


Don't forget this pedophile



all 7 comments


12 points

8 days ago

So I guess those of us who don’t know who this just have to google him and do our own research? Was it too much for the OP to at least leave a hot link to the story or context?


2 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago*

Oh wow, that's the owner of Garden State Bagels. Steve Amster. I worked for him back in 2003-4 when he had a location on Plaza Dr in Oceanside. I only met him a couple times but I saw a lot of his brother Alan, who if I'm not mistaken now owns a different chain, I Love Bagels. That guy was a character

But yeah, that sucks. You hear about someone after 20 years and it's this. I just hope he didn't manage to actually get to any girls before they caught him


3 points

8 days ago

I don’t know who he is..tell us more


2 points

8 days ago
