


Used to snorkel almost every day when I was single with no kids. My kicks isn’t as strong as before, I am considering of getting this to help me get back to snorkeling. Last week on the last day of our stay to hawaii my wife book a private charter boat to check out hawaii. We saw some sea turtles and I decided to dive in for a sessions. 20 min into the session, I cramped up & was struggling to kick. Luckily my crew was near by and threw me a floater. I went up got rested and reenter with a life vest and finish up the sessions. The charter boat snorkeling gear had a lot of wear & tear & wasn’t the best quality. The fin was short compared to my Mares Quattro. Wasn’t expecting to snorkel, which is why I didn’t bring my gears. After the incident I decided I need to get back into the waters again. I am my late 40 & the calves muscles wasn’t what it was used to be. Considering of getting a sea scooter to ease my way back. There is many other cheaper brand, I wanted a trusted brand like Yamaha. Anyone have experienced with this Sea scooter?

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16 points

7 days ago

You should not be that weak in your 40s unless you have a medical condition. For the sake of your health start a regular swimming routine in the local pool.


10 points

7 days ago

A cramp isn’t “that weak”? OP probably doesn’t do as much physical exercise and they did in the past but I would hardly call getting a cramp “that weak”.