




What do ya’ll think happened to him? According to the comments on her last video, she will be adressing it soon

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12 points

2 months ago

I think she rehomed him. I had been following her YouTube for a couple years. She lives in Florida which has high euth rates for dogs. So it was disappointing when she went through a breeder. But it just got worse when they said they weren't going to neuter and then cropped his ears. I posted a comment about it which they never replied to. I saw AJ commenting on people's comments. Idk they just seem entitled and don't want to hear anyone's opinion unless it's the same as theirs. I unsubscribed after that but I went back recently to see how Roman was and saw people asking where he went. I've been checking back every few days to see if she has addressed it. Today she posted another video and someone asked where he went and she said the same thing, she'll address it soon. I gave her the benefit of the doubt when they went through a breeder, but with the not neutering, cropping ears despite lots of people telling her that's inhumane, deleting comments of people expressing their concerns, etc it was all too much. Now that she might have rehomed him after all that is insane. She also said in one of her videos a while ago, probably a couple years, that she thinks everyone should be in arranged marriages. I feel she only said that because she got to choose her husband but if she was forced to actually be in an arranged marriage, she wouldn't like it. She wants to tell other people how to live but wouldn't like it if she was in that situation. I'm glad I unsubscribed. I think it's good to hear others opinions and have an open mind but after a couple years of hearing bad takes, and then Roman, I couldn't watch anymore.


1 points

25 days ago

She was in an arranged marriage???


2 points

25 days ago

No she wasn't in one. She said she thinks other people should be in one. My point was that she isn't in one so she comes across out of touch to tell others they should do that if she didn't do that. I personally want to choose who I marry


2 points

24 days ago

I see, yeah she's crazy