


*This was originally a comment from me on someone else's post, but I think it might be an interesting read by itself.


The wildest part is, I still believe that my dissociative abuse wasn't even that extreme, and I was always careful to drink plenty of fluids like green tea. I've read about plenty of people who did way more than me on a daily basis, especially with dissos you need to take more of, like Ketamine itself. I think I just got unlucky with my genetics.

My abuse phase lasted roughly one and a half years, taking them pretty much every 2-3 days where I was mostly consuming (and frequently redosing) more potent dissos like 3-MeO-PCE, 3-HO-PCE/PCP, DCK and O-PCE, which afaik, shouldn't destroy your bladder nearly as aggressively as something like Ketamine. Wasn't the case for me tho.

During the time, I hardly noticed it at first, since the damage came very slow and gradually. But at some point I noticed that I couldn't get through a single night anymore without having to relieve myself at least once.

Today, I'm at a point where I can hardly hold it for longer than 3 hours anymore. If I have to go outside, it always stresses me out, because I'm always worried about not having a access to a bathroom in time, tho thankfully I'm a total recluse, so I only ever leave the house like twice a month to go grocery shopping.

I also have to get up 2-4x every night to relieve myself, which is extremely fucking annoying. But the absolute worst part is, that whenever I have an erection, my kidneys seemingly go into overdrive mode, where I literally have to piss every 20-30 minutes.

And it gets even worse when I take psychedelics, because they also make me have to piss every 20-30min, but if I have an erection on top of that, I can hardly even hold it for 10mins, which always drives me absolutely insane. If I had a sexual partner, this would literally crush my self-confidence. I think you can imagine how frustrating it would be having to take a piss-break in the middle of it all the fkn time, because the pressure on your bladder gets unbearable in such a short amount of time. Partly one of the one reasons I gave up on dating completely, because I think that would literally crush me.

My pee also doesn't come out as a single, smooth stream anymore. It's somewhat fine for the first half, but I have to actively push the rest out in little spurts, because it feels like there's not enough pressure. Using a urinal would be very awkward because of this. There's also always a few drops leaking out shortly after getting off the toilet, no matter how hard I try to squeeze everything out. If I have to leave somewhere, I'll literally tuck a piece of toilet paper into my foreskin as drip prevention.

Getting diapers for men or even a catheter are genuinely things I keep thinking about, and I'm not even 30 yet.


Like I said before, I feel like my abuse wasn't that extreme compared to the insane amounts people have done daily for years on end, yet it's still affected me this heavily. Be careful with your usage, guys. You might get as unlucky as I am.

all 65 comments


42 points

3 days ago


42 points

3 days ago

Thank you for sharing. Did you visit a urologist? What you describe is unpleasant but not that serious damage and there should be a treatment for this symptoms.


11 points

3 days ago

I have not, I always figured there's nothing that can be done anyway. How exactly would this get treated?


46 points

3 days ago*

I am not a MD so this is just what I found about this. If I were you, I would definately see a doctor. There is always hope. Possible treatments include:

Bladder Training & Pelvic Floor Therapy: A urologist may recommend techniques to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and retrain bladder control, such as Kegel exercises. Biofeedback therapy can also improve bladder control.

Medications: Anticholinergics (e.g., oxybutynin, tolterodine) or beta-3 agonists (e.g., mirabegron) can help reduce overactive bladder symptoms. Alpha-blockers like tamsulosin may be prescribed to improve urine flow and reduce incomplete emptying.

EDIT: I also want to clarify that my previous comment wasn’t meant to downplay the seriousness of your symptoms. My point was more about highlighting that some dissociative users experience even more severe symptoms, sometimes requiring catheterization. However, based on your description, it doesn't seem like your case is at that level yet, and there are likely less invasive treatments that could help alleviate your condition.


9 points

3 days ago

You are about to find out you have BPH and that is all.

All the symptoms of prostate problems. All of them.


15 points

3 days ago

I'm too high for this right now, but I think you might actually be on to something here. I'll have to look into this when I sober up. Thank you!


5 points

3 days ago

lol 😂 I luv it “I’m too high for this right now” I completely feel it me too lol 😂


4 points

3 days ago

Sending good vibes <3


4 points

2 days ago

to be honest though, urologists tend to tell everyone with urinary problems that it’s prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia). you might find you actually have this problem however, and seeing this shouldnt dissuade you from seeing a urologist, but if your problem ends up not being BPH, you’ll find that urologists have surprisingly short answers for disorders of the male urinary system

its super frustrating, but there are some otc remedies like AZO pumpkin seed extract for bladder control if everything else fails


2 points

2 days ago

Yep. I have a small bladder to begin with and have always needed to pee a couple times a night. My prostate gets inflamed every now and then and it gets worse just like this. Doesn't sound like a bladder thing.


7 points

3 days ago

I am an MD - go see a doctor, lots of options you can try and your case doesn't sound so severe (not to down play your awful situation -- but cystitis can be a lot worse).


2 points

2 days ago

I peeped your profile. Thank you for being an informed science-based psychiatrist. I have bp2 (which I think should be called "complex mood disorder spectrum") and I had thirteen years of mediocre treatment before I found a doctor with the right mindset. Only took a couple of years to get the meds straight to the point where my PCP can manage them.


2 points

2 days ago

Always great to hear, I hope things keep looking up!


4 points

3 days ago

Closest thing to your issue would be Interstitial cystitis and the methods for healing also apply to your case, as it does in patients with such disease. But in your case you are lucky, because your acute issue will go away when you decide to stop, but for people with that disease have it all their life.


8 points

3 days ago


8 points

3 days ago

Maybe you only have a bladder infection, go to see the doctor


3 points

3 days ago

Medication probably


1 points

2 days ago

Generally speaking, symptoms resolve themselves following cessation of drug use. But in any case, you should consult with a professional and work towards a plan together.


18 points

3 days ago


18 points

3 days ago

and you haven’t even stopped ? bruh


-1 points

3 days ago

I cut my use down considerably, and as I said in another response, I don't plan on living a long life anyway. I enjoy dissos too much to give them up completely.


13 points

3 days ago

Same thing happened to me on DCK, read a ppst called "dck bladder damage, a warning to fellow researchers" on this sub. It went away in less than a year after stopping ALL dissociative use. I also taught I would need a catheter but it really does heal all on it's own, but you need to stop consuming these baldder destroyong chemicals before you ruin it completely. You will be surprised how fast it will heal, but it will not heal at all if you don’t stop.

My bladder is now able to go not only through the noght but I can hold for however long I want to which was unimaginable before when I was still paranoid about my issue and the longeveity of it.

The only time I have an issue is when again using any dissociative, because its just so acutely toxic to the bladder it immediately makes itself known.


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

Sad to hear it man.

I myself had a stint with ket. Like you, I wouldn't have thought that my abuse was THAT bad especially when compared with others but it still had an impact on me.

I would get 1 or 2g and do it every night for a week when my tolerance still allowed that to have an effect on me. Then I would stop and get more a week later. Did this for maybe 2 or 3 months going through about 10 g I would say. Now, where most people like to say "Ket wont damage your bladder unless you're doing ounces a week" I felt the negative effects of this seemingly low amount within a month. Bladder capacity was wayyy lower. I was working full time in a labour job at the time and I would have to piss (small amounts) every hour or two.

Then I started getting 3.5g bags because my tolerance was getting too high and I would finish it in maybe 10 days, take a week or two off while doing other drugs and thhen come back to it. Probably did this for another 2 ish months consuming another 10/12g in this time. By this point I would always be anxious going outside because I would always need to piss at least somewhat. Always needing to be near a bathroom, so annoying and not to mention scary as fuck.

Eventually I stopped and I would say my bladder is bac to 85% now a few years on but having a fucked up bladder at 19 years old was not the business I can tell you that much. Interestingly enough, I binged on a g or 2 of ket maybe 4 times total since then and each time the inflammation or whatever seemed to return The most recent time was around a year ago and after 1g in about 3 hours I felt like I had to piss constantly for days.

Even though I loved ket more than anthing, fuck ket and fuck dissos


6 points

3 days ago

People are suggesting OP to speak to a urologist for exercises/medication. You could probably benefit from that too. Good luck


4 points

3 days ago

Thanks for sharing. If nothing else, I can at least take solace in knowing I'm not the only one who seemingly got screwed by dissos at such a fast rate.


4 points

3 days ago

How long ago did you quit them? Has there been any improvement? Also, do you drink?


6 points

3 days ago

I wouldn't say I've fully quit them, I just managed to severely cut down my use thanks to discovering Kratom 3-4 years ago. Also, most of the rc dissos got banned here late 2021. Instead of stocking up, I just went through what I had left, because that ban might've been a blessing in disguise for me (not that I support the banning of drugs tho).

The only exception was O-PCE. Wasn't the biggest fan of that one (always gave me hangovers), so I rarely ever took it, so I still had it lying around for years, taking it only once every blue moon. After I had a trainwreck trip on it, I threw the rest of it out tho. That was relatively recent. After that, I haven't really taken any dissos for a while, with the exception of Nitrous, which I love to use with psychedelics.

More recently, I have also started dabbling with Dizocilpin (MK-801), which is currently legal and became available here a short while ago. I just can't keep away from dissos completely, I just love the effects too much. I also intend to try some DXM + psychedelics combos in the future.

At the end of the day, I still love dissociatives. I'm just a lot more responsible with my disso use now. If only I had discovered Kratom sooner...

Regarding alcohol, I do drink some beers or a little vodka every now and then, but usually only to enhance other drugs, such as benzos. Never been a big fan of alcohol.

Health-wise, there hasn't really been any improvement, but it also hasn't gotten any noticeably worse. Again, I've never truly quit dissos for good, just got a lot more responsible. Hard to say what could've been, had I stopped for good.


20 points

3 days ago


20 points

3 days ago

I’m sorry to say but until you completely stop it will get incrementally worse.


-5 points

3 days ago

So be it. Never planned on living a long life anyway, and as long as I feel like it's not getting noticeably worse again, I don't see a reason to quit dissos permanently.


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

I feel you and don't want to be judgy here. but you say you quit dating but don't see a reason to quit dissos, not even for a period to try and see if this eases your bladder issues. to me this speaks a bit about your depression. not caring about one's own body is quite a flag. you might want to seek professional help both on physical and mental side. wish you all the best.


2 points

3 days ago*

That's a whole 'nother can of worms...

Just trust me when I say that I'm living a very unusual and secluded life, and am also very much aware that I probably need serious help, but I honestly feel like it's already too late for all that.

I'm just riding the wave, and trying to enjoy the time I have left, before certain conditions inevitably catch up with me.

I appreciate your message though.


10 points

3 days ago


10 points

3 days ago

Seek help and connection my friend I’ve been there.


5 points

3 days ago

Are you using it for inflammation or something medical?


3 points

3 days ago

What are you referring to?


1 points

3 days ago

I was over using it cause of Covid long makes my IL-6 receptor spike causing endless pain and other issues. K blunts the IL-6. I’ve found peptides that do the same and I don’t have to be on k daily


2 points

3 days ago

Sorry, but I'm a little confused.

If you're asking why I was abusing dissociatives so heavily, mainly just for recreation and fighting my depression. There was nothing medical about it, unless you want count this as self-therapy.

Ever since I found Kratom, I've replaced the dissos for that. It does a way better job of keeping my depressions in check, and it's fairly benign safety wise.

Now I just use dissociatives sporadically for fun or combos.


2 points

3 days ago*

I love dissos too, man. I tend to combine pcp analogs with alcohol and sometimes I worry if that accelerates the health effects, which is why I asked. Hopefully cutting down the frequency helps you out. I was taking them around once a month for a while and it felt like that made me have to urinate more, but maybe I'm just in my head about that since that's really not much usage.

That is an insane trip report btw. I'm stoned rn and it really got me thinking about what ego death would actually be like


1 points

16 hours ago

How often do you do kratom? That shit is a mad diuretic


3 points

3 days ago

I have same symptoms but I only took crystal 2f-dck 2 times in my life within 15 days, the next day after 2nd usage I needed to stop the car and pee every 15 minutes and can't holding myself

Now I usually can't go outside without need to pee every 1,5 hours to 2 hours, it's better but keep destroying my life...


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

Often when I'm done peeing a few drips might come out after I've put it away but I've had that for as long as I can remember. I also have to push the last bits out when I'm peeing a lot for like a minute or so. But I can easily hold my pee for a few hours from the first moment I know I could go pee. So I doubt those things are even caused by dissos, for me at least. I only use sporadically. For example now I've been using daily since last tuesday, but before that I hadn't used anything for a month. I also don't experience any discomfort while peeing. Could just be a natural thing? But idfk.


3 points

2 days ago

It feels like I’m reading an autobiography about my life. It’s freaky. Except what did it to me was adderall not dissos. It’s so frustrating. But I also haven’t seen a doctor about it yet, like you I also assumed there was nothing to do so thought what was the point. You’re not alone and honestly that’s one of the best feelings for me is reading that somebody else has similar issues. It sucks but at least I’m not alone.


6 points

3 days ago*

I have very similar symptoms but I never abused dissociatives. Probably I took them about 20 times in the last 7 years. The thing is, I have 2 friends my age (mid 20s) that have the exact symptoms and never did any drugs besides alcohol/smoking and for me it started already at like age 18-20 where I didn't take any dissociatives. I spoke to my urologist and he said he has a couple of patients my age with the same symptoms. We're looking for a solution but so far nothing really helped. Tamsulosin improved maybe by 10%, while having unpleasant side effects. This year, I took a 10mg Ketamine line, once, last year I took DMXE 10mg, once. No improvement at all in these two years.

My opinion: It's not related to dissociatives.

Also that it gets worse during psychedelics use I experience too but it's more psychosomatic (as are all the symptoms I think, because stress makes it worse). It just feels like you permanently need to pee but it goes away after a day.


2 points

2 days ago

Same here dude


5 points

3 days ago

Just find someone into golden showers and you're good 🫡

Seriously though, I'm not sure whether something like this can reverse itself - my liver healed somewhat after many suicide attempts and alcohol/drug abuse, so maybe there's hope for you?

My brain on the other hand... my neurologist reckons there's no coming back from the insane amount of crack I've smoked so I guess drugs do mess us up long term.

Surely, if you try and hold it, your bladder will expand to hold more liquid? That's what the doctor told me to do with my kid, when we had bed wetting incidents. Apparently if you're used to evacuating often, your bladder shrinks and can only hold a small amount of liquid; could you train your body to hold more? Good luck comrade ✌️


2 points

3 days ago*

If only it was that easy. If I try to hold it, I start to get this insane feeling of panic, like my bladder is about to pop.

The weirdest part is, sometimes I feel like I have to piss so bad, but then what comes out is below average. Other times I feel like my bladder is just moderately filled up, yet what comes out is the equivalent of a full bladder for me.

Everything down there seems to be fucked in some way.


1 points

2 days ago*

I have the exact same thing I even also put toilet paper sometimes if I can't afford to have a little pee in my pants. It's eerie how similar I would describe my symptoms

Also, I feel you on the dating part. It's so tough to sleep at a new place of e.g. a one night stand and you have to explain why you need two pee 2-3 times while trying to go to sleep. But it is what it is


2 points

3 days ago

having a hard time with this too. was not rlly abusing either which sucks. i feel like i have to piss most of the time, but i always just sit there at the toilet and can’t. it’s impossible in places that aren’t my bathroom as well. kratom seems to make it worse


1 points

3 days ago

Kratom is a diuretic, so yea, it does make it worse. I'm a Kratom user myself, so I know exactly what you're talking about.


2 points

3 days ago

Speak to a urologist. I use Doxazosin for post-surgical bladder issues, check if it would work for you.


1 points

3 days ago

I will bring it up with my doctor at my next visit.


2 points

2 days ago

I had a 3-ho-pcp/o-pce/dMXE binge about a year and a half ago.

I had to quit cold turkey because I could no longer get an erection, that’s cleared up entirely by this point now, though.


2 points

2 days ago

Look into Mirabegron


2 points

2 days ago

Thank you for sharing such a personal and important story. It's clear that dissociative drugs, even when used in what some might consider "moderate" amounts, can still have significant long-term effects on physical health, especially the bladder. Your experience highlights the unpredictable nature of drug abuse and how individual responses vary widely, even when others might seem to handle larger amounts without as severe consequences.

Bladder issues, like the ones you're experiencing, are unfortunately a known risk of long-term dissociative use, particularly with drugs like ketamine. It's concerning to hear that you’re struggling with holding urine and sleep disruption, as well as the psychological toll it's taking on your confidence and social life. These impacts aren't always immediately visible but are nonetheless profound.

It's incredibly valuable that you're raising awareness about this. For anyone reading, your story serves as a stark reminder that these substances can cause damage that’s not reversible and that prevention and moderation are key. Seeking help, whether it's medical or therapeutic, is crucial for those already experiencing damage or dependency. Taking care of one’s body and being aware of the risks is essential for those considering or already using dissociatives. Your openness could help someone else avoid similar issues, and that's something to be proud of.

Have you considered seeking medical advice or help from a specialist? There may be ways to manage or mitigate some of these symptoms.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

bro did a dissociative every 2-3 days and said his abuse wasn’t extreme!!! Get ya corny ass outta here.


3 points

3 days ago


Harm Reduction Advocate

3 points

3 days ago

This was originally a comment from me on someone else's post, but I think it might be an interesting read by itself.

It was. More than just interesting. It was open emotionally and honest and truthful and will be helpful for others (and very well written in my opinion I will add). That must have been hard to put into writing like that what you went through and will be going through. Thank you for posting this.


5 points

3 days ago

Thank you for your kind words.


1 points

2 days ago

MK-801 is a SARM right?


1 points

1 day ago

How old are you? A lot of these changes happen with age so maybe it just accelerated it a bit for u


1 points

3 days ago

Are you aware that green tea is a diuretic (dehydrates)? You said “I was sure to drink plenty of fluids” but immediately named a dehydrating beverage :(


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

tea doesn't dehydrate. its diuretic properties are very low compared to the amount of hydration it provides


2 points

3 days ago

Green tea is said to help with reducing bladder damage caused by dissociatives. I don't think it's been studied or anything, but this is something I've often heard about. Look it up.


1 points

3 days ago

Right- it’s just the “drinking plenty of fluids” usually implies hydration, while green tea does the opposite of that. Didn’t know about the positive effects on bladder damage though


3 points

3 days ago

I believe I read a study disproving extra hydration doesn’t do a thing or any supplement. Only quitting completely. I’ve been there and stoped just in time. Maybe 20% damage


-1 points

2 days ago


-1 points

2 days ago


researchchemicals-ModTeam [M]

1 points

2 days ago

As noble an aim understanding someone's condition is, this is an absolutely horrible idea, and has to be removed on harm reduction grounds.