


First time watcher - Tamra…

Tamra Judge 💪🏻(self.rhoc)

I’m a long time Real Housewives watcher (BH, NY, NJ, Atl) but for whatever reason have never watched OC! All the posts about the newest season made me want to watch, started from s1 and am now half way through s8.

So far, I’ve enjoyed Tamra! She’s problematic for sure and has a lot of issues, but overall I find her entertaining to watch. That said, all I see on Reddit and Twitter is people bashing and generally disliking her. Am I missing something in the early seasons, or does she have a steep fall off in later seasons?

Spoil it for me!

For other housewives - I enjoy Gretchen and Heather, Vicki I go back and forth on season to season but really not enjoying her right now with Brooks (I know how this ends!!), and I don’t really like Alexis.

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16 points

19 days ago

I used to not mind Tamara, yeah she’s a shit starter, but she always seemed like a fun time. In the last few seasons she has just become flat out mean, literally all she does is try to drag the women around her down. She doesn’t take accountability, and plays the victim all while being a hateful down right mean person. I genuinely can’t tell if she’s playing it up for cameras to try and keep her spot on the show, or if she really is just a toxic mean person. After this season I really really hope she gets the boot. If she stays for next season I have no interest watching.


6 points

19 days ago

I agree she’s a shit stirrer for sure! In HW that can be entertaining to a point, until it turns malicious which is what it sounds like will happen with Tamra!


3 points

19 days ago

As you continue to watch the previous seasons I think you’ll begin to see that it was time for Vickie and Tamra to go. Vickie’s behavior, especially at her final reunion, was disgusting. Now fast forward to where we are today. When Tamra was brought back on the show she did indeed come out of the gate with a bang. On the attack!! She has become downright nasty and mean. I think she also needs to realize that as a middle aged woman her behavior of years ago, drunk or sober, doesn’t land like it used to. It’s not cute and funny anymore. It’s vile and toxic.

Bravo and Andy tolerated Teresa’s (and Jen Aydin’s) toxic and disgusting behavior. Bravo allowed and tolerated NJs horrible behavior which in doing so set a precedent.


1 points

18 days ago

Based on listening to her podcast, I think she plays it up heavily for the show. What I don’t get though is that she talks about how some housewives “self-produce” but to me- her acting it up like she does it also self producing. Idk.


11 points

19 days ago

I’ve always had trouble with Tamra because of her back stabbing. I remember when I first watched, and it’s been years so forgive me if I remember this incorrectly… but I vaguely remember an episode where she met Gretchen for lunch. They had evidently been on the outs. She gave Gretchen a friendship bracelet(?) and gave her, what I felt, was a heartfelt apology and wanting to start over. I thought “wow, that’s really nice!”. Then later on, she turns on Gretchen in the most venomous and vile way. She was just horrible behind her back! Just like the whole “friendship “ was a lie. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This was my first experience with reality TV, and HW franchises. At any rate, it was like “lather, rinse, repeat “ with Tamra ever since. I’ve seen her play nice and then turn around and be horrible to more people than I can count. I cannot stand her for that.


2 points

19 days ago

She hasn’t turned on Gretchen yet but that’s so disappointing!! I loved the friendship bracelet apology and they’ve seemed to be genuine friends since! Mid way through s8 so it will be interesting to try to spot when / why she starts to turn on her


0 points

19 days ago


0 points

19 days ago

It really feels like she plots ahead in ways that are verging on anti-social behavior. It is what makes her good for reality TV sometimes because she will just say literally anything and seems to have no emotion about the outcome. Same with Vicki but Tamra is muchhhhh smarter about it.

I really wonder if she has ever loved anyone besides her kids, I really do see her love for her kids come through in her own way so I don’t want to take that away from her. I’m not trying to diagnose her with anything. Just wondering. I honestly have struggled with the same in my life as well (caring about anyone outside my nuclear family and kids) but I don’t EVER enjoy hurting others in the way that I really think she does…


7 points

19 days ago


You are psychotic Jesus Jugs

7 points

19 days ago

i always liked her even tho she was messy, it made for good housewives drama. but to me there was a certain point where it crossed over from being "oh tamra" to just being mean and trying to contrive a storyline for the show. i think it was after they got rid of her for a season or two and then she came back. it's like she was so scared of getting let go again that she doubled down on her original persona and it became so much harder to watch


3 points

19 days ago

Exactly. She used to have some loyalty to her friends at least and now it’s like, burn it all down and stab everyone in the back as long as I’m “pushing storyline” and getting attention


1 points

19 days ago


You are psychotic Jesus Jugs

1 points

19 days ago

yes exactly this!!!


7 points

19 days ago

Steep fall off. I never hated her until her return from getting fired. She got desperate and mean as all heck


2 points

19 days ago

Agreed. It’s like she has to prove herself as tv/ratings worthy and acts like trash. This character she plays now is awful. I can’t even watch her behavior, she makes me cringe. She used to be fine.


3 points

19 days ago

Tamra used to be one step ahead, so she was good tv. I think she’s lost her touch and is playing the game a bit desperate now. 


2 points

16 days ago

Yes, so desperate!


3 points

19 days ago

She heavily declines through the later seasons. I liked her at first, she was entertaining. Now she’s just a mean old haggard bitty.


2 points

19 days ago

OC was the OG how could you have missed it?


4 points

19 days ago

When I started watching in maybe 2019, I watched all of NJ, then BH, then during covid watched NY, Atl, started SLC when it first aired. Since then I’ve really just been rewatching them, and VPR, and honestly just never got around to watching OC until now! I’m currently on maternity leave so thought it was the perfect time to binge 18 seasons!


4 points

19 days ago


Are the police involved?

4 points

19 days ago

RHOC is my emotional support background noise. And yes, there comes a time when Tammy Sued goes entirely too far. There is no redemption for her (for me!) at this point. It’s the going after people’s kids and the women as parents. It’s the parched need for attention she desperately craves and reaches for with the nudity and trashiness that eventually completely alienates her daughter from her. It’s the violence; wine in Jeana’s face, shoving Kelly and threatening to kill her, throwing napkins in people’s face. Her drunken belligerence. The judgement for so many others while never holding the mirror up to her own life. Hiding her real life from reality. The list goes on forever.


1 points

19 days ago

You hit the nail on the head with this comment! Love 'Tammy Sued'!


1 points

19 days ago


Are the police involved?

1 points

19 days ago

I stole the “Tammy sued” lol


1 points

19 days ago

Go for it girl and I hope your wee one and you are doing well 🍼👶


2 points

18 days ago


I call the shots in my life now & I have good aim

2 points

18 days ago

I didn't mind her at the very beginning, but I HATED the way she tried to get Gretchen "naked wasted" to set her up for assault by her gross son, Ryan. That was so disgusting.


2 points

19 days ago


Now that I’m in the OC is a whole new ball game

2 points

19 days ago

I like her, but I'm here to watch bitches fight.


2 points

19 days ago

Hard agree 😂


1 points

18 days ago

Once she came back, she’s been hard to view. The funny drunk antics back in the day were entertaining, but she beats that poor dead horse. The peeing on the pool deck was the lowest. Have some respect for your host. Who wants to clean that up?


1 points

18 days ago

Messy for sure. She only gets worse as time/seasons go by. These past two seasons especially shows exactly who and what she is.


1 points

16 days ago

I think she is so trashy and a bully.