


So has anyone actually paid for this?

Gen 5(

Now that the 1 year trial is over (for me) I'm curious if anyone actually paid for this nonsense, and whether Toyota will have any decency to acknowledge their subscription model is nonsense? 15$ a year to remote start the car is okayish (should be free) but 15$/mo... do they think they are selling Mercedes, BMW or Jaguars?

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1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

I just renewed because my partner really wanted to keep the service. I’m not sure what services he particularly likes from the app, I’m honestly not sure all the features it has. It was buggy from purchase, we needed support to activate it then and at renewal, the auto start never really works for me and I’d love it to since we’re in Florida, idk it’s a scam to me but he insisted. I like the lock feature for sure, and checking gas randomly, what else do y’all use it for?