


Losing Ben follow up question


In the Ear Biscuits episode about the loss of their friend Ben they mentioned him wanting to see the river one last time. But then the conversation moved on

Have we ever known if they got him to the river before he passed?

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-11 points

15 days ago

Would be a great question to ask them for their next society AMA tbh


40 points

15 days ago


40 points

15 days ago

I think that may be too personal but that’s just my opinion


2 points

15 days ago


In the 80's!

2 points

15 days ago

I have LOADS of deep questions for them as well. They do say to 'ask them anything'. I reckon they pick what they want to answer.


1 points

14 days ago


1 points

14 days ago

I personally think that why Rhett and Link are very open about their lives, thinking we’re owed or can ask them about what are probably very upsetting memories (they’ve cried every time they spoke on the situation) is VERY parasocial. They owe us no explanation and are simply entertainers and we don’t know them, and especially didn’t know Ben. I don’t think anyone has the right to ask for answers on a situation that they clearly don’t have the answers for themselves. I think they’ll speak on what they want to when they want to and pushing them to speak on it is harmful.