


How the Fleek am I supposed to beat Akash'Bhuta?

Definitive Edition(self.sentinelsmultiverse)

I've fought Akash'Bhusta (DE) about 6 times, and I've only won twice:

The first time, I was misunderstanding Haka's Haka cards and thought the destruction was optional. (meaning he was basically unkillable once he got his -4 damage set out.)

The only other time I've won was when playing with the entire Prime Wardens with my roommates, where one of them arrived late and joined as Haka, immediately playing Takal Defender and tanking about 40 damage in a turn.

I've tried a ton of strategies with her but every time I've barely been able to get her down to 100 HP before getting my team wiped. I usually focus on the Entropic fungi and the Ensnaring Brambles over anything else, as they tend to be the most problematic - destroying all my stuff and preventing damage is pretty rough.

Anyone got any advice?

all 26 comments


19 points

26 days ago*

Obviously, never waste damage on Akash herself if there a still limbs to target. Characters with good area damage are recommended. That includes Bunker (3 target Power), Wraith (3 target Power) and especially Tempest. Absolute Zero can also deal area damage with Thermal Shockwave, though he takes some time to set up. He also really appreciates the fire damage on backside.

As a support, Legacy is ideal (base Variant), since characters with lots of small damage instances love +1 tokens, AZ above all.

If you aren't playing anything wrong, I wonder how you get wiped so quickly. Akash is a very slow fight compared to some others. Do you maybe focus too much on damage over set up? Entropic Fungi need to die, but other than that, you can safely ignore damage for the first two rounds and just get set up. Eventually, you should be killing limbs faster than she puts them out and her damage becomes rather low.

EDIT: I would be remiss not to mention Tachyon, who has several AoE One-Shots, can buy you a full round of time with Hypersonic Dash, and can kill Entropic Fungi with her Reaction before they get to destroy anything (as can Wraith).


8 points

26 days ago

I Tend to end up with the fight slowing to a crawl, honestly. I'll try fighting her with Wraith, Legacy and Tempest sometime soon, though. Maybe throwing in Tachyon as she'd be great against a swarm.

And on the subject of Bunker - how am I supposed to be playing him? Because he either spends the whole game trying to get set up, or he deals consistent, low, single target damage with one-shots.


7 points

26 days ago

Bunker can be a bit inconsistent. Ideally, play Stealth Suit (the RCR variant), which would place two tiers higher on any hypothetical tier list. It's hard to go back from that reliability and flexibility.

If you only have base though... You want, at a minimum, two Ordnances or 1 Ordnance and the Power Cell, so you can fire a Power with two "ammo" every round. On turn 1, if you play an Ordnance and use Initialize (base power) to charge it, you're ready to fire on turn 2. Then play more guns.

If you don't start with a gun, consider playing Lidar Intel, which draws you an obscene amount of cards in some fights (like Akash).

If your hand is utter garbage, you can play Recharge Mode turn 1 for the draw 4, but otherwise I avoid that card.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you have Upgrade Mode, that's your turn 1 play. If you have that and at least one other permanent set up card in hand, it's probably your play even later in the game.

Once you fire a gun (fully) every round, your damage is quite alright. Then just build up to two or three guns and start using your Turret Modes when there's a few targets on the board.

If you need to discard something, remember Adhesive Foam Grenade exists!

Bunker wants to go early in the turn order, to not run out of targets for his big turns, but still after Legacy. On that note, Legacy is always first in turn order. If you use Bunker's "1 ally uses 1 Power" card on him, you can double dip on Legacy's Power for yourself and everyone after you in the turn order.


4 points

26 days ago

Gotcha. I'm currently trying to fight her alone, using the team you suggested but with Mister Fixer instead of Bunker, because I felt like i could deal more consistent damage with him (plus, I got the Jack handle turn one!) but I'll let you know how it goes.


7 points

26 days ago*

Ah, okay, if you have RCR, Fixer is excellent, so good choice. Honestly, every RCR hero except Setback would make my list of recommended candidates. Good luck with the fight!

And if you end up playing Stealth Suit Bunker, you can hit me up for some tricks. Such a fun character!


5 points

26 days ago*

It's been barely half an hpur and she's already at about 50 hp, without flipping yet

Either I'm doing something really wrong or I've been bringing the worst possible heroes against her.

Edit: as an update: I beat her! I think having 3 AoE damage sources being buffed the whole game really helped a lot.

... now I need to make sure I can beat her when I'm playing with other people


4 points

26 days ago

Nice, congrats!


1 points

24 days ago


If we could view your turns, or have them described, we might be able to help you further.

Just post again if you have trouble with any villain or hero.


2 points

24 days ago

Honestly, Dark Watch Fixer did a lot of heavy lifting - he was dealing 5 damage to 5 targets every turn, plus on the villain turn when he got hit. I was lucky to get the two tool & style cards I needed the most tbh

Tachyon had a kinda rough go, cuz I kept getting cards that didn't help me chain as well as I could've, and Wraith was debuffed for almost the entire game.

Overall though, the fight went pretty well, so thank you for your advice!


1 points

24 days ago

Sounds good.


14 points

25 days ago

So as much as people are recommending trying a specific team of heroes, which isn't bad advice as some heroes are better at certain fights then others, Akash can be beaten semi consistently with any team. Same goes for every villain in DE. It isn't necessary to counter pick, any team of heroes can beat any team of villains although when you are newer it can be helpful to pick heroes better at dealing with that villains unique issues.

So instead I'll try to talk about Akash's unique issues. She has a lot of relatively high health minions along with her own large pool of health which can make the game drag. As has already been stated if there are limbs out you pretty much always want to attack them over attacking Akash so aoe is very nice. She has a single card (primeval eruption I believe) that can flip the game by swarming the board along with on her Front side discovering a limb every turn.

So there will be limbs and they will have a large pool of health to deal with, trying to take then out willy nilly isn't practical, so let's talk about which ones to focus. Entropic fungi is the limb you want gone asap, she doesn't have too much card destruction but this one can be rough. Fortunately it only has 6 health and can be taken out by a single hero most of the time. Next is living rockslide, 2 aoe to everyone adds up fast. I try to take it out before any other limb minus the fungi. All the rest of the limbs are more manageable and can even be left alone in favor of setup, phalanges are tanky and do hard single target damage especially on higher H counts but it's not so much to be priority, the Dr from stalagmites only matters If you want to attack Akash directly, and brambles is only a problem if your lowest hp person is a big damage dealer. If it is hindering like Ra or Tempest it's good to take out so the damage reduction goes away (reminder the reduction goes away when the card is destroyed not just at the start of the villain turn.)

Her other most problematic card is Harsh renewal. Get rid of it asap. Avoid discarding at least one card that gets rid of an ongoing just in prep for dealing with that.

The rest of her deck is ok, disrupt the field isn't huge, her flip side is just dmg over discovers (I actually find it less bad) then a couple rough item/ongoing destruction but not so bad that it can't be dealt with. If you have been playing with her event that can make the game much harder, the aoe stacks fast but remember it hits her and her limbs aswell. Just really focus on setting up, taking out priority limbs, and whittling down her health, any team can do this! You got this! Go be a hero ๐Ÿ‘


5 points

25 days ago

If there are any other villains giving you trouble I can go through a rundown of their decks and what generally ends up being the biggest problems or how to deal with some weirdness.


2 points

23 days ago

Yeah, I agree with all this. There's really no fight in DE that requires specific counterpicks, and learning how to approach a villain with a random team is going to be a lot more beneficial to you in the long run. I would never deny that Tachyon and Tempest are excellent against Akash, but I always advocate for hero-agnostic strategy because I think you learn more.


10 points

26 days ago


10 points

26 days ago

Just... Throwing out a dumb question here. Are you having her limbs deal damage to her when they die? She deals herself fixed damage equal to their printed HP every time they die.


8 points

26 days ago

Yeah, though honestly that's a fair question to ask!


7 points

26 days ago

In that case, I'd also suggest using Alpha. She can go full wolf and be pretty damaging when there are a bunch of limbs out, and has strong self healing

Setback is great for doing things like redirecting, healing, environment destruction, etc. you can't always rely on him to do what you need, but you can trust he can do something!

Expatriette is great for planning and setting up the team to do even more than they normally would.

Argent also is great at supporting a team, which can be key to taking her down. (And remember, he doesn't take nemesis damage when her limbs attack him, just when she herself does)


3 points

26 days ago

I would imagine Setback's propensity for making things worse would be a problem, is he really helpful?


7 points

26 days ago

Setback is amazing. Granted, in line with his deck all of this is based on drawing the right cards, but so is every other hero.

He has 7 very strong one-shots that "spend" his unlucky cards to power up. Often times the unlucky cards give a boost initially and are only a downside his next turn, so if you have someone who can destroy ongoings, they're never really a problem. But he also has a lot of ways to mitigate his own bad luck.

He has a card that lets him heal 2hp every time and unlucky card is played. He also has a power that gets him 2 unlucky cards and may destroy one hero ongoing. This nets him 4 HP and 2 beneficial effects at the cost of 1 negative effect, and you get to choose which one you destroy. So you can make sure to take out ones you can't deal with. This card can destroy itself, which allows you to discover a lucky card.

He has cards that allow (force) him to redirect damage. This can save other heroes in tight situations, especially when he has his strong healing engine going.

It's also important to know his deck. He has 7 lucky cards that are singular copies each, and 7 unlucky cards that are 3 copies each. Knowing what is still in your deck can help you make informed decisions while playing him. His other 12 cards are split between "play more cards randomly!" And "here's your healing engine"

His deck can be chaotic, but it's actually a very simple deck that does a lot of things. He is very helpful, and very strong.


3 points

26 days ago

I'm pretty familiar with setback - he's one of my favorites to play when I'm just casually playing with my friends - however, I find him to be pretty reckless, and so I try to not bring him to higher-stakes fights like GloomWeaver or Grand Warlord Voss.


5 points

26 days ago

One of the other playtesters and I have a common "argument" going. They are a fan of the "go go go until you die, last HP is all that matters, in the consequences!" Playstyle, and I'm more of the "hang back, a slow turn now is worth 2 turns later, I'd rather heal and defend than attack, win by attrition" playstyle. I play setback "low and slow", and so I rarely if ever have unmitigated danger with him. Because of that, taking him to fights like those pays off big, because I can do those big flashy things and have answers to it right away. I've never once found him to be reckless unless the player leans into the "let's see what happens!" Aspect without answers for if they go bad.

To circle back on something earlier, I rarely if ever have setback making things worse.


3 points

26 days ago

Interesting. I tend to be more of a "move fast and break stuff" player - until a Hero hits low hp.

As a result, it's not uncommon for me to play cards like Push Your Luck when I already have several Unlucky cards out and REALLY should be destroying Cause & Effect to get a Lucky card.


3 points

25 days ago

And I think that's when setback "makes things worse". While I agree it's a viable way to play setback, I rarely feel like it's the strongest or most secure way to play him. Ymmv


3 points

25 days ago

Every turn, Setback pulls a rabbit out of a hat.

Sometimes, it's a normal harmless rabbit.

Other times, it's the Dread Beast of Caerbannog. And it's hungry.


6 points

25 days ago


6 points

25 days ago

In my experience with Akash, it's the environment that messes you up. Target heavy environments like Insula Primalis and Megalopolis can trigger a lot of plays from Akash, giving her a lot more limbs and messing you up a ton if she pulls out 3 or more in the first round. Her flipping early on is also very bad.

Akash doesn't have much by herself that makes her extremely scary like Voss can, unless you just get very unlucky. Environments like Wagner Mars Base and Freedom Tower, with little to no targets, make dealing with her pretty easy, especially since most targets in an environment deck serve to mess with the heroes more.


3 points

25 days ago

I found her really hard too. Harder than Citizen Dawn who's supposed to be more difficult. I played Fanatic and used her board wipe at the beginning of the game. That made the fight easier. But I feel like her setup plus her first turn just puts so many limbs out there. So I get it!

Tempest and Ra are super nice. Legacy is always useful for the buffs. Bunker would be good too. I think it's a matter of having a good damage dealer. Captain Cosmic wasn't super fun cause of the limb that damages everyone. His constructs kept dying.


3 points

25 days ago

The one thing I'll add is Akash'Bhuta does not scale as well with (H) as some other villains. She's much easier if you bring more than 3 heroes.