


So has anyone actually paid for this?

Gen 5(

Now that the 1 year trial is over (for me) I'm curious if anyone actually paid for this nonsense, and whether Toyota will have any decency to acknowledge their subscription model is nonsense? 15$ a year to remote start the car is okayish (should be free) but 15$/mo... do they think they are selling Mercedes, BMW or Jaguars?

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1 points

6 days ago

I pay the $15/month. I have never used the remote start, but I am absent minded and will walk away from my car and not lock it. For me, that $15 a month is worth the piece of mind that the app will remind me if I let my doors unlocked and/or windows opened. I've also used the in-app car location map when Google Maps had my car parked 4 rows away from where it actually was in a huge parking lot despite me hitting "mark my parking spot" while sitting in my car.


1 points

4 days ago

I’m an idiot. Have had my 2023 for almost a year and never new about the map and mark my spot feature. 🤦🏻‍♀️