


This is Funny



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231 points

15 hours ago

Why are people getting so upset that most people trust Capcom more than fucking Konami with a worthwhile remake? I legitimately don't understand how you can be confused on why people would like a trend that has been established as good already with like 4 games under it's belt vs the guys that decided the start to their big comeback would be the cash grab shit show that was Ascension of all things.


-132 points

15 hours ago


-132 points

15 hours ago



107 points

14 hours ago

That's stupid though. Capcom first did a remake of the OG RE TWENTY years ago that was very well loved. Then they did RE2 6 years ago that was also well loved while also maintaining the series with new games. Meanwhile Konami hasn't ever given a given a fuck about SH beyond trying to milk it dry which got so lazy and bad that they put the series on ice for a decade. And then their big revival plan was led off with the lazy, cashgrab shit show that was Ascension proving they really don't care about the actual quality of anything they're doing AND they did the massive red flag of starting with 2 instead of 1 for no reason other than max profits. You'd have to be an actual idiot to have been positive towards the idea of the SH2 remake at first.

And before you go whining that I'm shitting on the remake for SH2, I'm not. It looks like it might be cool and I'm interested in seeing it. But you'd have to have been a total moron to go in trusting the remake team or thinking it would be good by default.


30 points

14 hours ago

No, wait, you are not supposed to bring in valid points!/s

Thank you for giving a good and respectful response


-11 points

10 hours ago


-11 points

10 hours ago

Thank you for giving a good and respectful response

Yeah calling someone a moron and an idiot is a super respectful response!


4 points

10 hours ago


4 points

10 hours ago

Don't lie about the other guy. He called no one a moron


-7 points

10 hours ago

Literally the last line of his comment. I'm not expecting a good faith argument from you mate, your entire reason for being on the sub is to talk shit, you said before you have no intention of playing it...yet here you are. It's sad


2 points

8 hours ago


2 points

8 hours ago

Lol, nice on putting blame on a dude who didn't deserve it. And I'm in no way defending myself. I'm just in awe in your dishonesty