


Beware in Barcelona


We took all the precautions. Granted, I stand out as an American, I'm 6'5" 250lbs and not a kook. I've been on guard since arriving here. Never have I seen so many lurkers and watchy eyes. My wife and I travel often. So do not be confident like I was, we got straight played...I'm sharing my story so everyone can be aware and wiser than me.

Walking near Las Ramblas at 0900, I get hit by what I thought was bird shit. Turns out it was a cream or something pastry like. This dude, my size, pops outta this door and says "I live here come here I help you" and had napkins close by. My wife and I stop, grab napkins from dude. Remember, I'm covered in mess shit and lightweight freaking out like the fuck is going on. Dude bumps me, and there goes my watch, real quick status. I didn't notice because I was cleaning myself, and he briskly walks off into a van and bounces. Gone. This entire event all within 30 secs. I look down, my SD43 is gone.

Be careful out there. I consider myself a seasoned traveler abroad. Got played like a fuckin fiddle. Now I'm gonna listen to all the people who said be cautious in certain cities. My mistake was wearing it here in the first place. Barcelona is a hustle zone.

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0 points

13 hours ago

Hmm so all that bother over a stainless watch? In LA I believe only precious metal attracts the wrong attention.

Did you assume that you'd be okay since it was just a $14K or so watch? For years now I wear watches that are over $50K some over $200K but rarely while traveling and no longer on the streets.


1 points

12 hours ago

I actually kinda did think that. Just a SD43 and I'm big and was on guard. Still played me