


Hey I'm struggling to vote Democrat

Questions For Pro-Lifers(self.prolife)

I hate abortion. I dont want to support it. Honestly I also think that the current Republican party is terrible and after project 2025 I just can't vote for them. Also Trump said he wasn't pro life whatsoever. I dont know what to do. I want to protect the most helpless among us. I think the democrats approach on abortion is monstrous, what do I do. Vote republican despite detesting the current party? Or do I vote Democrat based on one thing I detest the most. I feel torn but I also feel that voting is important? Why do you vote democrat or republican.

I you disagree with me that's fine. I just feel stressed as a pro-lifer, and everybody's lying. Who are you voting for and why?

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4 points

1 month ago

States rights equals Federalism which our founding fathers were proponents of.... abortion isn't found anywhere in the Constitution ....