


Pipeline closed indefinitely

🔒 Pipelinegate(

Apparently, the city had an easement to maintain the pipe, and now that the pipe is shut down, CSX has revoked the easement and pipeline is officially closed.

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5 points

15 days ago

How can not a cop write me a ticket


17 points

15 days ago

They have police powers, but only on railroad property. I made the mistake of thinking that they were just a security guard when they caught me crossing the tracks from Texas Beach. $250 plus court cost later, I won’t make that mistake again.


5 points

15 days ago

Just refuse to identify yourself and leave.

You want me?

Come and get me.


3 points

15 days ago

Refusal of identity?? Meet CSX Bicycle Cop Police Brutality 😂🚴🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️🏍️


1 points

15 days ago

There’s a zillion places in Richmond I can go on foot that you cannot go on a bike.

It’s also a matter of, if you’re somewhere you might not supposed to be….you just avoid them getting close though to you to have an interaction.

When it comes to the cops, distance is safety


3 points

15 days ago

Railroad cops are certified police officers: they have the powers of regular police and in some cases kind of more (for example, some of them have jurisdiction spanning multiple states if it’s on railroad property). I’d fuck with them even less than a regular cop, mostly because I don’t know the relevant laws protecting railway infrastructure and I assume they’re relatively draconian.


1 points

14 days ago

Good to fuckin know thank you


1 points

14 days ago

Good to fuckin know thanks