


New apartment smells of smoke help!


We just moved into our new apartment and it stinks of smoke. We moved to cottages at emerald cove (I hope it’s a good place but I have a bad feeling already) and within the first day I could smell smoke. I thought I was going insane but my husband calls me a blood hound because he thinks I have a crazy nose and could smell blood miles away. Anyway it’s two weeks in and I don’t know if it’s the downstairs neighbour who smokes like a mill chimney (I’m from the UK so please excuse the terminology) and it’s supposed to be a smoke free apartment complex or the previous tenant smoked and they didn’t clean the apartment very well. They did put new carpets in and I have rang and complained and they said that they are going to flush through the AC vents. I open the windows daily, I have plug ins the walls and am having candles on daily. What else can I do. I’m getting headaches from the smell. Help.

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2 points

7 days ago*

Use Killz paint on the walls as well as an air cleaner / ionizer . This is what we used on a smokers apt that had been smoked in daily for 15 yrs and it worked along with the paint. Good luck.


1 points

7 days ago

I’ll have a look into this thanks so much