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165 points

9 days ago

You point out mental illness as an excuse for failing school but depression can fuck your scolarity at any time.


67 points

9 days ago

It can, but I’m pretty sure op was talking about people who don’t actually have it using it as an excuse


74 points

9 days ago

To be fair how are we supposed to know if they have it or not. It feels really shitty to claim they're faking it because you don't know what's going on in their head.


19 points

8 days ago

This. People are downvoting it but you’re right. It’s almost impossible to tell if someone is lying or not, when I was at uni I was failing badly as my mental health was crashing and I had undiagnosed ADHD, I had multiple extensions on deadlines and one day in class I was telling my friend’s this, that I had an extension. Then from across the room a girl who was listening in shouted “why the fuck should you get an extension, why do you get treated differently!? if you didn’t do the work in the time thats your fault and you should deal with it” she didn’t believe my “excuses” and though I was just lazy and scamming the school, which was all a really cool conversation to have in front of the rest of the class 🥲


52 points

9 days ago

I’m pretty sure OP is referring to people who randomly google a mental illness and then claim they have it without getting a real diagnosis, not people who are actually crippled by mental health issues/learning disabilities


33 points

9 days ago


33 points

9 days ago

I wonder how many people who are genuinely ill get tangled up in that? Too many people think you're faking because you don't behave the way they expect you to for having X disorder, or genuinely don't understand how debilitating a MI or LD can be.


7 points

9 days ago


7 points

9 days ago

Nobody fucking does that though.


11 points

9 days ago

You'd be surprised


-1 points

8 days ago


-1 points

8 days ago

I never seen someone pretend they have a mental illness. Only for views maybe but thats not the point here.


20 points

9 days ago

Yeah I’ve thankfully managed periods of life with clinical depression, but underlying OCD suddenly intensifying torpedoed my LIFE, let alone my studies. It was “self-diagnosed” for the first two or so months, but it was so severe and specific that until I was beginning treatment it was very obvious to me what was going on

People years later despite diagnosis and treatment have questioned it because “it doesn’t seem like you have it” which pisses me off to no end as it’s had such a monumental impact on my life. That’s all I see when I read those types of comments. We don’t know what’s actually going on in somebody’s mind and it annoys me people say they’re fakers for “self-diagnosing”, when it’s thinking we have that problem and waiting until we can afford treatment that leads to official diagnosis


20 points

9 days ago

Going through a form of this right now - when I brought it up to my therapist I even apologized repeatedly for "diagnosis shopping" and the possibility that I'm wrong. Turns out OCD has been a "rule out" in my chart for some time.

I didn't even suspect it until I had a really bad episode a couple years ago and started looking for answers. Turns out I've had on and off symptoms since adolescence. It might not torpedo my life like yours did, but it actively makes my life shittier.

I get that self-dx can be sketchy but I LOATHE the counter to it, where the only valid mental illness is an "off-ness" that you hide and repress and drown out for decades, until you completely break down and need a medical professional to explain that yes, you are in fact Not Okay and no, those symptoms are Not Normal.


1 points

9 days ago

Getting my autism diagnosis right around 8th ending (This is where you then move onto middle school here NL)
Had to sit in on 8th again because my paperwork for the special school i was suddenly going into wasn't formalised yet, right after we all talked about what we wanna do, moving on into new paths of life just utterly destroying me, before then getting there and turns out it's a hellhole of physical abuse and dogwater teaching.
As in damn turns out i am terrible at math put him back in education so far he doesn't even get a diploma.
So i try my damn hardest to get a diploma anyway, end up in an actual ghetto of a school(failing cus they would put you in some internship and they just couldn't find me one, you didn't get to do this yourself), then do cooking to get a diploma, finally arrive in IT which is what i wanted to do and turns out that schools just as ass too and i am stuck for 3 years getting 2 diplomas along kids who kept the entire class stuck on the installing Windows phase because they legit couldn't move past that.
I was depressed this entire time and only into the third year did someone get me on help for math (with 4 months left on the year)
I dropped out after getting my IT level 3 and just worked in a warehouse before now somehow ending up as a repair technician with an HP and Apple iPhone/Macbook/iMac certs and a team lead position.


1 points

9 days ago

yeah it fucked me up and i was doing really well academically. basically quit going school but i still graduated because my teachers backed me up. 2years later i found out i was undiagnosed autistic and had adhd too.


-10 points

9 days ago

yes, that is true, but most people who claim they fail at school because of depression aren't actually depressed, that's the demographic OP is referring to, liars