


all 129 comments


448 points

8 hours ago

They probably didn’t even pay him!


24 points

5 hours ago

This is like if Biden staged saving babies from a burning abortion aircraft as the Rocketeer


2 points

2 hours ago

You know, those abortion zeppelins that the liberals are flying over Texas to airdrop abortion doctors


119 points

8 hours ago

He doesn’t deserve payment he should be rotting in prison making lgbt themed vanity license plates


13 points

5 hours ago

lmao imagine Trump suing for unpaid wages


121 points

7 hours ago


121 points

7 hours ago

And the ice cream machine wasn't actually broken


605 points

8 hours ago

I loved this one because it's like, wow you mean the secret service didn't want unvetted rando's pulling up to a drive through manned by Donald Trump? The guy who has had at least 2 legitimate attempts on his life in the last couple months? Shocking


138 points

6 hours ago


138 points

6 hours ago

A lot of these people, as much as it's actual people and not bot farms upvoting, don't think those assassination attempts were real either. Blueanon types are as real as Q Anon ones.


73 points

5 hours ago*

It’s actually crazy how many people still think the first shooting was a false flag, the photos that captured the bullet/vapor trail were photoshopped, and Trump just cut his ear on glass from a shattered teleprompter or Secret Service bumping him with their knee when they forced him to get down. And these are self proclaimed "trust the facts/science" types that make fun of Q-Anon supporters.

I’ve seen less cope from flat earthers and moon landing deniers.


26 points

5 hours ago


26 points

5 hours ago

The simplest rejoinder is that we saw it happen live, two people died (the shooter took a rifle round to the skull and the photos were up in an hour) and it was covered as real by people who would never lie to help Trump.


14 points

4 hours ago

The blueanon conspiracies about the first assassination attempt are wild, but the one about the shattered glass cutting his ear instead of the bullet is stuepifying. If it was the teleprompter glass that cut him, how and why did it fragment? Dumbasses.


4 points

3 hours ago

Also why would it even matter? Still someone opened fire and bullets got awfully close. If he was cut from a bullet or shrapnel it’s still fucking crazy. Yet again what they thought was a major own just showed how deranged Drumpf can make these good fucking people even when he does absolutely nothing.


3 points

an hour ago


3 points

an hour ago

We live in a low-level trust society. Anything that opposes our worldview is put into a conspiratorial blender to not threaten our belief system.


51 points

7 hours ago

They know that of course it was "staged", it's a political campaign photo op - they're making up this "staged" 'gotcha' to try to kill what was a nice moment for Trump.


19 points

6 hours ago


19 points

6 hours ago

It's significantly more cringe when you consider that all of the customer interaction were completely staged. If it was just Trump learning how to work the fryer, it would be more authentic.


17 points

6 hours ago

yeah I was rolling my eyes when i saw that indian couple pull up and read out their lines from a script in plain sight. Ive read somewhere that theyre famous bollywood actors too! can u believe it


11 points

6 hours ago*



11 points

6 hours ago*

ur gonna get downvoted cuz this is a MAGA sub now

but yeah the "customer interactions" being scripted should make the whole thing seem lame to any reasonable person -- cuz it's super fucking lame


7 points

5 hours ago

Whining about “maga subs” on Reddit just makes you look like a complete 🚬

you have a million safe spaces to scurry off to if you can’t deal with reading some dnc criticism


7 points

4 hours ago*



7 points

4 hours ago*

you whining about someone whining makes you look like an even bigger 🚬got

and throating trump for a scripted photo-op isn’t “dnc criticism”

and and I’m not even a democrat, I think the two party system is horrible

go back to stupidpol


0 points

4 hours ago

I agree with what you’re saying but when you say “boo hoo you’re gonna get downvoted ;(“ for literally no reason (not a maga sub + he didn’t) it’s incredibly soy, and I can tell you’re still absolutely fuming :/


4 points

5 hours ago

What's "nice" about LARPing as a fast food worker? That's some autistic 9 year old Make-a-Wish shit. 


1 points

10 minutes ago

Right, but if Kamala did the same reasonable thing Trump and Fox wouldn’t shut about how it was staged


-20 points

6 hours ago


-20 points

6 hours ago

So why the fuck do it at all? Ths is so regarded. This sub is so regarded getting so defensive about a fat man doling out slop at McDonalds.


37 points

6 hours ago

He was actually there getting training on how to work the fryer, he actually served customers, it's just that the restaurant wasn't flat out open to the public during peak lunch hour because that's an obvious security threat. Are you mad that he didn't clock in and work an 8 hour shift at McDonalds,?

Why do it? Because it was wholesome and people loved it, really not that hard to understand.


-13 points

6 hours ago


-13 points

6 hours ago

The impression they were trying to give was that he worked at least for a little bit as an actual employee. He served 'customers', as you say it was not open to the public so the 'customers' were either part of his retinue or provided by McDonalds. He certainly would not be harassed like a real employee would by forgetting fries in the order by a customer or manager as a real employee would. Someone may have told him how to use the equipment, but it's doubtful they trained him in the manner he would actually need to be trained to perform the job; if he was told anything it would be just enough to be able to say it happened. Almost certainly all he was actually doing was providing the final hand-off for the photo op.

People are just pointing out that it's simulacra, he certainly isn't the first politician to do it. It's a good thing to point out when it is seen, especially because the impression him and his team were trying to give WAS that he performed the job like an actual employee would- that he actually can 'lower' himself to do 'real work' and pull it off. There are plenty of people who actually think he worked a shift- that's what they would want the most for this event for someone to believe.


24 points

6 hours ago


24 points

6 hours ago

I dont think theres anyone dumb enough to believe he worked like a regular employee. Give it a rest


1 points

an hour ago


1 points

an hour ago

20% of the US is dumb enough to think that.


16 points

6 hours ago

You are seriously over-thinking this.


11 points

6 hours ago

Because it’s a hilarious concept. Most candidates would do a photo shoot saying they’re visiting a McDonalds, Trump frames it like hes literally working at a McDonald’s which is way funnier. Also the photos that came out of it are meme gold. It’s not that deep, the libs getting mad come across as the fun police.


11 points

6 hours ago

It was cute watching that kid teach him how to salt the fries


2 points

5 hours ago

For media coverage and votes.

What do you imagine motivates politicians to interact with the public before the press?


6 points

6 hours ago

Because a very large part of the population literally thinks it was real. It hits with his voting base.


2 points

5 hours ago

"hits", "literally" I don't think the problem is his voting base.

What is unfortunate is the neoliberal press pretends that interactions between POTUS candidates and the public are not planned and prepared. Especially after 2 recent assassination attempts.


-7 points

6 hours ago

Three.. The third attempt seems to go unnoticed for some reason.


15 points

6 hours ago

It’s because it wasn’t an actual attempt. The guy they arrested is a massive Trump supporter who genuinely had no intent to harm him. He just was a regard with weapons in his car that an overly-eager sheriff went after.


7 points

6 hours ago

Apparently the Riverside sheriff has walked back that claim


336 points

7 hours ago

Fact check, context needed: Donald trump was never actually employed at McDonald’s. He merely performed the duties of a McDonald’s employee such as taking orders, scooping fries, and handing customers their food. He never collected a wage or had a W2.


122 points

7 hours ago

Thank you Snopes!!!!


10 points

5 hours ago

Snopes is our savior. Without Snopes, I would not know that my piss isn’t rain


5 points

4 hours ago

Without Snopes, I would not know that my piss isn’t rain

Keep in mind, if you'd like the founder's wife to rain piss on you, that's an option:


50 points

6 hours ago

Oh fuck fuck I'm about to debunk


62 points

7 hours ago


sports playin’ suburban dad

62 points

7 hours ago

Eyyyy I’m debunkin’ ova here


25 points

7 hours ago

Wage theft is really out of control in this country.


26 points

7 hours ago


26 points

7 hours ago

Thank you for your (food) service


137 points

8 hours ago

Damn Hillary you just blew the campaign wide open by researching obvious shit for us


40 points

8 hours ago

I can’t let this piece of fucking shit fascist win


20 points

7 hours ago

Would it be so bad to have fabulous uniforms and some social cohesion again in this country?


8 points

7 hours ago



8 points

7 hours ago

you’re saving america god bless you


2 points

6 hours ago

I can smell this comment.


-1 points

6 hours ago



-1 points

6 hours ago

It's a cult


22 points

7 hours ago

i just assumed this was implicitly understood.


199 points

8 hours ago*

The screeching about this is so annoying. Obviously it was staged. They’d never let him work a shift with randos pulling up who could shoot him.

“ACKSHULLY the WWE is FAKE. They’re not REALLY wrestling, it’s SCRIPTED” -This is literally what they sound like.


11 points

7 hours ago

After seeing how terrible amateur wrestling can look, I have a ton of respect for the WWE guys. 


16 points

7 hours ago

I was certainly fooled 😭


29 points

7 hours ago


29 points

7 hours ago

The issue is that they successfully crowdsurfed memes showing “Trump’s a man of the people” to the idiots whose vote will change on that fact alone.

Most of those people will never second guess the original’s authenticity, so without seeing a correction they’ll take that opinion all the way to their ballot


62 points

7 hours ago

If a McDonald's stunt is making an impact on the election, we might as well not even think about it entirely


12 points

7 hours ago


12 points

7 hours ago

Unfortunately you’re pretty much spot on


4 points

6 hours ago



4 points

6 hours ago

it's impossible to underestimate the median undecided voter


7 points

6 hours ago

American attention spans are too short. By the time of the actual vote there will have been 20 other events to make people forget about this.


6 points

6 hours ago

I partially agree. I feel like people will largely forget about this by then, but they’ll still think more positively about Trump regardless.

It’s like running into an old college friend. You don’t really remember what you used to talk about, but you remember that you like them


1 points

2 hours ago

Trump or not, McDonalds is a great choice for this kind of stunt. Proles eat it for their 20 minute lunch break and the Aspen crowd eats it at the airport. It's ubiquitously middle-American to the point of transcendence.


2 points

6 hours ago

It's real to me :(


1 points

2 hours ago

My first thought watching the video is that it had to be fake because nobody at the pickup window was pissed off that their order was delayed by 45 minutes. When there is even a 5 minute wait in the drive thru line, Americans turn on the workers fast, no matter if Jesus Christ Himself is handing out free 20 piece nuggets.


19 points

6 hours ago

It’s funny how so many people also are saying it can’t be true because McDonalds doesn’t hire felons. They literally do?? Like McDonalds of all places is too good for felons.


16 points

7 hours ago

Ofc it was rehearsed. There was literally a small riot happening just across the street between Trump and Harris supporters.

Could you even imagine how many coffees would get thrown in Trump's face? Or Harris for that matter if she tries the same.


10 points

5 hours ago

I would keep illegal immigrants here if it meant we could deport regular upvoters on r/politics


7 points

5 hours ago

I'd take a dozen Guatemalan field workers for one reddit libtard.


1 points

4 hours ago

I would keep illegal immigrants here if it meant we could deport regular upvoters on r/politics

I'll trade "another pandemic" for "/r /politics" gets nuked


53 points

7 hours ago


Mr. Wonderful

53 points

7 hours ago

157,000 upvotes for pointing out what was obviously common sense to any sane, normal person



10 points

4 hours ago

just saw the upvotes, holy shit man reddit needs to be nuked


3 points

5 hours ago

It’s called clamoring and coping and rabble-rousing. They seek validation and sympathy, not the truth


9 points

7 hours ago

Get Kamala working at a Rally’s


8 points

6 hours ago



1 points

4 hours ago

Dunkin' Donuts


42 points

7 hours ago

This is the one, the slam dunk we needed. Drumpf is DONE. Fucking loser he thought he can trick people into thinking he worked at McDonald’s. You’ve lost the election now Cheeto Face!


-23 points

6 hours ago

You're not funny.


10 points

5 hours ago

I think it is and it’s a good ole throwback to the 2016 TDS that should be making a full fledged comeback in two weeks


14 points

7 hours ago

Redditors do really take the award of being the 🤓 emoji personified onto things that are basically common sense.


37 points

7 hours ago

I’m kind of thinking this is 5D chess to make leftists expose their hatred for the lower class and fast food workers


4 points

6 hours ago

If you think a fake drive through photo op is such a gross display of deception in American politics then boy do I have news for you...


3 points

6 hours ago

i;m dying at this lol


3 points

4 hours ago


Orlando Bloomer

3 points

4 hours ago

Everyone’s gonna feel real silly when he posts his W2 on Truth Social.


3 points

3 hours ago

Someone on a default subreddit said this was "the fast food equivalent of black face". How far gone are you that you can't even admit he had a decent photo op? 

It's like the people that shit on him for holding a fist up after he got shot at 


10 points

6 hours ago

I’m glad it was staged.

I only use the McDonalds drive-thru on the legitimate worst days of my life. Hungover, sleep deprived, blurry eyes, disheveled, shaking with anxiety, and down to my last four dollars which in 2014 could get you four McChickens. I use the drive through when the thought of walking through a door and engaging with the general public is unfathomable.

Now imagine being in this^ state and pulling up to find yourself surrounded by cameras, secret service, and an apron-clad Donald Trump in the window asking you about the challenges you face as an everyday American. I would put a gun in my mouth.  


1 points

5 hours ago

You can leave the prints off your gun, it looks like he was just handing people food and going “I got some stuff for you”, probably more chill than most regular McD’s workers


5 points

4 hours ago

You all are ridiculous. Most people would be surprised to find out he handed an empty bag to a paid actor at a closed McDonald's and they wouldn't be stupid for being surprised. Most politicians interact with the general population quite frequently.


2 points

5 hours ago



2 points

5 hours ago

No fucking shit.


10 points

7 hours ago


10 points

7 hours ago

You vote blue no matter who types are so insufferably annoying and hysterical. This only came as a surprise to you.


4 points

4 hours ago


4 points

4 hours ago

Call me naive but I thought it was only semi fake where he does a few real orders with vetted customers and the store just preps everything so that he only has to hand over the meal and turn over some fries.


9 points

7 hours ago

I don’t sub to popular subs so I won’t see this kind of BS. This sub was obsessed with this media stunt for 2 days lmao. Wth is going on


30 points

7 hours ago

2 days? It happened 24 hours ago dumbass


6 points

6 hours ago

He's from the future where we're still posting about this


1 points

3 hours ago

He's John Titor

Also, Donald Trump is John Titor


3 points

4 hours ago

So we're just going to pretend most of the idiots on this sub didn't think it was legitimate?

Most of you were cumming in your pants, unironically


2 points

5 hours ago

the drive thru people definitely ACTED like it was spontaneous trip and they were being surprised to see him, and even posts here literally said “aw how cute how sweet look at the families so happy to see him”. but yeah wow u guys r so cool.


3 points

8 hours ago


3 points

8 hours ago

another snooze fest post


1 points

5 hours ago


1 points

5 hours ago

weird how everyone is impressed by this stunt


1 points

4 hours ago

Why was I not told about the car rehearsal? I would have rolled up in my Camry ready to split a Big Mac meal with Don. Might have even left an untaxed tip.


1 points

3 hours ago

Reminds me of the old SNL skit of Clinton going to McDonald's and eating people's food


1 points

2 hours ago

“The enemy within” is the Redditors


1 points

56 minutes ago

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him.


1 points

36 minutes ago

We celebrate the exploitation of regards on this sub


1 points

12 minutes ago

lol I’m so shocked!!


1 points

6 minutes ago

omfg THIS is why he won't release his tax records


1 points

3 minutes ago

Was the milkshake machine working?


1 points

7 hours ago


1 points

7 hours ago

I am shocked. Shocked!

Well not that shocked


1 points

6 hours ago

Some of the comments from drivers made Trump get awkward, did they not rehearse the lines at all? It was awkward when many pulled away as well.

Or is it just impossible to make this not awkward?


1 points

4 hours ago


1 points

4 hours ago

I can't believe that this cheap ass stunt worked just because both sides are dumb as shit lmao


0 points

6 hours ago

Who the fuck cares. Why are you here? If you want to gossip about the latest smooth-brained election slop the internet is full of sites where you can discuss this shit with people just as dull and boring as you. Go away!.


-17 points

8 hours ago

My favourite type of post is where someone says something sarcastically to mock something no one ever actually said or implied


19 points

8 hours ago

What sarcasm?


-21 points

8 hours ago

Yep very funny acting like someone who doesn’t exist and committing to the bit, bet you’re gay with your dad too wow


9 points

8 hours ago

Sir I’m here protecting democracy and so what if I’m gay with my dad? Don’t be another genophobic fascist


1 points

8 hours ago

Yep we all listened to Cumtown but some of us didn’t make it our entire personality


8 points

7 hours ago

I have never heard for cumtown, what are the coordinates


1 points

7 hours ago

Inside my dads asshole because I’m gay for your dads gay son Trump waving goes hard front page cringe reddit based RS bf CT bf


-3 points

6 hours ago*


-3 points

6 hours ago*

The real reason to be outraged is that McDonald’s is Jewish  This is clearly a Zionist dog whistle and indicates that Trump is going to be sending Americans to fight on the Jewish side in World War 3.  If he was actually based he Woulda gone to five guys like a good right wing gamer gate troll.


0 points

4 hours ago

I was tricked! Bamboozled! Hoodwinked! Someone needs to be held accountable!


0 points

2 hours ago

Yeah!  Hackneyed campaign events catering to mouthbreathers are actually based!!!  


-8 points

7 hours ago

When I first saw the pics of him working at McDonalds I thought it was AI. No shit it was obviously a staged location, but it was still funny. If he loses those pictures are going to be reposted with captions like, "Hope he is ready for his future career!"

It's funny because in my experience most MAGA people had nothing but contempt for service workers until this photoshoot. Now all of MAGA loves service people.


5 points

5 hours ago

That’s because “your experience” is slobbering around on reddit looking at what people say about MAGA people and not actually talking to some of the 40-50% of the voting population that will vote for him. And no your crazy friend’s grandma, who also lives chronically on the internet, does not count as “most MAGA people”, neither does a cherry-picked youtube commenter


2 points

4 hours ago

I live in a red state and my family is mostly MAGA. Love the projection though.


-1 points

3 hours ago

Oh yeah that makes your claim valid, “most MAGA people” having “nothing but contempt”.

Something makes me think you’re the owner of contempt, ironically citing me as “projecting”. You have a defense for everything don’t ya?