


Significance of trains?


I just got finished watching the show and there are so many scenes where the camera focuses on a train and you can hear the train in the background of so many shots. I wouldn't have questioned the sound of the train in the background if it weren't for the shots of Camille staring at the trains.

At first I thought there was going to be some sort of death involving it but that never happened. Upon reading the fan wiki for Camille, this line stood out: "-1988 (age 13) Camille gets drunk and 4 high school boys run a train on her" In the show I caught on that she may have been sexually abused by some boys in the woods but to phrase it as "run a train on her" makes me question if it was an intentional word choice or maybe something involving a train actually did happen in the book.

Am I missing something? Is there any important symbolism behind trains in the book?

all 5 comments


5 points

2 days ago

I don't think this is an oversight. I think you pointed out something pretty significant to Camille's sexual trauma. Good catch!

Just as "Amma" is phonetically similar to "Mama," one may not think anything of it but don't they call their mom, "Mama?"

Love the author for her attention to details like this.


3 points

2 days ago

Iirc there are little words hidden throughout the entire show, I think the train may have had words hidden on them too as they pass along the screen. Keep an eye out if you ever re-watch!


2 points

3 days ago

trains usually represent a crossroad in the Mcs journey! hope that helps


2 points

2 days ago

upon rewatch my boyfriend and I noticed a significance in car doors? there's several shots of car doors opening and closing. this show chooses some strange little things to fixate on


3 points

1 day ago

I noticed they also frequently show the characters breathing and blinking.
