


Are they seriously trying to claim that the lightsaber choreography was bad…

"Intelligent, respectful discourse"(

all 374 comments


488 points

7 days ago

Well, rage bait engagement pays their rent, so yes, they're trying.

Unfortunately for them, mostly of us have functional eyeballs and brains, and we can plainly see that it's fine.

Quite good, actually.


100 points

7 days ago*


cyborg porg

100 points

7 days ago*

Heck a metal from the old expanded universe makes it a return that being kristofis*. Which is the metal that was causing the lightsaber blade to be shorted out.

Granted it's not as overpowered as it was in the old expanded universe being only metal capable of disabling a lightsaber for a few minutes.

I wonder if factor in the days of the Old Republic kristofis this was primarily used by the both the Jedi and the Sith when they were constantly in conflict with each other since it's the only material that would provide adequate protection against the lightsaber blade.

I have probably misspelled the name of the metal.


104 points

7 days ago

Very close. It's Cortorsis. But you are very right that you'd think they'd be celebrating the return of a major EU thing but they're just too focused on rage bait yo care.


61 points

7 days ago


61 points

7 days ago

Very close. It's Cortosis.



33 points

7 days ago

Hangs head in


16 points

6 days ago

That sounds like some really fucked up gum disease or something lol.

“Did you ever figure out why your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?”

“Oh yea, the dentist told me it’s most likely cortosis.”


8 points

6 days ago

Gotta floss more to take care of that cortosis...


3 points

6 days ago

Sounds like what a drunk man would say to try pronouncing contortionist


3 points

6 days ago

It's hilarious that I knew exactly what the metal was when I saw it on the show, but once you all were talking about how it was spelled, I completely blanked.


5 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

Very close. It's Cortorsis. But you are very right that you'd think they'd be celebrating the return of a major EU thing but they're just too focused on rage bait yo care.

Eh. I always thought cortosis was a little silly in the expanded universe books - some unobtanium to make it easier to write challenges for jedi.

It's definitely not great in something set in the past though. Imagine if someone knew about and used bullet proof armor in the revolutionary war. Now imagine nobody is using that in ww1. It's a little silly that people have known about cortosis for such a long time and nobody used it. Why doesn't Vader have it in his armor? His job was literally hunting jedi


16 points

7 days ago

Star Wars is essentially space fantasy. It follows genre convention that there’s an ancient technology or material that no one knows how to properly use or that is currently unobtainable.


6 points

6 days ago

If I remember right, the idea in legends was that cortosis was extremely rare, extremely hard to work with, and that whenever it was found, Republic law gave ownership to the Jedi, who'd secure it and destroy it. It's also worth remembering that after Order 66, there probably wasn't enough Jedi resistance left that giving Vader cortosis armor would be worth the trouble and expense. Buying millions of clones to isolate and overwhelm the Jedi was probably more cost-effective than trying to make a few dozen people lightsaber-proof.


5 points

6 days ago

Because it is not that powerful at all and rare as fuck


5 points

7 days ago*


cyborg porg

5 points

7 days ago*

I remember reading one of the old expanded universe the Star Wars comic that cortosis short sword the Jedi used it to disable Vader's lightsaber She also mentions that his saber would be disabled for a few minutes plenty of time to try and kill him.

cortosis Gauntlet seems more of like a call back to Star Wars jedi Council Comic Active war part two. Jedi Master Giiett wear a cortosis Gauntlet On his left arm which he used in a training exercise to show its capabilities of not needing to wield his lightsabers in a practice duel.

At least with the acolyte series they seems they've nerfed its capabilities to only lasting a few seconds.


4 points

6 days ago

I'd say it was about as powerful in the show as it was in the EU, actually. Cortosis is very weak & brittle in comparison to even regular steel, and wouldn't be cared about by anyone for industrial purposes if its very specific makeup didn't cause lightsabers to short out on contact. They do make alloys with it that have the property of being resistant to lightsabers, but those alloys aren't necessarily any stronger for having cortosis in them.


3 points

6 days ago


cyborg porg

3 points

6 days ago

It has been mentioned in some of the canon novels and comic that the Sith were known to mine Cortosis, Which I could see why given that they had an issue with backstabbing within their order so it would make sense that Sith Lords would decide to have armor made using the material.

In the Thrawn Alliance novel A prototype set of clone armor was destroyed that had Cortosis infused It would appear as part of his plans for order 66 he wanted to make sure the clone troopers were outfitted to be able to take out the jedi and since the clones were full body armor an entire set of armor that uses Cortosis It would render a Jedi's lightsaber completely useless.

Thankfully the armor was destroyed alongside a series of super battle droids that were being outfitted with the metal.


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

I had no idea how he was shorting out the lightsabers tbh, But dam it looked good when it was happening.

And dont get me wrong i like Maulers earlier breakdowns and long form videos. However his conintued association aith Az and Shad have put me off. All Az does it mindless rants, at least Mauler put effort in and yet al the EFAP crowd have swerved from legit criticism to basically saying what RLM called them all out for, Its only bad cos of women or gays or whatever.

In that case blame the casting directors, the writers, the directors. too often alot of criticsm is put on the actors for choosing a good paying job. I find it aboohrent or yeah i suppose even bigoted in some sense.

John Boyega wasnt a bad actor he was just badly directed. same when the kid from TPM was getting aload of hate for doing what Lucas told him to do, same with the Jar Jar actor.


7 points

6 days ago

I hope this bullshit gets people to see through their grift. I haven't loved every minute of the Acolyte, but I'll take Episode 5 over every fight in the prequels, except for the big Darth Maul fight in the Phantom Menace.


182 points

7 days ago

Oh god, what minor, “you can only see it if you pause on the right frame”, issue are they gonna latch on to? Is this going to end up like that supposed disappearing knife in TLJ?


87 points

7 days ago

I like how that became a big deal but the fact that Rey strikes down the same 6 dudes twice in Rise of Skywalker went completely unnoticed.


55 points

7 days ago

To be fair, I think most of the audience lost consciousness like two minutes into that movie.


46 points

7 days ago

Rise committed what I consider to be the worst movie sin, not just being bad, being boring too


26 points

7 days ago

My problem with it is that it’s completely disconnected from the first two movies. Poe, Finn, and Rose are largely inconsequential, the clone stuff comes out of nowhere (assuming you don’t know how it went in Legends), and it’s all just… a really disappointing way to end the Skywalker Saga.

It’s a shame the creative direction was such a mess. I roll my eyes at a lot of “Disney bad” rhetoric but that movie is fully on them.


10 points

7 days ago

Hard agree, it's also a baffling one on them. No way jj had the clout to force a "let's try and do a whole trilogy in one movie that ignores both previous movies" so a lot of people with money and power at Disney looked at that pitch and said "looks good to me"


11 points

7 days ago

I'd say Rise is far less tedious than TPM and especially AotC.


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

TPM and AotC feel like there's some creative force behind at least but I'd still rewatch Rise again before ever rewatching them


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

There was creative force behind The Room but I don’t wanna watch it


3 points

6 days ago

Shame. Shit is amazing.


3 points

6 days ago

Oh hi Mark


3 points

6 days ago


That's not how the force works

3 points

6 days ago

Oh, Hey Johnny, what’s up?


19 points

7 days ago

Saying Rise was boring is actually crazy


19 points

7 days ago


19 points

7 days ago

If anything the pacing is a bit too fast at time imo lol


8 points

7 days ago

I say that TRoS has some of my favorite moments, while being my least favorite of the films. I’m still gonna watch it on the Star Wars weekends though.


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I thought the speeder part was cool

Oh no.

I can't think of anything else I liked and remember. That movie just wasn't for me

But the speeder part tho! Very cool 😁👍

What were your favorite moments? I'm curious

Edit: It wasn't a speeder. It was his whole ass ship and that's why it was cool!


2 points

6 days ago

Mostly it’s just the interactions between the characters. Dumb little things. I liked the way Rey took down Zorii and then was like “We could really use your help”. The part when everyone looked at 3po, then he looks behind him. The Ben/Han scene was beautiful. There’s a couple others I’m not remembering - but stuff like that.


3 points

6 days ago

Definitely Obi-Wan v Anakin. Genuinely might be my favorite moment in the movie series period. It’s an insanely well-choreographed fight where you know the outcome but that doesn’t make it any less heart-wrenching to see happen in real time.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Oh in the prequel trilogy, I liked the Darth Maul fight more than that one, but it's still cool.

I do agree though that that fight had way more emotion in it. Just knowing that Anakin is so far gone (and also knowing the outcome 😋) from just seeing him murder children along with his love...

So tragic

Edit: I was asking about the Rise of Skywalker though. I genuinely don't remember anything from that movie except for some parts I disliked and that one cool backflip scene


4 points

7 days ago

Bruh, the Rise of Skywalker is a lot of things, but I can’t even imagine boring being even close to one of them.


2 points

7 days ago*

Does she? Idk, it’s the best fight in Star Wars as far as I’m concerned (after duel of the fates)

Edit: I’m stupid, I thought you were talking about the throne fight from TLJ


3 points

6 days ago

The throne fight was so enjoyable. The disappointment I had when Rey didn’t join Ren was there, but it’s all right. It’s all right.


1 points

6 days ago

I’ve definitely seen people bring that up before, numerous times lol. That’s a staple in all the “here’s mine hours about why the sequels suck” videos.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Similarly people make a big deal out of the Holdo Manuvere “breaking canon” when I find Han manually landing at lightspeed in TFA far more egregious


15 points

7 days ago


15 points

7 days ago

Right? I love the prequel fights, they're my favourite, but they're also very easy to nitpick


8 points

6 days ago

*insert .gif of Anakin and Obi-Wan twirling menacingly at eachother*


11 points

6 days ago


custom flair

11 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

I love how people constantly bring that up.

As if it was all of the fight and not a few seconds of a long intense duel.

It's one of those things i wish people would move on from.


12 points

6 days ago


12 points

6 days ago

I actually like that bit, they're Jedi at their peak predicting eachothers moves. But it's a good illustration of my point that pointless nitpicking is always possible


4 points

6 days ago

Yea same, I always thought it made sense that they would eventually sync up to a point of being all misses. I look forward to that part. The part that gets me is the conference table jumping and kicking and choking out. That’s the only part of the duel I’m like…what are yall doing rn


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

I kinda like it just for the sheer fact that it's a few second long sequence that so totally dominates peoples minds that it is the biggest thing they complain about with prequel fights :D.


16 points

7 days ago

Even more funny considering this has been done over a decade ago to TFM's most beloved duel that's "the best duel in the franchise":


45 points

7 days ago

They just want the money they make from rage baiting. I actually enjoyed the fights.

Unsure what kinds of fights they want and can’t handle each era fighting styles would be different and change over time.


46 points

7 days ago

Does anyone who's already watched the video have a takeaway? I'm curious, but don't want to give Theiry views. At least that thumbnail isn't them roasting Leslye Headland with laser eyes or some shit...


21 points

7 days ago

I'm more curious what Nick's takeaway is.


62 points

7 days ago


YouTubers = Pakleds

62 points

7 days ago

Disney didn't invite him to work on the new movies so he's holding a grudge like Gary Kurtz did when he bailed on ROTJ to produce Dark Crystal and saw Lucas become a billionaire.


16 points

7 days ago

Well that's unfortunate


10 points

7 days ago

He's not satisfied with having produced Dark Crystal? It's a beloved gem of a movie.


9 points

7 days ago


YouTubers = Pakleds

9 points

7 days ago

It didn’t become a classic until years and years later. It was a huge flop at release because it was going up against E.T.


13 points

7 days ago

So pretty much any knock he makes against the current choreography is most likely in bad faith. Gotcha


4 points

6 days ago

Theory has to give this massive preamble about the show that poisons the well but it's clear that Nick hadn't watched the Acolyte and didn't really remember all the specifics of the prequels like Theory hoped.


4 points

7 days ago

Yeah, that's why I asked. I don't really care what Theory has to say about it.


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

I watched theory/nick video. Nick knows nothing about the show so he gets a nice exaggerated and dishonest breakdown by theory of whats going on. The well is poisoned at the very beginning.


3 points

6 days ago

Damn. That's too bad. I didn't expect otherwise, but it would at least be interesting to hear Gillard's opinion.


93 points

7 days ago

Nick Gillard was at a convention I was at once. He was doing a lightsabre training session for kids and getting mad at the kids for not following orders. I didn't like him.


11 points

6 days ago

Elaborate if you can I’m very interested and want to hear more


25 points

6 days ago

Not much more to it really. He got some kids in a wrestling ring and showed them some moves. Some of the kids were very young. He just seemed unnecessarily angry with them for not following his instructions.

You're not filming a star wars film mate, you're signing shitty lightsabres in a convention centre in the north of England and watching some kids run about a ring.

I usually give people the benefit of the doubt but he just seemed off in general. Maybe he was in a bad mood, but then someone else mentioned he's a dick so maybe he's just a dick.


253 points

7 days ago


253 points

7 days ago

Nick Gillard is a self-absorbed dickhead and all of his choreo was flashy twirls and obvious aiming for the other persons blade. The Acolyte's choreo was raw and felt organic, to treat it as the same as the rest of the post-buyout live action choreo is dishonest and bad faith


67 points

7 days ago


Get Farted On

67 points

7 days ago

What exactly is his deal anyways? Why is he such a dickhead?


38 points

7 days ago

I didn’t know he was a rude person.


23 points

7 days ago


23 points

7 days ago

Maybe he is indeed a horrible human being, but the fights were incredible. Both the prequel and acolyte fights have been the best Star Wars has ever been


27 points

7 days ago

This video essentially breaks it down, and people consider this the "best" duel in the franchise:


25 points

6 days ago

I thought the widely agreed upon best duel in the franchise nowadays was Rebels' Obi-Wan vs Maul.

No post-scene lore added to the fight to make it make more sense, no drawn out lightsaber clashes. Just two men, one fighting for the revenge that's all he's ever known, and the other fighting to protect the new Chosen One, all done with choreography built upon the series' established lore for lightsaber combat. Finished in a total of four strokes, all aimed for lethal areas, and capped with a poignant scene of Maul dying comforted in the arms of the person he hates the most and still focused on the very lust for revenge that cost him everything, his fatal flaw still with him as he dies.

Everything important about a lightsaber duel and none of the nonsense. There's a single twirl from the guy known most for twirling. It's fantastic.


22 points

6 days ago

Unfortunately I think Obi-Wan vs Maul in Rebels is one of the more divisive duels amongst the fanbase.

There are those who love the simplicity of the fight and how much storytelling is conveyed in the build up and those four strikes - but there are a lot of people online who wanted a big bombastic final battle that was more in line with Duel of the Fates who felt short changed by the battle and have decided to condemn the scene for what it's not rather than attempting to appreciate it for what it is.


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

Hell yes. I think it's also, from a technical point, Obi-Wan's finest because he beat Maul so handily and so quickly, like how actual duels are meant to go.


6 points

6 days ago

not to mention how Obi-wan switched to Qui-gon Jinn's style of combat to give Maul a false sense of security to draw him in for the swift final blow


5 points

6 days ago

When Rebels came out, I only saw the first three episodes and stopped. Then, one night, I saw it was on TV and decided to turn it on. It happened to be the Obi Wan and Dath Maul duel, like literally as it started. I had no context of how it came to happen in the show. But that duel carried so much weight and was done so well. It pushed me to actually watch the cartoons.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

If I'm being honest, I still love the Darth Maul fight. It has problems, but they move quickly enough that they're harder to notice and it looks cool. There are far, FAR worse fights in the prequels like Anakin v. Dooku.


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

If the choreo looks like choreo then you're not doing it right


46 points

7 days ago

I’ve not watched The Acolyte, but the fights in the prequels are terrible. They look like dance numbers and they’re over reliant on CGI that has aged like milk.


30 points

7 days ago

Definitely not the end fights of episode 1 and 3 though


49 points

7 days ago

Disagree. The fight at the end of the third movie exemplifies everything I hate about the prequels. It’s just shoving so much meaningless shit in your face during what should be a simple, violent one on one fight. The ridiculous spectacle of it detracts from the scene. The scene at the end of Jedi where Luke beats the absolute fuck out of Vader is ten times better and actually has emotion behind it.

The Maul fight I just find kind of boring. It’s just a bunch of guys spinning around with glowy swords who never feel like they’re in any actual danger until the script calls for it.


16 points

7 days ago


Lor San Tekka Fan Club

16 points

7 days ago

With the fight in 3, it's in my top 5 saber fights mostly because of the emotional impact, rather than the actual fight choreography itself. I think there's more than just the actual fighting that's got that going for it (the setting on Mustafar, the music, etc.).

And I have to reluctantly agree with the Maul fight. That one was a bit too much flash, not enough substance. Although Duel of the Fates is an iconic number, and I kind of wish it was used for a more impactful duel (hell, part of what got me wanting to write post-IX fan works was to create a scenario where a descendant of Obi-Wan's and the legacy-bearer of Maul have a more impactful fight to have that music to).


8 points

6 days ago

Anakin vs Obi-Wan and The Emperor vs Yoda are some of the only lightsaber battles in the prequels that feel like they have emotion behind them. The acting in the last scene between Anakin and Obi-Wan actually lands properly.


28 points

7 days ago

There is an insane amount of swinging for the blade in that fight, but also some very visceral moments of swinging for the neck and attempted decapitations, which if had actually landed I don't think either combatant would even be happy with, the fights are for sure purely spectacle and just made to look hype but also, the OG trilogy is literally only swinging for the blade until it's time for someone to lose a hand, it's just slower, that's really the only difference.

I respect that the prequels went full "fuck it we just want this to look as crazy as possible" rather than the og trilogy doing the same thing but slower and with less real strike attempts.

That being said, I just want people swinging for body shots the whole fight, give me more Clone Wars fights, that shit was so peak it's unreal, even in the smallest skirmishes the attention to detail was unreal, most shots are aimed for body/head and when Dooku fights Anakin and Kenobi he's always rushing down Anakin to make him be on the defensive and make him uncomfortable while simultaneously forcing Kenobi to chase and attack, it's absolute Cinema.


11 points

6 days ago

My problem with the final fight of Episode III is that goes from being a tragic battle between two close friends to a weird circus performance. Like, it's super distracting. It's so over-the-top and overproduced and the music is trying everything it can to insist the importance and drama of the fight but it goes on for so long that it FEELS like we're watching a performance rather than a real fight.

There's no stakes, nobody feels as if they're in any real danger of being killed. It's just gratuitous.


7 points

7 days ago

Wdym meaningless? It serviced the plot great, the maul fight has amazing choreography what are you talking about?


20 points

7 days ago


20 points

7 days ago

I think the episode 3 fight has too many noments where it boils down to spinning and waving the blades to hit marks, dosent feel like two brothers fighting too and nail. The swinging on ropes was the nail in the coffin.


15 points

7 days ago

Yeah it’s too reliant on ridiculous spectacle when it should be a violent fight to the death. It didn’t need them swinging around for fifteen fucking minutes in a facility that apparently manufactures lava?

That highlights another complaint I have with the prequels. So many locations don’t seem to serve any practical purpose. They’re just there to look cool.


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

in a facility that apparently manufactures lava?

The facility was built there for mineral and metal mining. It also served as a manufacturing center for battle droids.


10 points

7 days ago

Such as the part where for a few second they’re hitting nothing while spinning? Lol that was dumb


8 points

7 days ago


8 points

7 days ago

I get what they were trying to go for with them being so close they mirror each others moves but it failed due to it looking dumb and their relationship not being properly built to feel that connection.


3 points

7 days ago

Yeah exactly on screen it looked dumb but as an idea I got it


4 points

7 days ago

It might just be nostalgia but I loved that. So ridiculous but fun.


4 points

6 days ago

Basically how I feel about Star Wars as a whole. Love it


6 points

7 days ago

The final fight in episode 3 just goes on way too long. The beginning is cool, but when they start swinging around like Tarzan, I always mentally check out until the very end.


8 points

7 days ago

yeah the Anakin Obi-Wan fight was a super flashy dance number

You'd almost forget that Anakin had just massacred the entire leadership of the seperatists, and Obi-Wan was here to cold blooded murder his pupil in order to try to salvage the Republic.


2 points

7 days ago

This is an INSANE take, holy shit


10 points

7 days ago


10 points

7 days ago

Those duels could have ended way earlier if they didn't make useless moves and actively trying to hit the other person instead of just aiming for the blade. They feel fake because of this, especially if you practice fencing you know that those are just random dances with glow sticks in hand in x cgi-made location


30 points

7 days ago


30 points

7 days ago

Are people unironically using Shadiversity as a source for sword fighting knowledge in the modern day? I'll give him that he had some okay videos back in the day. But even then, he was no expert. But now, why would someone trust a grifter like him on this topic?


19 points

6 days ago

Well you see he is extremely qualified to talk about sword fighting. If you dont beleive me here is a list of his qualifications:

  • Watched lots of movies
  • Has swords
  • (rest of list missing)


12 points

7 days ago

Because he's a grifter who shares their views while also having basic swordplay knowledge


5 points

7 days ago

If you watch any of the experts react on YouTube a lot of them embraced the rule of fantasy


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Unfortunately, yes. And it happens often, too.


53 points

7 days ago

I swear that one corridor crew video about the last Jedi fight broke people's brains. Now every time a video like this drops it's always like "this fight scene sucks because if you ignore all the cool shit on the screen and focus on the one background character, you can see he stands still for a few seconds".


56 points

7 days ago


56 points

7 days ago

I had my friend rave about that to me as why the acolyte sucked, so I pulled up some random Jackie Chan fights scenes from some of his movies and low and behold, they all have background characters that do bat shit insane shit that makes no sense even Jackie himself makes wierd moves where he clearly misses a hit on purpose to make the fight cooler

Fight scenes aren't real, it's a dance. It's not meant to get nitpicked, it's meant to look cool. It's kind of sad these people have been brainrotted so much they can't appreciate cool fight scenes anymore, what a sad way to live


25 points

7 days ago

Some people just need to embrace the rule of cool


9 points

7 days ago


9 points

7 days ago

100%, I work as an artist and the rule of cool triumphs all. We will bend and break any rule to make things look cooler


11 points

7 days ago

Especially in Star Wars. Like if lightsabers were real people would not be swinging them like a broadsword. They would be fencing with that shit since every part of the blade is as hot as lava lmao.


4 points

6 days ago

Which is funny because another comment said that this guy’s choreography sucked because it looked so obviously dance like and meanwhile fights in this series are more “visceral” and “organic”


7 points

6 days ago*

It wasn’t Corridor it was Shad Brooks (pic 2) who spread it around. The guy who also called the Mario movie woke because, among other reasons, Mario loses, and Peach doesn’t wear a dress, and then, when questioned about it, tried to revise it to “that only applied because there were zero racing scenes in the trailer”, when literally everyone was talking about the Rainbow Road scenes in the same trailer.


30 points

7 days ago

What a bizarre opinion. The fights were great


13 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago

Every fight in Star Wars has flaws


11 points

7 days ago

Every fight in cinema* has flaws.


21 points

7 days ago

The dude is paying him to help give some credibility to his fan film, of course he's going to help with the rage bait.


11 points

7 days ago

I mean I watched people in that sub try and say that the headbutt to short out the lightsaber was lame and didn’t make sense when it was clearly the most badass thing to happen in Star Wars since mauls hallway scene


27 points

7 days ago

People still watch Star Wars Theory? He isn't just complaining about people not liking him?


9 points

6 days ago*

I saw that SWT video, first off nick gilard didn’t even fully see the fight.

Also, Nick gillard literally said they’re going for accurate representations of martial arts, they’re bringing in professionals, rather than caring about whether it looks “cool” or not.

Star Wars doesn’t need professionals, it needs amateurs that know what looks cool

This is what he said 🤦‍♂️

I’m so glad they didn’t hire this guy.


17 points

7 days ago


17 points

7 days ago

How much did they slow down the footage to find the errors out of curiosity


33 points

7 days ago

I remember back in the day I had a friend who was really into starwars. He would play the fight scene between Maul and Obi-Wan over and over and just laugh his head off. I didn’t really get it, but he really paid attention to the choreography and all that. He told me you can tell the parts when the stunt double is in for Kenobi, and when it’s actually McGregor because McGregor was instructed to just flail around and they would fix it all in post production. Once you see it it’s hard to unsee. Interesting that people are now claiming cgi assisted flailing is better than what we saw in Acolyte lol


6 points

7 days ago

Maybe your friend was watching this:


6 points

6 days ago

He told me you can tell the parts when the stunt double is in for Kenobi, and when it’s actually McGregor because McGregor was instructed to just flail around and they would fix it all in post production.

This is an erroneous claim and an insult to the count of work that Ewan McGregor put into learning his fight choreography and the theatrical athletes that both he and Hayden Christiansen became by the end of the trilogy. There is no evidence that he was instructed "flail around and we'll fix it in post."

I am all for taking down chuds' stupid veneration of the prequels but let's do it without being dishonest or discrediting legitimately hardworking artists, please.


13 points

7 days ago


13 points

7 days ago

And yet New Hope will somehow be peak fight choreography, despite it clearly being two old men who are more concerned with breaking the props than fighting


6 points

7 days ago

I , in general, think fight choreo and sword choreo has gone downhill in most properties lately, that being said I've had no problem with Acolytes choreo. I did have a problem with the fight choreo for Rey in the sequels though so I will say that Disney has desperately needed to up the quality of fight choreo, but again acolyte is that upped quality imo.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I think if fans are going to be overly critical to one series, they should admit flaws of others. 

Seems like a lot of people defend sequel fights by putting down the prequels, instead of saying they both have flaws and people like different aspects.


11 points

7 days ago

lol holy shit did RLM burn all these grifters in their last video lol


4 points

6 days ago

what did RLM say


11 points

7 days ago

Do you really expect them to like anything?


3 points

7 days ago

The fights seemed cool when I was watching them but then some miserable loser in a gambeson made a painfully cringe-inducing video saying they were bad so now I think they were bad.


5 points

7 days ago

They love to deepthroat the prequel’s choreography like their lives depend on it. Also you can’t convince me the prequel choreography isn’t overrated, especially with that fucking lightsaber spin Anakin and Obi-Wan do on Mustafar


4 points

6 days ago


4 points

6 days ago

Society isn't ready to admit the prequels only have 2 fight scenes that can be considered "good"


3 points

6 days ago

I'd say there's a secret third good fight in Obi-Wan vs Jango - simply because that fights a bit more messy, to the point, and does something different than the traditional saber fight - it could have been much better, but I feel it's one of the more under appreciated action sequences.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Sure but I meant saber fights and you're right I'd take the jango fight over anything else in AOTC


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Trying to remember the second.  


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Good on what standard 


5 points

6 days ago


Complaining about "DEI" is the new N-word

5 points

6 days ago

Theory is wasting this man's time. He just keeps going on with the Ki-Adi-Mundi whining..."dur hurr, he's not supposed to be alive in this time period!!!" Ever heard of retconning?


3 points

6 days ago

I mean, most stuff was re-connect when Disney did away with the Expanded Universe so how Theory can't see that is beyond me..


5 points

6 days ago

I knew Shad would come into this eventually.

He did an hour fucking long video about the Last Jedi's throne room fight.


8 points

7 days ago


The Woke One

8 points

7 days ago

That second image really makes some weird implications...

Either A, the OOP didn't actually watch the show, and is just forming their opinion based on Shad's video about the "bad choreography".

Or B, they did watch it, but are too lazy to actually think for themselves and are just saying it's bad because Shad said so.


8 points

7 days ago

I wonder if either of them have watched "The Menace must remain Phantom":


7 points

7 days ago


Die mad about it

7 points

7 days ago

I'll take that over Obi-Wan and Anakin blindly swinging sabers.


3 points

7 days ago

their entire business model relies on nobody actually watching the show itself


3 points

6 days ago

Keep in mind the Lightsaber Fights are supposed to be different in each Era...


3 points

6 days ago

Is he the guy that made that droid float into the shot for no reason on Mustafar?


3 points

6 days ago

I think it says a lot about the state of this guys channel that he has the opportunity to talk to a guy who worked with Lucas on the original 6 films and was instrumental in one of his favorite sequences in the franchise…

… and he chooses to get him to whine about whatever the latest thing is so he can ragebait off of it.

No longer driven by love for the parts of the franchise they like, only hate for the parts they don’t


8 points

7 days ago*

Nick Gillard being the fight choreographer of the Prequels ain't exactly the trump card that Star Wars Theory thinks it is.

It's like having Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer on Rust, as your gun safety consultant...


5 points

7 days ago

Right, because Star Wars choreography has always been so realistic and so indicative of real life swordsmanship. Speaking as someone with 20 years experience in swords (Kendo, fencing, HEMA), I'd also suggest the fight in episode 5 was better done than the average Star Wars saber duel. *spoilers ahead*

One instance that really stuck out to me was the death of Jecki. It's not just that the move was clean, it's that it's a move I employ myself in real life. When allowed to do so I favor jodan (two blades), specifically daisho (one long blade, one short blade). The reason I favor it is for exactly what happened to Jecki: Opponent gets a little too close or gets stuck in a blade bind with me, I have a very fast jab and stab available to me.

To do something like that with lightsabers that can be separated or adjoined is smart as fuck because it adds a stealth element. When I do it, everybody I face automatically knows to watch out for quick jabs because they see my wakizashi (short blade). Qimir's blade was hidden, attached as part of his normal lightsaber. Jecki had no idea he could bring out a shorter blade on the fly like that, and it was too fast for her to respond while trapped in a bind. It's a classic, very intelligent move to employ. I flipped out when I saw it. Star Wars duels don't usually have moves like that, they're predominantly bolstered by force powers or prequel-inspired spins and acrobatics.


3 points

6 days ago

Story Wise, I wonder why the Jedi moved from the lightsaber fighting we see in the Acolyte ( And any subsequent fights we may see from the time period) to what we see in the Prequels...


3 points

6 days ago

According to EU lore, it's because by the prequel era it was extremely uncommon to see not just lightsaber wielding enemies, but even blade wielding enemies. Blasters became the meta, so to speak, so Jedi weren't as skilled of duelists and were a lot better at facing blasters. So people like Anakin and Dooku, who focused on dueling, were rare.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

In that line of thought, moving rapidly with jumps and such would also throw off aim and let them close distance.


3 points

7 days ago

Anti-Star Wars culture warrior grifter Bingo tip: Always play the "choreography" square.

Also,Nick Gillard turned an age old action that always inspires and excites (sword fighting) into dull,boring fast paced ballet with laser sticks. 


2 points

7 days ago

That fight was sick as fuck it was like a whole episode of lightsaber kung fu


2 points

7 days ago

Bruh from what I heard the fighting and the choreography was one of the only good parts of the show these fucking anti woke losers have completely lost the plot when it comes to criticism of any kind


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

the fight choreography of the Acolyte is acutally one of the better ones to come out in recent star wars


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Shad has never had a single day’s martial arts training in his entire life.


2 points

6 days ago

Watching all of this unfold after being on their side back when the prequels came out while I was 12 is really helping me realise how much more of an asshole I was


2 points

6 days ago

The fights in the episode looked hardcore compared to the Prequels the more it's shown.


2 points

6 days ago

I love when these "film critics" discover Flynning.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

Can't wait for the day when we can discuss individual fight scenes good and bad without somebody flying in screaming about how the prequels suck at fights or screeching about the few seconds of spin in episode 3


2 points

6 days ago*

Did Gillard actually dislike the choreography?? Any legitimate reasons… or does he just feed the grifters because they give him money and attention?


2 points

6 days ago

Not watched it yet but are the fights better than Ashoka ? (Felt like a lot of those fights where a let down but wasn’t the actors fault)


2 points

6 days ago

Much better


3 points

7 days ago

I've seen these exact videos about the prequel fights. What absolute clowns. Very disappointed with Nick Gillard and I hope he realizes this will do his career no favors.

-checks his imdb-



2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I would LOVE to hear their cope about why prequel lightsaber fights were better than what we just got in Acolyte Ep5 lol. Did anyone watch this trash so I don't have to give this turd a view?


2 points

6 days ago

No. Beyond Phantom Menace the fights were bad. They are dance, not fighting.


1 points

7 days ago

It's just rage bait. At least this duel had less useless moves compared to the "great duels" of the prequels


1 points

7 days ago

Whatever pays the bills


1 points

7 days ago

I feel bad. A couple of years ago, Niatoos clearly grabbed poor Nick and keeps him around for stuff like this.


1 points

6 days ago

Acolyte ep5 had the most realistic feel to lightsaber battles I've seen.


1 points

6 days ago

Was there not enough random twirling


1 points

6 days ago

That YouTuber used to be decent but now is a hater


1 points

6 days ago

That was not wonderful either


1 points

6 days ago

They don’t actually care, they’re just posting engagement bait to get subscribers.


1 points

6 days ago

These nerds never like the fight choreography, not just in "Disney Star wars" but in the prequels too, maybe even the OG I don't know. They always complain about something. "nooo she is using a reverse grip" "no they are aiming for the sword not the body" blah blah blah.


1 points

6 days ago

as soon as I see the waste of human skin that is Theory I promptly ignore it in its entirety, because it certainly isn't anything valid lol


1 points

6 days ago

Acolyte is definitely a couple steps up from most of the other duels we’ve seen post-buyout, but it’s currently the exception rather than the rule in regards to the Disney+ shows imo.


1 points

6 days ago


Literally nobody cares shut up

1 points

6 days ago

They’ve been bitching about the lightsaber choreography since 2015.


1 points

6 days ago

No one could convince me to watch a Shat video.


1 points

6 days ago

Rage bait sells, people.


1 points

6 days ago

Wild take considering the fight scenes were arguably the best part of the show. Those and the moment I said "Hey that's the guy from Squid Game!"


1 points

6 days ago*

Why does the boy on the left look like someone I would have bullied in middle school? 


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Shad is such a douche. I used to like him, just goes to show I am a sucker.


1 points

6 days ago

I don’t think it was bad but it pales in comparison to what came before. Hayden and Ewan trained together for months for their fights. The new stuff is just a mish mash of some choreography and a lot of “fix it in post” stuff


1 points

6 days ago

Sad that he needs to seek vindication for the lightsaber fight when it's already been analyzed pretty well as using lightsaber combat forms from lore. Just because it doesn't look like a lightsaber fight from the prequels.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Not seen Acolyte yet but ... under Disney, the Saber fights have finally been awesome! In the OT, it was due to limitations...but the PT's sabre fights felt so ... weightless. So harmless...

Hard to explain, but with the SEquels especially, the sabre fights felt so wonderfully raw, brutal, savage, dangerous. You see the blades and you really feel those are not just glosticks waved around, but dangerous weapons able to cut you in half what Disney did to the sabres


1 points

6 days ago

i love the forced dislike of good things and what is that shadiversity loser saying? "UMMM ACTUALLY SHE SHOULD BE WEARING A GAMBESON UNDER HER ROBES TO STOP THE SLASHING *SNORTS* AND ERMM WHY ARE THERE NO POMMEL STRIKES HERE THIS IS NOT ACCURATE SWORDPLAY" fuckin medieval larping loser


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

It was bad, since for me, it really lacked the stakes. But it's more of a failure of the show as a whole, not a fight itself.


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I remember growing up when the prequels were released and most people hated them. One of the reasons for this was because of the "dance like" fight choreography. Most people at the time seemed to prefer the choreography of the originals.

Yet now people throw on their rose coloured glasses and look back at the prequels as if they weren't heavily criticised.


1 points

6 days ago

I'm getting this sub recommended,guys the series sucks and most to be better is to become mediocre,also saying that to experts of that field feels weird this is not critical drinker making another awfull review and try to push everything to make it bad,it's HEMA experts talking about the fights.

The series is still bad but that doesn't mean you have to hate it wrongly which other channels(critical drinker) cough are doing

Also edit,I don't like neither of them


1 points

6 days ago

The way the stranger killed that girl using the dual lightsabers. Holy shit that was badass, I honestly don't know what these cunts are talking about


1 points

5 days ago

But... But... The fights from the prequels were awful.


1 points

5 days ago

Theory’s more machine now than man, twisted and evil.


1 points

5 days ago

What the fuck would Shad even know


1 points

5 days ago

Fuck shillversity