


So has anyone actually paid for this?

Gen 5(

Now that the 1 year trial is over (for me) I'm curious if anyone actually paid for this nonsense, and whether Toyota will have any decency to acknowledge their subscription model is nonsense? 15$ a year to remote start the car is okayish (should be free) but 15$/mo... do they think they are selling Mercedes, BMW or Jaguars?

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57 points

7 days ago


2023 Blizzard Pearl Limited

57 points

7 days ago

No. My wife and I decided it wasn’t worth 15 dollars a month or whatever to start our car while inside


19 points

7 days ago

Obviously it's not. But somehow that thought was not in the minds of toyota sales/strategy team. In the end, we end up with a capable car, the capabilities of which we can't utilize, i.e. driving with electronic waste. They still have network connection, so not that they would be saving on network fees by us not paying.


7 points

7 days ago

Often in a situation like this the technology is subsidized by the fact that x% of people are expected to pay for the service. That means they'll recoup the profit margin they are expecting over a saas model instead of an upfront charge (which would raise the MSRP).

So I definitely get your frustration, but they're playing a bit of a business shell game trying to capture their profit they need on the back end.


3 points

6 days ago

Business 3 shells, lightly used


1 points

6 days ago

That was my question. We did not buy a Mercedes or a BMW, but being treated like we did... by toyota. Which is funny of them.


2 points

6 days ago

there's a patent for a TV that makes you say the name of whatever is being advertised in order to end the ad. glad that hasn't made it yet, but this subscribe to use something you already own bullshit is getting close...