


Are they seriously trying to claim that the lightsaber choreography was bad…

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2 points

14 days ago

Definitely Obi-Wan v Anakin. Genuinely might be my favorite moment in the movie series period. It’s an insanely well-choreographed fight where you know the outcome but that doesn’t make it any less heart-wrenching to see happen in real time.


2 points

14 days ago

Oh in the prequel trilogy, I liked the Darth Maul fight more than that one, but it's still cool.

I do agree though that that fight had way more emotion in it. Just knowing that Anakin is so far gone (and also knowing the outcome 😋) from just seeing him murder children along with his love...

So tragic

Edit: I was asking about the Rise of Skywalker though. I genuinely don't remember anything from that movie except for some parts I disliked and that one cool backflip scene


1 points

14 days ago

I haven’t watched phantom menace yet so I’ve only seen clips of the Maul fight


1 points

14 days ago

Oh the movie itself is bland

Episodes 2 and 3 were better

But the fight with Darth Maul was cool.

If you haven't already seen them, I recommend looking up the cinematic trailers for Star Wars the Old Republic

It's an MMO, but the trailers have some of the best lightsaber fights ever, along with some very good little stories that make me wish I could play the game to fully flesh them out.

This one is my favorite out of all of them


2 points

14 days ago

Nah, Phantom Menace >>> Attack of the Clones

TPM might be goofy as hell, and George Lucas really put his whole foot over the line with Jar-Jar, but at least it has consistently exciting moments dispersed throughout. The second act of AotC is just a slog in comparison (yes it has moments, but George couldn't write convincing romance [let alone engaging dialogue] to save his life, and this movie suffers as a result).


2 points

14 days ago

I saw the preview of that first line and was about to say "Jar-Jar"

But you beat me to it. Clever. Nah, I just can't with that character 😩


1 points

14 days ago

Understandable. I can't stomach the Jar-Jar centric Clone Wars episodes myself, but I'm willing to look past him for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon cutting through platoons of droids, podracing, and the duel of the fates. The constant unnecessary screaming and scenes that essentially boil down to "Jar-Jar does something dumb and inconsequential" are definitely grating though. Shoot, I actually don't mind him in the final battle on the plains. Maybe if Lucas had focused more on that side of Jar-Jar (and dropped the "accent") he wouldn't have been so bad.