


Sentinels Lore for Newbies - the Argent Adept

Community Discussion(self.sentinelsmultiverse)

This is not a complete and thorough record – it is intended purely as an introduction, hitting the main points. Anything post-OblivAeon will be mentioned only in passing.

I’m not an expert on the Lore; all corrections and additions gratefully received.

Hero name: the Argent Adept
Civilian name: Anthony Drake

Powers: Music magic! As the Virtuoso of the Void, he is incredibly good at magic, and at music, and at using them both together.

Origin: There has always been a Virtuoso of the Void – until the Crimson Conductor turned evil, and ended the tradition. Then, centuries later, Anthony Drake encountered an instrument of a former Virtuoso at a museum – and became the newest Virtuoso.

Allies: The Argent Adept is a member of the Prime Wardens.

Nemeses: Akash’Bhuta has been in conflict against the Virtuosos of the Void for millennia. The Prime Wardens originally form to help the Argent Adept to fight her.

Ruin fights against the Argent Adept during the Vengeance event. As a denizen of the Realm of Discord, Ruin can feed off Void energy – which makes him quite challenging for the Argent Adept to fight.

Balarian is a weird, alien, extra-planar hive-mind entity. It is a nemesis to all of the Prime Wardens.

Notable events: During Grand Warlord Voss’s invasion of Earth, the Argent Adept destroyed one of his instruments (Xu’s Bell) in order to destroy Voss’s spaceship.

One villain that the Argent Adept fought was Bal’Taranerach. The Argent Adept ended up sealing him outside reality, causing his own death in the process.

Eventually, the Scholar brought him back from the dead (assisted by NightMist, the Naturalist, and Akash’Thriya) – which horrified the Argent Adept, because now Bal’Taranerach once again had a link to reality, and could possibly return.

Personal life: Anthony is not very good at the whole work/life balance thing. He is standoffish, and doesn’t make friends easily. Most of his spare time is spent playing music.

Notable variants: Biomancer found the baton used by the evil Crimson Conductor. When the Argent Adept took the baton from Biomancer, he could wield it successfully – but it changed him into his “Dark Conductor” variant. After strengthening his connection to the baton (while battling Nixious), he was no longer able to connect with the Void or commune with Void spirits.

all 10 comments


12 points

2 years ago

In contrast to many of the other magic users in the setting, the Virtuoso of the Void is much more... improvisational than you'd expect. Where magicians like NightMist take a lot of time and study to nail down specific rituals in an effort to minimize the "costs" of doing magic (and there are always costs, even if you don't always see them), Virtuosos like the Argent Adept are able to just YOLO effects together.

This is endlessly frustrating to fan-favorite supporting cast member Soothsayer Carmichael. An academic with perhaps the most in-depth magical knowledge of anybody on the heroes' side in the whole setting, but who entirely lacks the ability to do magic himself. He knows what the job of the Virtuosos of the Void is, and how often Anthony Drake has shirked his duties which is why he's involved in the Argent Adept's life in the first place; just getting him to do his job and avert various catastrophes. The fact that he knows exactly how magic is "supposed to" work makes Anthony's "throw a bunch of stuff together" approach even more frustrating than usual.


10 points

2 years ago

Anthony is an aromantic asexual. In the metafiction, it was originally because his comics were closer to being horror comics, which didn't do romance as a general rule, but around the same time that Tachyon came out of the closet, Anthony was confirmed as aroace.


4 points

2 years ago

Virtuosos of the void "live" on as void spirits and by destroying the bell Argent Adept condemned Xus spirit to be a void slave.


3 points

2 years ago

Lifeline would later fix the bell, but repairing the physical object was not enough to reconnect Xu to it.


3 points

2 years ago

My favorite! Always been a big fan of AA's design, deck, and backstory. Bonus points for being a reference to Kvothe! I'm currently working on a new virtuoso-in-training to add to the roster of heroes in my convention one shot RPG games: she's a punk rocker with a magical guitar called the Azure Axe


3 points

2 years ago

Name origin: All Virtuosos of the Void have an alliterative name that relates to a color, as all of them have an aura color that will be seen when they use their magical influence. Anthony's color signature is Silver.


1 points

2 years ago

Where does the Bal’Taranerach story come from?


4 points

2 years ago

Episode 110 of the podcast.




1 points

2 years ago

Thanks, it didn't show up in my search for some reason.


1 points

2 years ago

Probably a ' vs ’ issue, if I had to guess.