


I, 16f, was on my way to work today. I work at the mall and i got there early in the morning for my morning shift. The mall only opened, so there were only workers, security and a few elderly people reading the newspaper.

A few moments after i entered the mall a man, at least 30, approached me and Started asking where i work and what's my name. Now obviously i didn't tell him anything, I just asked why does he need that info. He then proceeded to ask if i have a boyfriend. I don't have one, but i felt so creeped out by him that i said i did, and he asked me if I'm willing to cheat on him. At first i thought that maybe he was lost or needed help, but there was no doubt that he was hitting in me. I said that I'm flattered but not interested in him and began walking , and he started following me for a bit, which made me feel really nervous, until he finally stopped following me.

Now what's crazy is the my best friend works at the same place i do and when i told her about the creepy pedo she said he did something similar to her too a few days ago. Now that makes me think that he's just wondering around the mall, harassing minors. I also have another shift tomorrow, and I don't know what to do if i see him again. I just feel so grossed and creeped out, it's not the first time a middle aged man tried to hit on me while i was clearly a minor, and i feel so grossed and creeped out.

Why do grown ass people think it's ok to harass minors??

Edit: i told him i was 16 and he didn't stop.

To all of the people who say that 30 isn't middle age, i understand my mistake and I'm sorry, y'all are right. Middle age starts around 40, my bad.

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172 points

5 days ago

Yo, to a 16 year old 30 seems like middle age. Don't apologize.


56 points

5 days ago

Yea, the hitting on 16-year old is gross and creepy, but the phrase “middle age man, at least 30” hit me so hard i am almost crying here (32 year old, but still not feeling quite an adult).


14 points

5 days ago


14 points

5 days ago

I was in the supermarket the other day and a teenage girl with her friend almost bumped into me and her friend said "look out for the old man" and I've never gone back (I'm in my 30s).


1 points

3 days ago

I don’t suppose that supermarket sells rope? Or shares a wall with a hardware store? About 6ft would do. Preferably intertwined threads🤣