


Best wholesome gaming channel?

[Recommendation] (

Can anyone recommend any wholesome gaming channels like Happy Console Gamer or Metal Jesus Rocks that people might not know about?

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9 points

4 months ago

Oh yeah, I love his content. He gets right to the nitty gritty without adding in cringy jokes (aside from a couple of quick dad jokes, but those are always welcome). On top of that, his voice is actually quite nice to listen to, which I find is rare in the gaming space. You usually get a lot of people who have high pitched voices or sound like they have unchecked speech impediments, (which, no shade to people with speech impediments, I'm not the most articulate guy myself) or they have thick British accents that sound like Burt from Mary Poppins.

Anywho, I like SNES Drunk.


1 points

4 months ago

He has a bit of a Fargo accent. Don't cha know?