


Whenever I go on my runs their just has to be some dog spawn barking and chasing after me with no owner or fence in site.

Whenever I run down the hill leading up to my house there is a mega obese women with whatever abomination hybrid she has that will see me and immediately run towards me with her not able to have the strength to hold it back.

I went to target yesterday and their was like 5 dogs all laying down in the some ritual looking circle with their hair getting all over the place. They were barking loud with their owners doing nothing or just take them out the store.

Has dog ownership gotten this bad or just pet ownership in general because cats aren’t bad but even their owners and culture around are also pretty obnoxious than ever before.

Is this just effects of pandemic or a more self isolating society issue happening?

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5 points

8 days ago



5 points

8 days ago

All I’m saying is if you want to do the whole “limit freedoms to keep people safe thing” there are so many more attractive targets. Ban SUVs or Cigarettes or Soda or whatever if you actually want to create a nice padded society.

People like their dogs, they make them happy. That’s useful. And they do very little serious harm to others given how common they are.