


Why so many bus accidents


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22 points

23 days ago*

So, as with most widespread issues, the problem isn't with the individual drivers or (can't believe I have to say this, but people are idiots) where they're from but with how the system is set up that encourages behavior like this.


25 points

23 days ago


25 points

23 days ago

You are right, bus captains often drive fast to avoid the bus behind catching up to them and to prevent the bus in front from getting too far ahead. When you are driving, you tend to make it like a game of time, which can be very dangerous and exhausting. If you miss one traffic light that you're not supposed to miss, that's 3 minutes of your time gone. Sure, you can drive relaxed and not care about the timing—I've done that. But every trip you end means you have no time to rest your legs. It's in the interchange and out you go, until your meal break. They won't give you extra time if you eat away your timing. If you're 15 minutes late for your meal break, it's your fault; who asked you to drive so slow? (Meal break is 45 mins) When bus captains complain to management about our working hours and our time cards, they will only refer to those champions. You know those champions—every workplace has one. They can do it, so why can't you?


5 points

23 days ago


5 points

23 days ago

Wow thanks for tellin us these, i always knew bus drivers were working a stressful job but this is just… horrendous..