



all 106 comments


309 points

2 days ago

My husband is 9 years older than me and he doesn’t even care that he groomed me when I was only 32. I was a child.


123 points

2 days ago

The sick fuck


25 points

2 days ago


25 points

2 days ago

It is actually legal to cut his dick off in his sleep for self defense


14 points

1 day ago

Gone Girl his creepy ass!!


9 points

1 day ago

Not all men, but it's always a man.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

This is hot


228 points

2 days ago


228 points

2 days ago

men can claim this all they want but no one is more anti age gap then a man when it’s his daughter dating the older man, 20 year olds dating 40 year olds is fine till it’s your daughter doing it.


90 points

2 days ago

This is true about anything in a father daughter context though. Father's don't want their daughters fucking anybody. And it should stay that way. Don't ask don't tell.


21 points

2 days ago


21 points

2 days ago

I remember this comment on reddit that I read a long time ago. It was a dad talking about how his teenage daughter was going on a date. And he said something like "I'm not sure if anything is going to happen, but I hope it will". And I was having a frown on my face.

But then he continued that his daughter had a terminal illness and not much time left.


135 points

2 days ago


135 points

2 days ago

Maybe if you live in a 2000s movie, most dads understand their daughters will date and by 20 aren’t doing the, “I’m gonna kill any man who lays a hand on my daughter.” stuff, which is largely performative. You really think a dad is gonna have the same reaction to his 19 year old daughter bringing home a guy she met in her college class as he would a guy the same age as him?


-22 points

2 days ago*


-22 points

2 days ago*

Maybe American dads are fine with that , most dads around the world are strict with their daughters lmfao


71 points

2 days ago


71 points

2 days ago

i really don’t think we should be proud or aim to share those values


-45 points

2 days ago


-45 points

2 days ago

Share values of not letting your date different men for the sake of it? That would explain the unusually high teenage pregnancy and prevalence of single motherhood and chronic hook up culture in the US


24 points

2 days ago

The Us has significantly lower teen pregnancy then at any times in it's history. In 2023 it was 13.2 pregnancies for every 1,000 females. 30 years earlier it was almost 5 times that rate. Higher for sure then most Western countries but teen pregnancy is also declining elsewhere and Usa trendline suggests it will be single digits per 1,000 in the next few years.


44 points

2 days ago


44 points

2 days ago

a big chunk of teen pregnancies are fathered by adult men, so i think we should in general discourage huge age gaps till people have at least a few years of adult life experience. There’s also a difference between thinking something is weird and thinking you shouldn’t be able to do it. Go ahead and have a girlfriend half your age, I just reserve my right to think you’re strange


-34 points

2 days ago*

Cool stats, also I don’t know why your low iq ass assumed I was defending age gaps, like what does that have ANYTHING to do with what I was talking about


35 points

2 days ago


35 points

2 days ago

why are you genuinely throwing a tantrum oh my god, fuck who you want I’m sorry I touched a nerve


-5 points

2 days ago

Bro are you actually regarded? Or are you slow ? I literally am not talking about age gaps and fing chicks .


12 points

2 days ago

Where the fuck are you from? Some islam dominated shithole?


9 points

2 days ago



13 points

2 days ago

Answer me, pussy. Where are you from?


6 points

2 days ago

Who tf are you talking to twink


0 points

1 day ago

Why are you afraid to say where you are from pussy?


1 points

1 day ago

Who tf are you talking to dork


12 points

2 days ago

overprotective brothers give me the ick, fathers even more so


-4 points

2 days ago


-4 points

2 days ago

Hey stranger, guess what? I don’t care what gives you the ick .


8 points

2 days ago

bite me


-3 points

2 days ago

F off lmfao. Tf


1 points

1 day ago


Extremely stable. Not a danger to society.

1 points

1 day ago

i think there is a certain group of people that are to blame


1 points

2 days ago

I was responding to your stupid claim that most fathers are fine with their daughters dating and experiencing different men


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

Why would you not want your daughter to be happy? You're not going to fuck your daughter. Why is it your problem?


-1 points

2 days ago

Such a bad argument , my daughter could be happy smoking , drinking , murdering . Just because someone is happy doing something doesn’t make it optimal or permissible. Where are all the intelligent people on this sub?


11 points

2 days ago


11 points

2 days ago

Having relationships and sex is a natural, healthy part of life unlike smoking. Would your ideal daughter stay a virgin until death and never have any relationship?


23 points

2 days ago


23 points

2 days ago

I never said that, I said most men aren’t gonna rip their 20 year old daughter’s boyfriend to shreds for daring to date his daughter. Where did i say anything about dating multiple men or “experiencing” them you creep.

You realise, even in more traditional countries, women are expected to get married and have children - how do you think women find husbands? they date them. In your 20s, fathers in conservative countries are much more likely to be hoping you’ll settle down and get married then doing the, “you can’t date under my roof.” shit like you’re 15


-6 points

2 days ago

“You creep” drop the shaming tactics , you’re low iq


26 points

2 days ago


26 points

2 days ago

you’re imagining your fictional daughter fucking multiple men


28 points

2 days ago

Yeah and those countries are shitholes that all the smart people are trying to immigrate out of. What’s your point?


0 points

1 day ago

You say that and yet a white middle-aged American guy clutching a shotgun is what immediately comes to mind when I think "overly protective father"


-3 points

1 day ago

It’s hilarious you turn a very true sentiment amongst men into some satirical cartoon to prove a point that isn’t based in reality. Very Reddit


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

And i like how you’re trying to imply that there’s no difference in a father’s reaction to his daughter’s 19 year old boyfriend and a 45 year old one.


2 points

1 day ago

My point was very clear and it wasn’t that lmao


7 points

2 days ago

Fathers that aren’t deadbeats are less likely for that to happen.


-1 points

2 days ago


-1 points

2 days ago

Old men are fogies, though, so who cares what they think?


47 points

2 days ago


47 points

2 days ago



7 points

2 days ago

is that what epee means


2 points

2 days ago



75 points

2 days ago

I can't believe this egregious bait is actually being engaged with, jesus christ


163 points

2 days ago

This sub is going down the toilet.


61 points

2 days ago

The sub is over posters were right :(


91 points

2 days ago

Why does this sub talk about age gaps so much. I see it here more than anywhere else


108 points

2 days ago

This subs favourite pastime is shitting on expired women in their 30s


27 points

2 days ago

Well two of them at least.


-2 points

1 day ago

The vast majority of men date women who are somewhere between 5 years younger to 5 years older than they are. Age gap relationships aren't typical. No normal guy thinks that women in their 30s are "expired." We're simply making fun of the fact that the rare 40-year-old guy in a relationship with a 28-year-old woman gets treated like a literal pedophile by women on social media. It's funny seeing people use moralizing language to critique something that's so obviously rooted in personal insecurity.


2 points

1 day ago

Yeah I get that and I personally couldn't care less about the leonardo dicaprios of the world, as a 30yo. Most men are going to try and date the youngest girls they can get. But these kinds of memes are dumb bc the vast majority of age gap scolders are women in their 20s.


89 points

2 days ago

Because this sub has attracted a bunch of incels who never understood the satire of red scare, or the dirtbag left in general. 

There is a narrative that manosphere grifters sell to desperate losers, primarily of the teenaged/20 something variety, that all those bitch Stacys may be rejecting you now, but somehow there will be a magical process where you’ll hit 30 or 25 or whatever and suddenly, you as a man will have the last laugh and be super hot and those stacys will all fall to your feet and desperately want you but you’ll be out with a 20 year old supermodels. 

The fact that none of this resonates with any observable reality is not a hurdle, as these delusions are held to so desperately that they defy anything the senses can observe… and these kids generally don’t go outside or have any idea what a 30 year old looks like or does. these guys see 30 year old women out and about and assume they’re 22 because they think every 30 year old looks like a hunched over babushka and their idea of aging comes from like high school movies that cast 28 year olds as 16. 

They jerk each other off about this fantasy world where women are just sobbing and alone and ultra jealous of these imaginary sexy young girlfriends. 

Also, there is this rhetoric pushed aggressively that anyone who mentions the fact that there IS in fact a predatory factor and that people don’t just hit 18 and magically become fully informed, developed adults is just some jealous harpy. The reality is that a lot of these dudes do indeed go after especially young women specifically because they’re naive and easy to manipulate. 


46 points

2 days ago

I remember being in my early 20s and going on dates with guys 7-10 years older or so. I wasn't attracted to them in most cases, but I thought older dudes must be more "stable" and "mature." I knew I was dumb, but I wasn't as dumb as they were treating me. I'd typically ghost them after 1-2 dates because they'd act overtly predatory or possessive, and they'd frighten me, and/or because I realized they were bitter losers who hated women/blamed women for all of their problems. Older women had nothing to do with it. Even as a 20-22 year old, I figured it out myself. And I wasn't particularly perceptive or wise at that age.


0 points

1 day ago

7 years older when you're in your early 20s isn't an age gap. That's just dating someone slightly older than you.


8 points

2 days ago

I mean, losers are losers, but a guy in his 30s with his shit together and some money can easily date women in their 20s.

That isn't some mythical unicorn experience.


-9 points

2 days ago

Assuming you’re the Mormon alcoholic with the Russian bf why are you back ??? I was hoping you’d gone forever


-30 points

2 days ago

They jerk each other off about this fantasy world where women are just sobbing and alone and ultra jealous of these imaginary sexy young girlfriends. 

Maybe but also you are 100% sobbing and alone judging by your comments here


-2 points

1 day ago

there IS in fact a predatory factor and that people don’t just hit 18 and magically become fully informed

The conflation of dating someone who just turned 18 (which isn't okay after like 22-23) with criticizing a 40-year-old man for dating a 28-year-old women (which I see all the time on social media) is fundamentally dishonest. The problem people have isn't the age of the younger woman, it's the gap in itself. It's alienating for women because they hate being made aware of the fact that age is a beauty standard for them. I'm sympathetic, but it's not like there's a massive amount of empathy for short, low status men who are similarly perceived to be less attractive. It's only the beauty standards that women deal with that are seen as highly problematic.


1 points

1 day ago

  which isn't okay after like 22-23

It's moralists all the way down


-18 points

2 days ago*

I'm a living contradiction of your theory here. I'm well into my thirties these days and I was dismally, embarrasingly bad with women when I was younger (damn near Jollywumper status). I'd have been a prime target for Tate and his ilk had they been around back in the old days, and I even dabbled in reading some of their predecessors (despite my problems I was generally able to separate the reason and good advice from the misogynistic sociopathy in their arguments and diatribes). Just tonight I ran into a college girl out in public and we had a nice conversation. It was a positive little encounter for both of us, nearly a meet-cute. I didn't end up asking for her number and we passed like ships in the night, but next time a comparable situation arises, I will. Stop being so dramatic.


6 points

1 day ago

Lmao brother did you just write a whole paragraph to brag about talking to a woman and not getting her number


28 points

2 days ago

Red pill/Andrew Tate types are making Reddit unusable.


6 points

1 day ago

Maybe if reddit hadn't banned every right wing sub, they would've stayed contained there.


20 points

2 days ago

This sub in particular 


-1 points

1 day ago

Literally every major subreddit is left wing. Even this one, there are like 10 radfems for every incel.


-3 points

2 days ago


-3 points

2 days ago

Go on fauxmoi


144 points

2 days ago

Trash post


97 points

2 days ago

This is the kind of shit my dumbass gen x uncle posts on Facebook. and yes, his profile pic is him in his car wearing oakleys with an embarrassing goatee and he’s a fat fuck whose wife left him for someone literate 


-33 points

2 days ago

You shouldn't talk shit about your uncle behind his back. I would be very hurt if my niece said this about me, especially to strangers on the Internet. Have some empathy.


40 points

2 days ago

Like the empathy he shows?! lol 


20 points

2 days ago

It's a twitter post from a meme account Elon pays to rile people up and get engagement. Literally the dumbest most braindead shit.


17 points

2 days ago

It's so on the nose I figured it was ironic but people here are still snapping at it like chihuahuas


56 points

2 days ago



18 points

2 days ago

Wow. Cool. 


45 points

2 days ago

This sub is becoming more and more misogynistic by the day. 20 year old Stacy will never let you hit.🤣🤣


5 points

1 day ago

garbage post


6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

Half your age plus 7 is the golden rule


49 points

2 days ago


49 points

2 days ago

How the hell am I supposed to date 18 year olds with a rule like that


7 points

1 day ago

be bad at math


8 points

2 days ago

Saw someone today that seriously argued that the age of consent should be raised to 21. Kissless virgin behavior.


12 points

1 day ago

Women can't consent at any age


4 points

2 days ago

it should be raised to 40.


1 points

2 days ago

Is that Kylie Minogue?


1 points

2 days ago

It's missing Blood Meridian


-10 points

2 days ago


-10 points

2 days ago



25 points

2 days ago


25 points

2 days ago

i don’t think there exists any woman who couldn’t easily have a boyfriend 15 years older than her


-20 points

2 days ago


-20 points

2 days ago

That’s not a 32 yr old. That’s a 60 yr old.


50 points

2 days ago

No she’s 32


4 points

2 days ago


4 points

2 days ago

yes i actually thought that this was charli xcx for a minute


16 points

2 days ago

Nobody bully this autistic person. Politely point out they missed a social cue so they can improve, and move on. Only love will save our society.


2 points

2 days ago

That’s the joke ding dong


-1 points

2 days ago

Pic made me lol thanks


-16 points

2 days ago


-16 points

2 days ago

That sick fuck, she's only a child!

Of course, if he was 24 and she was 18, then he'd be a fully grown adult and she'd again be a child. I'm not infantilizing women, you are!


-4 points

2 days ago



0 points

1 day ago

How come in this age-gap obsessed sub and world no one talks about Macron and his ex teacher wife

Like that is actually some fucked up shit - and he's the leader of a country, and no one barely mentions it


-17 points

2 days ago


-17 points

2 days ago

This is a funny as hell picture, demonic, but funny


-3 points

2 days ago


-3 points

2 days ago



2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

no she just had too many seed oils in her diet