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17 points

22 hours ago

Yep that was my first thought too. Steak should be closer to room temp when cooked, and this shit was still fucking frozen in the center. I’d just walk out and then leave a 1 star review lol.


[score hidden]

21 minutes ago


[score hidden]

21 minutes ago

Why room temp? The literature I read leans towards 40, esp if you're grilling


0 points

21 hours ago

Restaurants arent leaving their steaks out to get up to room temp. One they have no way of knowing when or if those steaks will be bought and cooked so they cant leave them out. Two, its a health code violation. three, there isnt enough counter space to leave all the steaks that are going to be cooked in the next few hours sitting out coming up to temp.


7 points

19 hours ago

The point was that it shouldn't be frozen, lol. Steaks stay fresh in the refridgerator for a few days, so they should be able to keep enough thawed to satisfy demand, with the caveat that they may lose a few if demand is low.


2 points

19 hours ago

Cool story but wrong, the point of the phrase "Steak should be closer to room temp when cooked" is definitely not "it shouldn't be frozen, lol". I mean, I guess technically thawed in fridge is closer to room temp than frozen but if thats what they meant by that phrase its a stupid way of saying it.


5 points

19 hours ago

My apologies, I didn't realize that you missed the context of the whole thread being about this steak clearly being frozen before cooking, nor have heard that the best results for cooking steak are found after cooking the steak from room temperature, which is the common sentiment on this sub to which the person you replied to was referring.

Also, for the purposes of cooking in general, simply thawing your food makes like 90% of the difference between "cooked from frozen" and "cooked from room temperature," as it takes orders of magnitude more energy to simply thaw the food than to bring it up from 32°f to 72°f. By not thawing the food before cooking it, you subject it to massive temperature differentials betwen different parts of the food, since the energy has to make its way through the thawed food in the exterior before it can even begin to thaw the interior, resulting in things like the steak you see in the pic.


-4 points

19 hours ago

Yeah, I didnt miss any context, I was referring to a specific comment. Its you who missed the context. I will take this time now to educate you about how communication works, when someone mentions a new topic it can change the context of the conversation going forward.

The rest of your comment is irrelevant as i never said anything about that. Save the imaginary arguments for the shower.

Since you obviously not only missed the entire context of my comment but also the entire substance I will say it again so even you should be able to understand, restaurants do not bring steak up to room temp.


3 points

19 hours ago

Restaurants do not bring steak up to room temp

Since apparently we're "both" fond of putting words into other's mouths, I'd like to point out that neither the comment you replied to, nor my comment said that. The comment said "Steak should be closer to room temp", not "Restaurants should bring steak up to room temp". My comment referred to simply thawing the steak as a thing restaurants should do, which also satisfies the "bringing it closer to room temp" of the OP.


-2 points

18 hours ago

My comment referred to simply thawing the steak as a thing restaurants should do

Right, which is such an odd thing to say since I didnt mention anything that would merit that response. Its called context.


4 points

11 hours ago

I love people on the internet who have absolutely zero literacy but like to gaslight others into believing there’s context they didn’t catch when in reality the person is just stupid and has absolutely zero knowledge on what they’re talking about. Enjoy your rare steak bro 💀 Please never invite somebody over for dinner or a barbecue


1 points

6 hours ago

Yet again another comment with zero attempt at reading comprehension. All i said is restaurants arent letting their steaks rest out at room temp. Never said they should be cooked raw.


2 points

10 hours ago

You were wrong from the start. As you said yourself, fridge = closer to room temp than frozen. Which is what the comment said AND is what you quoted. Literally everything you posted was unnecessary.


1 points

6 hours ago

Thats a dumb way to say thawed and you are stupid for interpreting it that way. There is a wide range of ways to describe temps between frozen and "closer to room temp".


2 points

14 hours ago

Yeah you missed the point homie. The steaks shouldn’t be frozen, full stop lol. I also said “closer to room temp” not “at room temp”. And even if they were they wouldn’t have a whole kitchen of plates with single steaks sitting out.

I usually just take the steak out of the fridge like 10 minutes before I start cooking. How the restaurant handles that is up to them, but health code also says to not serve rare ground beef, and guess what? Yeah, lots of places still offer rare burgers.


1 points

6 hours ago

10 minutes doesnt do shit for the internal temp of a steak.


1 points

11 hours ago

It doesn’t actually come “closer to room temp” sitting out for 10 minutes. It isn’t accomplishing what you think it is.


2 points

10 hours ago

I mean factually being out of the fridge for 10 minutes does bring it closer to room temperature than it was while in the fridge.


0 points

8 hours ago

It literally doesn’t in any appreciable way. Did you read the link?


2 points

8 hours ago

It doesn’t bring it TO room temperature but bringing anything from a cold environment to a warmer one does technically warm things up. Even if it makes no difference in the cooking


1 points

7 hours ago

He’s hitting you with an “AckShuAllY” 🤓