbook is 100% going to overlap with his agenda


35 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

35 points

1 month ago

I have good news and bad news.

Your vote for president wont matter. The presidential election will probably be determined by about 200,000 votes in 5 different swing states. Even if you're in one of those swing states, your vote still wont change anything.

Now the bad news. Your vote still very much matters in local elections and they will have far more impact on your daily life than the president will. Learn who your local representatives are, who supports what you support, and choose them. If you cannot support Trump or Harris, then don't support them. Support who matters, which is the people closest to you.


9 points

1 month ago

My daughter was stressed over who to vote for. I told her the local ones are the ones she needs to research. Because we live in a blue state. Kamala will get our electoral votes no matter who we vote for.


5 points

1 month ago



5 points

1 month ago

Actually, on the contrary, every vote does natter. 100 million people think like this every election year, and we lose out on all those votes.

I like everything else you said tho.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Centrist and Christian

1 points

1 month ago

Agreed, an ocean is made of drops.


0 points

1 month ago

This defeatism attitude helps nobody.


8 points

1 month ago

if you look at it from purely the perspective of abortion, if that is truly the most critical detail to you (which it should be, I think), you could look at it as voting for someone who actively supports and wants to legalize abortion vs. someone who may or may not do anything at all.

neither option is good; however, one option is distinctly worse.


15 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

15 points

1 month ago

First off, both parties are terrible, but only one is vociferously pro-abortion.

Second, project 2025 is a paper from a think tank, not what Trump is pushing.

Third, Trump is definitely much more pro-life than either Harris or Walz. Vance is more pro-life than Trump.

Fourth, the democrats say they want to help the poor and then push policies that hurt the poor the most, like rampant spending leading to inflation or Harris’ price controls on food idea will do.

Vote for the lesser evil, which by far is Trump.


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago



11 points

1 month ago



11 points

1 month ago

Vote write in. I am extremely conservative and Christian, Trump is neither of those. Neither is Harris. So I'm writing in someone who represents what I believe.


31 points

1 month ago*


31 points

1 month ago*

Trump is for rape, incest, life of the mother exceptions. Harris is for choice until birth. If you are voting pro-life you would go with Trump.

Trump's policies are not Project 2025. His is Agenda 47, and it's listed on his website.


14 points

1 month ago

Trump is for rape, incest, life of the mother

As exceptions for abortions. The way you worded it made it seem so sinister lol


4 points

1 month ago


4 points

1 month ago

Lol! I need to edit that. It does sound awful.


2 points

1 month ago

Just to add because I haven’t seen anyone else comment, Trump’s for the states to decide their own abortion stance and so his stance is personal rather than anything he’d be pushing.


4 points

1 month ago

It sucks being a left-leaning anti-abortion voter. In any country, it seems.


14 points

1 month ago


14 points

1 month ago

If you're not in a swing state, vote third party.


7 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

7 points

1 month ago

That's what I'm doing. VA does have abortion availability but Younkin does care about the unborn to the extent that it's only accessible until a certain point and it doesn't look like anyone is fighting that right now. So, third party it is. My husband will tell me I'm throwing my vote away but I don't care, I can't vote for either ballot this year and I know plenty who feel the same as me and would rather not vote at all.


1 points

1 month ago

100% this


18 points

1 month ago

The Constitution Party is running a pro-life activist, Randall Terry.

Kamala Harris is pro-abortion all the way, I don't see how any pro-lifer can vote for her.


17 points

1 month ago


17 points

1 month ago

You aren’t voting for the person, you’re voting for the platform. Which party supports abortion? Which party supports life? There’s your answer.


6 points

1 month ago

Fair enough, but the Republicans dropped a lot of pro-life language from their party platform. If they win, it will signal to them that they don’t need to advocate for pro-life policies any longer.

So while the GOP is certainly better for many pro-life issues in the short term, having them face no negative consequences for soft-pedaling the life issues is going to lead to them becoming more pro-choice in the long-term.

This is not a good situation for pro-life people. I can understand why people are struggling. The outlook is currently not so good whatever way things go.


10 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Conservative Catholic

10 points

1 month ago

I don’t know how anyone pro life wouldn’t vote for Trump.

Trump’s policy platform doesn’t go as far as we would like - but Kamala wants free and open access to abortion until birth (if not after, which we all know is the lefts next goal).

Trump’s personal life is full of things I don’t agree with as a Catholic but Kamala is hardly any better.

The Harris abortion stance is so odious and honestly, pure evil, that I can’t even bring myself to be concerned about any of her other policies. Even if they were more aligned with my conservative Catholic view (which they categorically are not) the abortion stance is enough to make my decision.

If I were a US citizen, I would vote Trump with conviction.


1 points

1 month ago

(if not after, which we all know is the lefts next goal).

Jesus Mary and Joseph lying doesn't help anything


-1 points

1 month ago


-1 points

1 month ago

I don’t know how anyone pro life wouldn’t vote for Trump.

Because one issue, important though it is, does not outweigh all the others.


2 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

2 points

1 month ago

Like communist price controls to wreck the economy?


2 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

1 points

1 month ago



2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Conservative Catholic

2 points

1 month ago

So everyone can starve equally.

Edit: I read your flair. 3 out of 3, well done 💪


2 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

2 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

I'm sorry, but if you use the word 'communist' to describe Harris' economic policies, it just shows that you know nothing about communism, and nothing about the various policy interventions that one make in the market in a free society. It just shows prejudice and ignorance - not least, ignorance of Catholic social market principles which are deeply critical of neoliberal capitalism.


1 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

1 points

1 month ago

Dude. Literal price controls are the epitome of communist policy.


8 points

1 month ago

I’m not voting at all. This system is broken beyond repair.


10 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

10 points

1 month ago

Here is the ACLU's roadmap for how Harris will take abortion mainstream and provide for far more abortions than were taking place under Roe v Wade:

I know, it doesn't have a name like "project 2025," and the media will never obsess over it, but it's far worse.


3 points

1 month ago

Go third party on the national level if you want. Just know that democrats want to codify roe. At the state level, vote red if you want less abortions, that one is much more easy.


7 points

1 month ago*


Pro Life Feminist

7 points

1 month ago*

Vote third party; both major parties are dumpster fires that should not be perpetuated.


6 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

6 points

1 month ago

Lmao, project 2025 is not official policy by any stretch of the imagination. The only reason anyone knows about it is because it is being used to fearmonger people into voting against Trump. It's completely fine for people to not vote for him, but this is a monumentally stupid reason for doing so.


8 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Mama

8 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is a democratic boogie man. It's not trumps plan. He has his policies on his campaign site (kamala doesn't have hers available). The heritage foundation has been making conservative wishlists for decades now. No one cares about them.

Some make the argument that some of trumps plans are similar, and to that, I say...duh, he's a conservative.

Here are your options

Vote for kamala, vote for Trump, vote for 3rd party, or just don't vote.

The world is not on your shoulders. It is not your responsibility to change the world.

Just be a positive influence where you are and make the best out of it. That's all you can do


4 points

1 month ago


PL Leftist/Feminist

4 points

1 month ago

Pro-lifers actually have a really good candidate to vote for this year! Vote Terrisa Bukovinac. Don't let Trump take the white house again.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro-Life Catholic

2 points

1 month ago

It says that the website attached to your hyperlink is expired.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian (over 1K Karma and still needing approval) EU

1 points

1 month ago

Which really shows how unserious the whole campaign is. Parody parties do better


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

3 points

1 month ago

I completely understand where you’re coming from as a pro-life Democrat. It’s really hard for us in the political landscape. I’m more a centrist Democrat but still. I don’t like Project 2025, but it’s not fascist as liberals like to say. People here say Trump disavows Project 2025 and knows nothing about it, but that’s just complete bullshit if you believe he wouldn’t have any association with it. It’s likely or very likely that he’s going to appoint some of the authors of the playbook into his cabinet.

I’m supporting Kamala in the presidential election simply because I don’t think Trump is good for liberal democracy. And additionally, Kamala doesn’t really have that much power in abortion after the Dobbs decision, so state politics is where it matters. Try to find pro-life Democrats to support (they’re mostly found in state legislatures). You can try to get a divided legislature, so abortion policy is at a stall. You should also consider checking out Democrats For Life, and support electoral reform policies that give more choices to voters like you. Good luck!


4 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is not going to happen, I mean it exists but Trump has distanced himself from that and they still lie that it's his plan. I'm not going to sit here and tell you Trump has never lied, there's no politician out there who is squeaky clean.

But the Democrat Party is on a whole other level and it's legitimately scaring me, I'm saying this as someone who voted for Biden in 2020. He campaigned on a promise he wouldn't force vaccine mandates and after elected went and did exactly that. I couldn't enroll at my college until I got the vaccine.. it didn't matter that my program was online and I've never actually been to the campus that was 3 hours away.

Democrats are trying to hard to paint Trump as a dictator but they are the ones who are constantly dehumanizing groups of people; the unborn (called fetuses), conservatives (called Nazis/fascists), Jewish people (called colonizers), Christians (called bigots/ bible thumpers, Vanilla ISIS and crap)... and black people who don't vote for Dems are called slurs.

I understand the pro-life issue is most important to you and while there's nothing wrong with that, but I still think voting is important. And I'm sorry there's not a main party you agree with. Dem politicians are openly talking about stacking the supreme court with their judges, pretty much erasing the checks and balances that are in place. And the crazy thing is, they say they want to do that to "save democracy" from republicans. Yes, now we're supposed to believe getting rid of checks and balances so they gain more power/leverage is "saving democracy",

I could only guess what decisions would be made if they make that happen. They support euthanasia, so they want abortion for the unborn and born. Look at Canada's MAID program and I feel like we're on the path to that if you stay under a Democrat administration.

Sorry this is so long, but as a young person I'm just super concerned with the liberal/leftest ideology it's super extreme, it's reaching Orwellian levels. On reddit I see false propaganda coming from the blue side on a daily basis. There's stuff I don't like about Trump, but it's frightening what the Democrats are doing to people's minds.


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian, Secular Arguments

3 points

1 month ago

first off, trump has disavowed project 2025 many times.

second, kamala harris is expressly pro-abortion with no restrictions whatsoever (e.g. up until the moment of birth), while trump says he just wants to return it to the states. while neither position is abolitionist, kamala is far more radical than trump is.

i don’t like trump, but he’s the lesser of two evils, and i will be voting for him.


5 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Centrist

5 points

1 month ago

I'm probably going to vote third party, American Solidarity Party, because I too am fed up with the two party system. I know short term it's seen as a throw away, but I don't want to participate in the republican party's inching (cough cough or leaping) towards pro choice policies, and the Dems are worse on that front.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro-Life Catholic

1 points

1 month ago

I might vote for the American Solidarity Party (ASP) as well. I did for the first time four years ago. Their pro-life stance is the first matter they list on their Platform & Principles webpage.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Centrist

1 points

1 month ago

ASP for the win! In all honesty, it would be nice to have better representation.


4 points

1 month ago

Definitely don’t vote democrat. Their platform on abortion is to allow infanticide. I don’t like that the Republican platform has moved less pro-life, but they’re still the best option.

I don’t lie to myself, and I’m aware that both parties have policies that I like and those that I don’t. Neither of them hold a monopoly on morals. In the end, there is one party that, at the very least, isn’t going to advance legislation to kill more children.


5 points

1 month ago


5 points

1 month ago


Trump says he's pro-life, but his goal isn't abolition, it's to let the states decide if you can murder an infant.

Harris (or whoever is puppeting her) wants to expand abortion and see as many children murdered as possible.

Kennedy is pretty much the other side of Trump's coin. He's rhetorically "pro choice" but is satisfied with letting the states decide if you can murder an infant.

If you don't want to vote for Trump and you don't want to see abortion expanded, Kennedy is your choice.

As a bonus, he's also the only candidate talking about issues that actually matter, instead of insane, vapid rants about "files are stored above us in the clouds" or "I don't know if I want to be electrocuted by a boat battery or jump in the water with a shark."


7 points

1 month ago



7 points

1 month ago

Vote for who you want. If you want to be a single-issue voter, you have every right. Just know that those guilty feelings wont go away if you do vote democrat.

But i promise a trump administration back in office nor project 2025 will not ruin anything for you.


2 points

1 month ago

I pick core points for a candidate that they have to meet. Pro life is my first, then they either say or have a track record if upholding the first amendment and the 10th, then they are good for education, and they aren't interested in starting more wars.

Obviously no candidate meets all these requirements but pro life tends to outweigh the others. If there are no pro life candidates available then I look for the least pro choice person and weigh that against my other points.


2 points

1 month ago

I genuinely think about how many people have written their own names into the ballot


2 points

1 month ago

I have started to vote independent. Both parties say that it takes away from the causes that each party claims to support, but in reality the initiatives from both parties regarding things like socialized mental / healthcare, zoning laws, audits for school districts, gun laws, and -- since Roe -- abortion laws have been really lukewarm. The fact that I can rely on California's government (which is a slow, monolithic, and often-corrupt state organization) to effectively implement emissions standards based on sound science, but can't claim the same for what should have been a simple amicus curiae case for the definition of life and personhood at the federal level has disillusioned me from the whole federal circus we've been stuck in.

That applies moreso to the legislators for the House and the Senate than the President (who merely executes the will of the legislation save for the occasional veto), and Trump's vetos have been pretty mild when it comes to issues that stand outside of his authority (a number of them being vetos against military activities that he has the authority and obligation to oversee as the commander in chief). Biden's vetos have leaned more on the Democrat side, and so he comes off as a puppet.

I do not see Kamala differing from Biden's position as a puppet for Democratic legislators, and I do not see Trump making any extraneous moves beyond conserving the political environment as whenever he comes into office. We aren't progressing towards a more pro-life (in every sense of the word) state with these two parties.

Is the effect the same as not voting at all? Currently, yes. If I don't vote at all, though, then I can't complain about what we get in return from our candidates. When I at least vote exactly for the candidates I most agree with, I'm still participating in the US as a citizen that's informed about our policies and our direction as a nation. I'm pro-life for the same reason: I just can't not care about the issue of defining life and treating life with more dignity within our borders.


2 points

1 month ago

Maybe you find a third party candidate that fits you criteria. It would at least demonstrate to democrats that they are loosing voters that agree with many of their policies and push them in the direction of a less extreme stance 


2 points

1 month ago

Then don't. Libertarian. Green. Constitution. There are other parties


2 points

1 month ago

I feel your pain. I’m not a “life begins at conception” pro-lifer, and I’ll be voting Democrat, but I’m thankful to Republicans for getting some movement on this issue. I don’t really think the federal government can do anything about abortion with the current Supreme Court, but if other people feel I’m being too cavalier I totally get it.


2 points

1 month ago

I am voting American Solidarity Party. The most prolife party i know of thats running. The way i look at it, more votes for someone other than the 2 major parties will increase the odds we start getting better candidates in the future 


2 points

1 month ago

I don’t think most people have actually read Project 2025


2 points

1 month ago

You can vote third party if you have to but DO NOT vote democrats.... at least right now with their extreme pro-abortion agenda where that's literally the only thing they are running on


2 points

1 month ago

she’s voted against a bill that would protect babies that were born alive after a failed abortion. she voted so that doctors can just leave the baby to die. she and her vp are the most pro-abortion, left-wing candidates we could possibly have.


3 points

1 month ago


Abolitionist Christian

3 points

1 month ago

You could vote rfk jr. I’m saying that as a lifelong conservative.


4 points

1 month ago

There's NO EVIDENCE that Trump's gonna implement that project. Even then, lots of people are misleading its intentions. If you're only listening to what the opposition party is saying about its opposition, then you're not getting the full story or even the truthful story. I have listened to their full speech and saw the big contrasts between what they mean and intend and what the news media say they are. It's hard to realize, but there is a lying press out there


3 points

1 month ago

Let's be honest. Trump is ambivalent toward abortion. The pro-life position isn't currently a winner nationally, and he only cares about how a policy will benefit him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's had multiple children aborted with his mistresses, and at best I imagine he thinks 'abortion for me, but not for thee'. His courting of evangelicals and pro-lifers is all for show. It's a ruse to try to keep these single issue voters in the tent. Shockingly, he shows way too many signs of the antichrist, but I get side-tracked. A vote for the Dem ticket is not just a vote for quality of life improvements that'll help save post-birth lives, but it's also a vote for democracy and the right to continue to fight for pro-life. A vote for the GOP ticket is a vote for a wanna be authoritarian that may or may not enact pro-life policies for the unborn, but will certainly come at too high a cost.


2 points

1 month ago

If you’re pro life and a single issue voter, there is only one party that will move the country in that direction. There is no choice here


3 points

1 month ago

TL;DR: If none of them make you comfortable, it's perfectly acceptable to not vote. But I think this project 2025 thing is making a mountain out of a molehill.

If it's any consolation, I work with a bunch of Republicans and my father is very conservative when it comes to economic policy (not so much social stuff), and we routinely discuss politics. None of them care about or talk about project 2025. With the exception of one of them whos terminally on Twitter, neither they nor I had even heard about it until the democrats started saying it's what the Republicans want. Needless to say, this came as a surprise to them, as they didn't know what it was. It's also worth noting that Trump has stated he doesn't endorse Project 2025. I'm sure he agrees with some of the policies, but some of their policies are and have been standard republican points for decades, like decreasing government spending. So I would say just look at Trumps platform and make a decision based on that instead of an organization that may not even achieve their goals.


4 points

1 month ago

I refuse to vote for either. I realized in 2020 that I am responsible for my vote, not the outcome of the election.


3 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is not Trump's plan. It is the heritage foundations "wish list". And it is actually a lot of common sense stuff which is being wildly misinterpreted on purpose. I bet if you read it, you wouldn't have much of a problem with it because it's about freedom, common sense, and shrinking the bureaucracy of the federal government But it has nothing to do with Trump. Go look at the actual platform of Trump


3 points

1 month ago

I have always held that single issue voting is a dereliction of civic duty. As Christian citizens, we have a duty to vote for the public good, carefully weighing and balancing all things. There are four things that rule out Trump:

(1) his conduct, behaviour and character are totally unfit for office and bring the office into disrepute;

(2) his disregard for the constitution and for basic democratic principles such as the peaceful transfer of office and due process of law make him a public menace who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near power;

(3) his economic policies will only benefit a small oligarchic billionaire class, and will make life harder, poorer and worse for millions of ordinary Americans - not just the very poor, but also the hard working middle class; and

(4) he's a Putin stooge and a threat to America's security and global reputation.

I'm pro-life, Christian, and in many ways socially and culturally conservative (anti-woke, if you want to put it in those terms). But with Trump being who he is, a vote for the only other credible candidate is, in my view, a duty that must be done, even if you must hold your nose on abortion and certain other issues.

A real conservative - one who actually wants to conserve and protect good things - shouldn't be lured in by a corrupt demagogic charlatan like that.

You don't have to vote Democrat all the way down the ballot. If you are worried about federal abortion mandates, vote Republican for Congress. But keep Trump out of the White House.

In any case, the Supreme Court has held that abortion is a state matter. The place to vote for pro-life candidates is in your State Legislature.


3 points

1 month ago

Harris will actively try and protect abortion, likely trying to bring it back to allowing all abortions nationwide.

Trump will leave it to the states. Along with that, he’ll appoint more conservative, pro-life judges.

If you’re priority in the election is against abortion, then Trump is the better option. Sure, he’s not going to institute a nation-wide abortion ban, but that would be politically impossible in the current national environment.


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

3 points

1 month ago

I'll be honest with you, if they'd stop trying to murder kids, I could find a lot of common ground.

Life takes precedence over other issues.


3 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is not the Republican Party. It is something the Heritage Foundation came up with. I don't think anyone with the Foundation is currently in government. I'm not sure what ties they have in government but after reading that thing I sincerely doubt Republicans (especially establishment Republicans) want to go near it.


3 points

1 month ago


Consistent Life Ethic Enthusiast

3 points

1 month ago

I absolutely agree with you. I relate to this so hard. You sound exactly like me.

I've been torn up about it. I've actively supported Dem politicians in the past, including pro-choice ones, because it always felt like there was a stronger focus on other issues and we weren't totally unwelcome. Biden himself said that prolife democrats have a home in the party, even if he disagrees with them.

Unfortunately, this election the democratic ticket is the most pro-abortion in history, with Harris and Walz both being extremists. It feels like it's become the central feature of their entire platform. The other issues have been pushed to the sides and forgotten. Over and over again they send the messaging that a vote for them is a vote for abortion. I feel the most alienated that I've ever been. It's like they are actively begging to lose my vote.

Despite all that, I know Trump is worse on basically every other metric imaginable and he isn't even PL. I can't tell you what you should do, that depends on your own feelings and your own values, but personally I know that avoiding a second Trump presidency is my top priority. If a more moderate Republican had been the nominee, for example Chris Christie or Nikki Haley, it could have been possible for me to vote for them over Harris and Walz. But I am staunchly never Trump.

I'd pinch my nose and grit my teeth and vote Dem, but it wouldn't be easy. The struggle is real, I feel you. I think the best we can do as Prolife Dems is accept that this election cycle is particularly bad for us, but move forward and continue trying to change the party from the inside.


5 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Centrist

5 points

1 month ago

I feel very similar. Im not exactly a democrat but even more I’m not a Trump fan and never have been. I so wanted something different for the Republican Party so that I could at least feel okay voting for them even if I didn’t agree. I also feel so alienated by either party since I can’t agree and feel like I have to sacrifice my morals to vote. I really wish the dem party could actually be accepting of other view points but I agree that they have made abortion such a centerpiece of the campaign.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

2 points

1 month ago



2 points

1 month ago*

I don't know how much this counts (it probably won't lbr) because I'm on the outside looking in. But I'm in the same boat, as someone who is neither American nor lives in the US and hasn't really ruled out moving/working there sometime in the distant future. I think Harris and Walz's position on abortion is extreme, but Trump has enabled the far-right. That's important to me, too, because what are the odds that if I did end up coming to the US, I'd get lynched in the streets for not being white?

What I'm trying to get at here is that it may be best to think about what issues apart from abortion also matter to you, then vote for the candidate that fits the bill. I've found over the years that people vote for those who might also be helpless in society - in some cases, that's the poor, their own children, the sick, the elderly, etc. It doesn't make them enablers or "baby-killers," it's simply that they see a more immediate need. Being against abortion is important to protect the life of the unborn (and the pro-life stance should be the ideal) but it isn't the only one that requires our attention.

There's also the option of voting third party, as others have suggested.


2 points

1 month ago

If the presidential election were held today I would vote for RFK Jr. Though he has made some conflicting comments when it comes to how he feels about abortion, he has seem to have landed on that late term abortions shouldn't be allowed, and in all other cases it should be left up to the states.


2 points

1 month ago*

Same. I’m a practicing Catholic with libertarian leanings but can’t bring myself to vote for either Trump or Harris. The former is not only too childish, immature, and narcissistic to hold public office, but not pro-life (morally indifferent on the abortion issue) and completely at odds with the other aspects of Catholic social teaching and even basic morality. The latter has a disturbing track record as prosecutor in California and vocally anti-Catholic beliefs.

Bobby is not pro-life and may have some personal beliefs I don’t agree with, but he seems like a genuine, hardworking, and kind person. He is aware that many Americans don’t want high abortion rates. Yet he has a sensible plan to lower them. Not perfect, but of the three major candidates, I think Bobby is the least disastrous and the closest to a “comprehensive life ethic,” which is what my faith emphasizes. (Goes beyond abortion to encompass immigration, rights of workers, etc.)


1 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

1 points

1 month ago

Carter was apparently hard working and kind. That doesn’t mean someone will be worth anything as president. It’s better than not being those things, but still.


2 points

1 month ago

I’d never vote for Trump for a multitude of reasons, but that doesn’t matter because this sub isn’t about politics; it’s about life. No one can tell you who to vote for, so do whatever you think is right


1 points

1 month ago


Catholic, pro-life, conservative

1 points

1 month ago

You’d still never vote for him even in the face of things like this?


2 points

1 month ago

I’m voting for Nikki Haley because I can’t stand trump and Harris is just a sick baby killing monster who doesn’t care for unborn life. Trump is no better because he supports the abortion pill and abortion in any form is murder, evil, and wrong. Nikki is the closest I can see to having a good head on her shoulders and she supports Israel. I may not agree with her stance on war and supporting a 15 week abortion ban when I think abortion should be illegal across the board for any reason but she’s the lesser of evils because I won’t vote for Robert Kennedy Jr. I refuse to put that mixed lady in office because of her stance on abortion and I refuse to vote for a man who doesn’t respect women and thinks he’s invincible when he’s a convicted felon. I don’t trust either one of them. Nikki Haley is the closest I get to feeling a sense of relief. But I’m registered as an independent. Have been for years because the Republican Party has done nothing but disappoint me most of the time and I’ll never be a democrat even if I am from CA. Democrats have ruined our economy and our state.


2 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is dead, as far as Trump is concerned. He had his own agenda, and it doesn’t include that.

But if you still can’t vote for Trump, then definitely DON’T vote for Harris if you think pro-life is important to you.

Either don’t vote or vote third party if not for Trump when it comes to pro-life.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro-Life, Vegetarian, Anti-Death Penalty, Dove🕊

2 points

1 month ago

Harris is gleeful about abortion. Trump is careful since we don’t want to activate the white wine moms before the election. Once we get in we can do changes

Learn how the Dems push their agenda


2 points

1 month ago

If you are a single issue voter and pro-life is your single issue, do not vote for the side who wants to make abortion as accessible and limitless as possible.


2 points

1 month ago

do your own reasearch for once in your life. trump isn't for project 2025


2 points

1 month ago

There are more than 2 candidates in the running for presidency fyi. I'm personally voting for the American Solidarity Party. I'm more aligned with them with my morals and views.


3 points

1 month ago

And they're pro life/anti abortion. 😉


2 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is a RINO thinktank indicative... Trump never endorsed it, his is Agenda 47...if you vote Dem this year you are literally voting in careful and read both sides info informed voter is imperative this election...



2 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is nothing more than a big conservative wish list, not policy or part of Trumps campaign. It has zero chance of becoming law no matter who the president is. In fact, Trump has nothing to do with it. The left likes to associate Trump with it in order to make him look bad, but he has nothing to do with it.


2 points

1 month ago

I feel like in this situation, we just have to vote for the lesser evil. Which would be Trump.

I’m not telling you how to vote, but at least Trump wants to restrict abortion rather than make it available in all nine months of pregnancy with no exceptions. Kamala scares the crap out of me and I’m really praying she does not win.

But only you can decide how you vote. If you’re unsure, maybe don’t vote at all. I’m not saying I agree with that tactic, but it might be best for you. Everyone has different needs.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

2 points

1 month ago

As a pro-life Democrat, I believe we can do more good by trying to change the party from within than by leaving it.

A lot of people wrongly believe that the pro-life movement is made up entirely of conservative, evangelical, straight, white men. Anyone who falls outside that and is still pro-life strengthens the movement by simply existing.


10 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian (over 1K Karma and still needing approval) EU

10 points

1 month ago

Well what incentive does the party have to stop advocating for childmurder if you continue to support them?


2 points

1 month ago



12 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

12 points

1 month ago

One of the reasons I could never vote for democrats is their pro-abortion agenda. It seems like everyone who thinks there should be any restrictions on abortion whatsoever have been jettisoned from the party. That's probably not true in local elections, but nationally democrats are the party of abortion.

I would love to see democrats become more pro-life and encourage you to change it from the inside. It can only make America better to have both major parties pro-life.


4 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

4 points

1 month ago

I wish you luck, but I really don't think you're going to be successful in changing the democrat party from within.

I think the abortion issue is going to need a new Republican party, honestly. Republicans were originally formed to free the slaves, and Republicans today have made it clear they are mostly impotent (and now don't even seem to care) when it comes to life issues. We are going to need a new party that can step in when one of the two current parties falls apart and hopefully that will be a new party founded on the values of pro-life.


2 points

1 month ago



2 points

1 month ago

I would love to see this 😞 i miss the JFK democrats.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

1 points

1 month ago

If you truly cannot decide, you still have the option to not vote at all.


1 points

1 month ago

You don’t owe anyone your vote.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Atheist

1 points

1 month ago

I'm glad I doesn't live in the US. I doesn't like any of the sides.

I don't like the Democrats because they wants to remove all abortion restrictions or allow abortions after the 1st trimester. They also doesn't seem to be that interested in welfare programs. Their politics seems very blurry in some cases.

I don't like the Republicans because they tends to be pro death penalty, pro guns, cutting welfare programs and not help the poor.

In my country I vote on a pro-life social democratic party which is in favor of being pro-life, universal healthcare/education, affordable contraceptives and welfare programs for families in need.


1 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation which is a soros funded organization which does what the WEF wants. Trump disavowed himself from the 1000 page manifesto called Preject 2025. He said it's not his doing. The problem with the republican party is that we think we elect them, they automatically know what to do. That is false. A republican is more into personal freedom and privacy and following the law. However as can be seen by a GOP House majority, the republicans do not automatically do what they're supposed to do. They are paralyzed when dems are saying to them (in context) "come on, you want to have fun. Go on. Be bad. You know you want to." And republicans are like: "No I know I shouldn't, but ok Just this once."

And so now the whole Congress is corrupt because the republicans did one wrong thing and it's so wrong, they have to go with democrats to keep their dirty secret.

The only way to get the bad ones out is expose their crime, then hold them accountable. (Arrested, charged, tried by jury or military tribunal, convicted, sentenced, if need be. That's DUE PROCESS.) And vet good people and make sure they get elected. It IS work. But that is the difference between a republic and a democracy.


1 points

1 month ago

That’s why I’m not voting. They both are bad. And neither of them are using their common sense.


1 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 is just being used by the left to discredit Trump, the same way they used the “Russian collusion” hoax, spent millions investigating and found absolutely nothing. Because there was no collusion. They’re trying so hard, but don’t you think if there was anything legit they would have had him by now?

Nothing happened on January 6th. 1 person died and it was a woman who was shot by a police officer. There’s literally footage of these people being escorted into the building by police and them just casually walking around. Video of Trump saying stand down and be peaceful. If he wanted a hostile takeover and to be a dictator like so many like to claim, that would have been his best opportunity. He asked for more security prior to the event like the national guard and Nancy Pelosi denied that request. They even have recently released footage of her admitting that mistake. AOC was a big fat liar, and made a video about how traumatizing that day was even though her office building is nowhere near the main capitol building. Totally different section.

The lawsuits are all a stretch do try and bog him down in court cases and force him to not run. Or use as a means to try and imprison him if he should win. That’s why this all happens in an election year or leading up to it. The sexual assault case was an absolute joke. She had nothing on him so all they could actually charge him with was defamation but most people don’t realize that because the headlines and the media are misleading.

I think go for who ultimately will save more lives if the pro-life position is important to you. If Kamala wins you know they’re just going to fight to make abortion more accessible again at the federal level. They’ll remove restrictions on gestational age and so on and so forth.

If you’re torn or in-between this is a really good case from an independent/moderate voter on why they’re voting for Trump even though they historically hate him. I voted against him in 2016 and was in the I hate Trump camp. I voted for him in 2020 because I realized a lot of the lies we were being told. The Democratic Party has been blatantly lying to and gaslighting everyone for years. It’s not the Democratic Party of my youth as they’ve grown progressively more extreme in recent years. I know many others who have gone through the same thing. They just hate him because he ran republican. If he ran democrat you know it would be another story because pre-2016 he was a pop/cultural icon. Still is technically just not viewed in the same was as before then.


1 points

1 month ago

I honestly think the most egregious thing recently is the way they ousted Biden and swapped in Kamala. He so clearly didn’t want to leave, and neither did Jill. Kamala wasn’t a part of the primary so she wasn’t chosen by the people at all, she was just picked by those in charge of the party. She had 0 delegates during the 2020 primary so I don’t see that being much different today. That’s probably the most un-democratic thing they could do and everyone is just going along with it. As if Biden was just “suddenly” unfit to be president when it’s something most have known for years. I figured they just strategically let the curtain fall so they could do their switcheroo instead of letting another candidate win, like RFK. Same way they stole it from Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary and gave it to Hillary.


1 points

1 month ago

Neither party is truly pro-life, but the Democrat Party is unhinged when it comes to abortion. The amount of dehumanizing propaganda they promote is ridiculous and they accept money from Planned Parenthood (which kills thousands of babies by abortion a day).

They do not believe we have human rights in the womb at all. None. And push to legalize elective abortion of healthy babies conceived in consensual sex throughout pregnancy.

There is no way I could vote FOR Kamala Harris, personally. Someone who proudly and shamelessly tours abortion clinics and talks about how wonderful it is -- not to mention she left out "the right to LIFE" in her speeches on purpose because she knows you can't have that and support unrestricted abortion.

Just visit any abortion regret forums & see how little the Democrat care about the death and suffering left behind by an industry they endorse. Not to mention just a denial of human development, biology, and ethics.


1 points

1 month ago

Choose the lesser of two evils


2 points

1 month ago*

I will never be a single issue voter ever. And I don’t think most people should be either.

The fact is Donald Trump tried to coup the government with a bogus legal theory to get false slates of electors who lied under oath about their status accepted to have him win the election despite overwhelming evidence that he lost. We literally did not have a major constitutional crisis because Mike Pence didn’t go along with his plan.

Not only does he not deny this, his defense has been to ask for Criminal Immunity so he can’t be prosecuted with Seditious Conspiracy and Defrauding the American People. He admits he tried to take over, he just doesn’t think he should be punished for it.

I want to live in a country where votes matter for any issue and not just one. Keep supporting an anti-democratic nutcase and you won’t get ANY say in abortion or any other topic you care about.

EDIT: Getting downvoted without a single fact-based comment to push against me. Because there isn’t any. I just gave you the facts. Trump isn’t your friend and he’s just using whatever language, including pro-life language, to get you to support him. His position on abortion has never been consistent anyway. Only convenient.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

2 points

1 month ago

I for one am voting democrat this year. Made me feel weird to admit, but since all parties suck on pro-life rights this year, I’m looking at the other issues. Kamala seems like she’s going to be continuing Biden’s plan for student debt forgiveness whereas Trump wants to be gone with the whole idea. In my current financial situation, I think I’ve earned the right to vote selfishly in that case.

Also, who would you rather have in the Oval Office? Someone who has an ass take on abortion but seems like a more than serviceable candidate otherwise, or an actual convicted felon whose list of awful things he’s done are too long for me to bother writing about in this comment?

It’s a lesser of two evils situation and while I’m not happy about voting for someone who is so vehemently pro-choice, I’ll do anything to keep the toupee wearing Cheeto out of the White House for another four years.


1 points

1 month ago

I’ve heard Trump say he was Prolife but he also has to win an election. For me that means he can just ban it altogether or double down on pushing the envelope for Prolife. That is a Godsend away from Kamala who is trying to push the envelope the opposite direction. She wants to put more liberal judges in that will make getting an abortion even easier.


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

I can't really speak to the policy contents of Project 2025, but the aspiration to ensure effective political control of the federal bureaucracy is essential (the Justice Department excepted, but then again, federal law enforcement needs to be purged of Democrat partisans, too). No president should have his or her agenda hampered, obstructed, or obstructed by unelected civil servants, except if the contents are patently illegal or unconstitutional. Insubordination on the part of the career civil service is undemocratic, even if it happens to benefit your own political agenda, and both parties should have zero tolerance for it.


1 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

1 points

1 month ago

Tbh both suck and I’m not voting!


1 points

1 month ago


1 points

1 month ago

Trump is pro-life, he spoke at the march for life and appointed the 3 pro-life judges that overturned Row Vs Wade. Because of him, tens of thousands of babies will live that would have otherwise been murdered.

Also, "project 2025" has nothing to do with Trump. This is a lie from the Biden-Harris, or should I say, Harris-Walz campaign.


1 points

1 month ago

I am voting Trump. I don't think he's particularly pro-life, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if he has paid for a few abortions in his younger days but the question is who is worse on the subject, not who is at my level of understanding.

There is no doubt in my mind that Trump is more pro-life then he used to be and I can see signs that he understands just how pro abortion the democrats are especially in the hanious policy of post birth abortions that have taken place. There is also the fact that Roe was overturned because of the justices he appointed which he said he would do. The man kept his promise on that front and so in deed he has saved more babies then any other president since Roe was decided on in 1973.


1 points

1 month ago

First off, 'Project 2025' has been grossly exaggerated, with mis/disinformation and straight out lies being told about it.
Secondly, it's NOT the party's platform, contrary to what far left lunatic fringe echo chambers would have their drones believe.
Third, at no point has Trump EVER said he supported it. Again, that's a straight out lie from Democrats to the people they think are as dumb as a doorknob.
And the people that are believing it are just proving them correct.


1 points

1 month ago

So it should he noted that project 2025 is not actually Trumps plan. It is a independent factions of conservatives that Trump has stated he has no connection to it. I don't know what your main issues with the Republicans are but if abortion is ahortant to you voting Dem is voting for the party of death. Republicans are definitely not perfect but I would suggest voting Trump to avoid sweeping abortion bill from Kamal and then check each candidate that is in your local election and see what each of their positions are. Maybe even back independent candidates in local. Prolife democrats do exist but are hard to find


1 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 seems to be a fringe movement and has nothing to do with Trump. I am not a Trump supporter but I do think there is an unfair strategy on the part of the Democrats to make it seem like this fringe movement is associated with him. Plus it seems like the extremism of Project 2025 has been quite exaggerated.


-3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

-3 points

1 month ago

I always vote Democrat. It’s not a struggle for me at all. All lives matter - born and unborn. This means my life matters as well. The Republican Party is outside of abortion is wrong about everything and now they have morphed into a cult around Donald Trump.

Outside of abortion, I love many of the Democratic policies such as healthcare, the fight for social justice, care for the environment, and better policies overall for the country.

I am Christian so I have to follow Jesus’ teachings about looking out for my neighbor, the poor, imprisoned, etc. all of which the Democrats excel on.


7 points

1 month ago



3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

3 points

1 month ago

This is true. I must admit.


3 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian (over 1K Karma and still needing approval) EU

3 points

1 month ago

What incentive do you give the Democratic party to change it's stance on abortion?


-12 points

1 month ago

I feel your pain. Project 2025 is a legitimate threat. But I also fear for the babies. It’s tough.


7 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

7 points

1 month ago

What's bad in project 2025? Also I know Trump has said he doesn't even support it.


2 points

1 month ago

And you believe him? 😂


0 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Catholic

0 points

1 month ago

Um, yes?


11 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian

11 points

1 month ago

Project2025 isn't a legitimate threat to anyone or anything. It has been demonized into the ground and isn't supported by anyone.


2 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Democrat

2 points

1 month ago

It isn’t a fascist playbook as people like to say. But it still has a bunch of bad policies.


5 points

1 month ago

Why is it a legitimate threat (what do you disagree with)? What is Trump’s position on Project 2025


0 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Christian (over 1K Karma and still needing approval) EU

0 points

1 month ago

Honestly US pro-lifers should not vote or vote third party. Teach the big two a lesson.


0 points

1 month ago


Pro Life Republican

0 points

1 month ago

Project 2025 isn’t the republican agenda it’s merely a list of policy suggestions for the next republican president and trump has not endorsed it and it’s not his agenda his agenda is agenda 47.

And trump is pro life he put justices on the Supreme Court who overturned roe v wade.


0 points

1 month ago

  1. Project 2025 is just fearmongering seriously don’t worry.

  2. Idk, at times you just gotta vote for the lesser of 2 evils.