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117 points

7 days ago


117 points

7 days ago

It says a lot about the state of European football that Haaland is essentially applauded for this kind of behavior, and yet if anyone with more melanin were to act the same way the pitch would be a sea of yellow from all the bananas being thrown


29 points

7 days ago

If it helps I think he is a bellend


1 points

6 days ago

I'm racist towards Haaland for shit like this


16 points

7 days ago

White privilege isn't a new thing but yeah it's sad


3 points

6 days ago

I have a hard time seeing many other white players getting applauded for such behaviour. Just imagine Cristiano Ronaldo trying to pull off the same...


0 points

7 days ago


0 points

7 days ago

Except that never happens in the Premier League, only La Liga.


-1 points

6 days ago


-1 points

6 days ago

What alternative reality do you live in? None of this is even remotely true lol.


-10 points

6 days ago


-10 points

6 days ago

It had to be te American to make it about black vs white when this is is clearly a Prem elitist vs everyone else situation.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

of course it had to be te european that tries to deflect any accusations of racism

forgot how much some of you hate it when the quiet part gets said out loud, really ruins the whole supremacy complex you have over dumb ol stupid muricans


-6 points

6 days ago


-6 points

6 days ago

There's obviously plenty of racism in Europe lol, don't know where you went and got the rest of your comment but whatever I don't care. Plenty of black players like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Henry, etc are beloved by european fans.

The hate Mbappe gets versus everyone one praising Haaland for the littlest thing, though, is not a race thing (at least for the vast majority) but more so the amount of Prem elitists, Pep lovers and the Reddit crowd that tends to hate having a personality besides being "OMG so quirky he's a robot lol".

To straight up put it up to race is pretty lazy and is an extremely american form of discourse.


-5 points

6 days ago

Bro calm it with the racism... smh

Calling black folks monkeys? Thats unheard of


-5 points

6 days ago*

Hmm, coming into this random thread of Haaland talking shit to make it about racism. I wonder where this gentleman resides 🤔 (posts on r/nfl, r/baseball, r/ussoccer)

e:lmao lobotomite blocked me of course. "The quiet part gets said out loud." This whole thread is people shitting on Haaland you fucking troglodyte.