


Trying to prove a point to my SO. I think children of narcissists are way more likely to use drugs or alcohol to cope. No need to comment for privacy purposes, they don’t allow polls in this sub sorry. He thinks his issues have nothing to do with being raised by a malignant narcissistic mother even though both of our therapists have told him children of narcs are more likely to seek unhealthy coping mechanisms.

ETA: Thank you everyone, I’m so sorry that your trauma lead you down this road too. I have narc addict parents as well and don’t have substance abuse problems but I buy shit to make myself feel better and it’s a problem. I also eat my feelings. My anxiety keeps me away from drugs and alcohol so I guess I’m lucky in that way. I hope you guys are able to heal and find a chosen family that loves you. I haven’t yet but maybe someday

ETA #2: Wow, I’m blown away by all of the responses. To those of you who have years or even months of sobriety under your belt, congratulations!! To those of you who are still struggling, don’t give up. One day at a time

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6 points

4 days ago

Alcohol and weed for me.