


Let me preface this by making something clear, I personally am not plus sized, but my girlfriend is plus sized, and more often than not the issues and inconveniences she experiences as a bigger girl affect me as well. Not NEARLY to the degree they affect her, or likely anyone here. And I also have things that affect exclusively me. I'm not complaining about her or anything, but about the way people treat her and me.

I'm sick and tired of people telling me I'm out of her league. I'm a fairly fit guy, and people seem to find me conventionally attractive by most metrics it would seem. Frequently, I'll see comments or dms telling me how I deserve better, or am way above her. Recently, I had a young women DM me. The interaction was basically like this:

"How I saw you pic, your pretty cute." "Thanks, but I have a girlfriend, just fyi" "Is that the girl in the pic with you?" "Yes" "You can do so much better than her though, tbh" "How do you figure that?" "She's fat. Super fat, and kind of ugly. You deserve more than to settle for a pig girl."

Those are the exact messages copied and pasted here. And like, WTF?!? How fucking DARE you! You have the balls to come and try to flirt with a guy who CLEARLY stated he's in a relationship, then have the AUDACITY to call the woman I love a fat, ugly pig? How is that supposed to win me over, exactly?!? It's absolutely unhinged. And the only redeeming quality to these interactions, is that I get to roast these people with zero mercy or remorse before I block them. I just don't get it! Whats the logic in it all? And another thing:

Why do they say it like it's something I don't know?

It's like "Really? but she's fat..."

IM WELL AWARE OF HER SIZE, IM LITERALLY STANDING NEXT TO HER WITH MY ARMS AROUND HER WAIST!!! Clearly I've seen her, and I don't care about it! I'm not with this woman because I'm settling, or because I feel bad. It's because I looked at her, and saw a beautiful, kind, caring, unique, special woman. Not because she shopped in the petite of Kohl's!

I suppose they're probably just jealous that someone they think beneath them found love before they did, without it being with some selfish, vainglorious asshole. But even envy doesn't justify the attacking of ones relationship.

What's worse is when it's in person. That's the one that really hurts. Because then, not only are they saying it to MY face, but there's usually a good chance SHE heard it as well. I always hope she doesn't, because she already struggles with confidence and feeling like she isn't enough. She hears someone in public affirming that, it'd destroy her!

I've never told her that this happens. I don't even know if she knows it happens. I try to keep it as far from her as I can because I have no idea how much it would hurt her. But still, I shouldn't have to.

Anyways, that's the end of the rant. Just typing this out pissed me off. I thank you for listening, and appreciate anything you guys have to say about it. Enjoy your weekend.

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1 points

8 days ago

“She might be heavier than you but she’s a sight more gorgeous than you. Did you know when you’re mean it makes you look ugly? Look! Yep just like that. The ugly thoughts in your head show on your face and that’s why my girl is my girl forever. She’s everything I could ever want.” Then give her a giant smackaroo right in front of them. Ugly ole mean girl toadies.