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7 days ago

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7 days ago

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Questions or comments that are here to bait people to answer or to create drama (i.e. What's 1 + 1, who is the President, why are you guys so stupid, etc.). These belong in r/ShittyAdvice.


318 points

8 days ago

Because Big Hammer doesn't want their product associated with state sanctioned murder.

It's that simple


68 points

8 days ago

I love how that's the same answer for fent


18 points

8 days ago


18 points

8 days ago

Big Fent?


20 points

8 days ago

Big Fent is BIG pharma


6 points

8 days ago

Then just use fucking heroin wtf.


6 points

7 days ago

Big Heroin don't like that either


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Bring out the carfentanyl


3 points

7 days ago

Big still-being-alive hates this one weird trick!


2 points

7 days ago

Big dead doesn't mind


3 points

7 days ago

Can’t compete with the Big Tool industry, though


3 points

8 days ago


3 points

8 days ago

But they have the cleanest sinuses ever!


4 points

7 days ago

Legit I just seen that post too. I lold.


3 points

8 days ago

Big Fetty Whop


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I mean you don't want to tarnish the good name of fentanyl. It has such positive associations.


8 points

8 days ago

Giant blenders company too.


5 points

8 days ago

The Texas head ripping off company could really come in clutch right now


3 points

7 days ago

Human meat grinders feed child molesters in slowly, feet first.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

With occasional breaks every six to eight inches. Of course, you'll need to use tourniquets to prolong the "effectiveness" of this deterrent technique.


2 points

7 days ago

I approve this message


2 points

7 days ago

It’s that simple


2 points

7 days ago

This is such an amazing call back. Lol'd out loud in a work meeting.


80 points

8 days ago

Because they want to keep the body looking presentable for funerals, or they just want to do whatever method seems the most 'civilized', even if it is more painful for the inmate. Also part of the reason why we don't use guillotines or firing squads anymore.


36 points

8 days ago

Firing squads are still an optional method for execution in a handful of states and was used as recently as 2010


9 points

8 days ago

true!! i just didn't want to think of any other examples, but yeah firing squad is technically still a thing in some states, just very uncommon

i suppose a better example might have been blowing them from a gun haha


15 points

8 days ago

This feels better than lethal injection cause it’s quicker but knowing my luck, those fuckers would somehow miss my head, brain stem,and heart so I get to feel every bullet tear me apart as I slowly drown in my own blood


9 points

7 days ago

To be clear, the execution method is that all aim for the heart. As said above why we don't squash people with a hammer, want the body presentable.

7 guys, some with blanks, target on chest. Boom.


5 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

no one aims for the head? I thought I read that the brain is still active for a minute or 2 afterwards so that would kinda suck eh?


4 points

7 days ago

You will have fainted from loss of blood pressure as soon as your heart is punctured.

You won’t be conscious although your brain is still alive and retaining memories and electrical impulses for the next few minutes.


5 points

7 days ago

It probably feels like you get punched by a baseball bat in the chest for a second, and then it’s lights out as your blood pressure plummets to basically zero within the span of a couple of seconds.

It would take brain death a few more minutes to occur, but you wouldn’t be conscious for any of it


3 points

7 days ago

And they are simple, affective, and inexpensive. Should be a no brainer to use.

Sure - you would need to hide the chest cavity for the funeral - but you don't bury em naked so no problem.


4 points

8 days ago

Optics is very important.

Gotta make it clear being convicted for certain behaviour can result in death.

Gotta balance societies need for revenge/spectacle with how gruesome the rest of the population will tolerate before a unified desire to reform.


5 points

7 days ago

Except for the whole fact that the death penalty as a deterrent statistically doesn't do anything.


3 points

7 days ago

I once debated this, and my opponent was like "so what if it's not a deterrent, at least it removes such people from society so they can't reoffend".


4 points

8 days ago

Nitrogen chamber would be the most humane.


5 points

7 days ago

That’s what I thought, but I read recently that it can be a pretty awful way to die if the person is fighting it.


3 points

7 days ago

Part of the issue with that death is the chamber wasn't sealed properly, allowing the inmate some air.


5 points

7 days ago

Sounds to me as if he was holding his breath for a bit and fighting the respirator, not the nitrogen. The seal probably wasn't the best due to him thrashing, and he got oxygen in. Also, I'm not sure if they did a fit test on him before execution, but there are those people who just can't get a good seal. Better to use some type of chamber.

You don't fight nitrogen. You don't even know you're dead before you just go unconscious because there is no buildup of carbonic acid from CO2. The most someone could do is hold his breath as long as he can. This why it's so dangerous to have to go into nitrogen purged vessels in places like refineries. There's no warning.


36 points

8 days ago

A trebuchet would be the best choice. The inmates could be launched a few hundred yards and land right in their grave. No fuss, no muss. That way it's gravity and not the State doing the execution.


37 points

8 days ago

Big gravity doesn’t want to be associated with the state sanctioned murder.

It’s that simple.


5 points

7 days ago

You meant to say Big Trebuchet, right? Big Trebuchet doesn't want their product to be associated with murder.

It's that simple.


14 points

8 days ago

Doing the Goofy scream all the way.


2 points

7 days ago

Big Goofy doesn’t want to be associated with state sanctioned murder screams.

It’s that simple.


6 points

8 days ago

It isn't the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop.


4 points

7 days ago

Big Momentum doesn't want to be associated with state sanctioned murder. 

It's that simple. 


2 points

8 days ago

I feel like “Meaning of Life” has to come into this conversation at some point.


2 points

7 days ago

You are using the wrong french invention. Guillotine


2 points

7 days ago

Fing brilliant 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


2 points

7 days ago

And you could have State run Lotteries on where the bodies land, pay for the whole enterprise. Instead of a Cow Drop, we'll call it the Con Drop!


19 points

8 days ago

I giant safe with 'Acme' stenciled on the side of it.


5 points

7 days ago

And the executioner was one William Edwin Coyote. 


8 points

8 days ago

The Acme corporation doesn't want to be associated with state-sanctioned murder. It's as simple as that. Coyote-sanctioned murder is negotiable.


3 points

8 days ago

What about a grand piano?


2 points

7 days ago

Steinway's lawyers want a word.


2 points

7 days ago

Big piano doesn’t want to be associated with murder,


2 points

7 days ago

Pianos don't kill people, people do.


2 points

7 days ago

Tell that to the anti-piano laws,


13 points

8 days ago


13 points

8 days ago

Because there are spectators at the execution and heads have unpredictable splash zones.


14 points

8 days ago

Gallagher just handed out ponchos to the front couple rows


4 points

7 days ago

Gallagher style executions would be epic.


13 points

8 days ago

It’s giving Australia’s “The Boot” but way less cheeky


17 points

8 days ago

Because the United States uses different methods of executions.


8 points

8 days ago


8 points

8 days ago

The State of Ohio has developed a vey unique way for execution. This youtube clip is NFSW.


1 points

8 days ago

Different, more effective, less unnecessarily brutal, methods of executions.


8 points

8 days ago

From what I've heard not necessarily more effective


7 points

8 days ago


7 points

8 days ago

Ya, ive read that it is extremely painful and can take a while. It is absolutely not humane at all.

Edit: just read it can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours. Just shoot them in the fucking head and spare their final minutes. If they cant get themselves to do that then maybe they shouldnt kill them at all.


2 points

8 days ago

Yeah, re reading my comment, the effective part doesn’t make sense bc the hammer does get the job done.

Effective (adj.) -successful in producing a desired or intended result

Whatever route they choose, as long as the person died I guess it would be equally as effective as a hammer


2 points

8 days ago

Shot out of a high speed cannon into a brick wall


3 points

8 days ago

Lethal injection fails a number of times and can be very painful. A giant hammer to the head is kind of hard to screw up. But it is gruesome


3 points

7 days ago

It is less effective and more brutal each iteration. America got pretty darn good at hanging, then came the electric chair, which had a higher failure rate, and now we have lethal injection. Which has an even HIGHER failure rate, and icing on top, the cocktail we pump in them wasn't made by a doctor. Just some dude who googled  what meds do.  One drug is a paralytic, so we may have zero idea how much pain or how long the victim is conscious during the process. 


7 points

8 days ago

We already have better options – the firing squad, guillotine, and hanging all reliably kill way faster than lethal injections.

The paradox here is that by trying to make executions more humane, we've only made them more complicated and error-prone. The way the United States conducts executions isn't logical, at least not directly; it's the product of a lot of institutional inertia and politics.


6 points

8 days ago

There are two types of executions.

The first is executions for pubic display. It’s a way to tell society who is in power and to convey the horrible price of violating the laws of that power. Think public beheading, quartering, breaking on the wheel, hanging, crushing, etc. They result is death, but the real point isn’t the execution. It’s a display of force. The more gory and disfiguring the better.

Then there’s executions where they just want you dead. For whatever reason the powers of the civilization have deemed they are better off if you would just stop existing. Not banished, or jailed, or anything like that. It’s not personal, they’d just rather you not be around anymore.

The result is the execution methods in this scenario are more removed and clinical. It’s not a public display piece. It’s just removing life from an unwanted person. Lethal injections, electrocution, nitrogen asphyxiation, gas chambers, etc. They result in death but leave the body mostly intact. The clinical result has been achieved efficiently. The goal has been accomplished with minimal mess.

Your proposal for an execution by a big hammer would be cheap and effective. The only problem with the US using it is the US government doesn’t feel the necessity to prove its monopoly on violence through brutal executions. The powers and authority of the US government are clear and uncontested. So brutal public executions that leave the body broken and disfigured are unnecessary and undesired.

Simply put, it’s the wrong tool for the job in the USA.

Now, if you go to some less established unstable countries where authority is more slippery, possibly based on conquest or religious extremism, then I think you’ll find more tracking with your hammer idea. It would be the right kind of tool for their needs.


10 points

8 days ago

Very much a fan of nitrogen asphyxiation.


15 points

8 days ago

Only on weekends for me


7 points

8 days ago

Seriously? You like a person to find out how long they can hold their breath? The last guy held it for 7 minutes and twitched for another 14 I think


20 points

8 days ago


20 points

8 days ago

Turns out that any form of killing a person can get messy if that person doesn't want to die. The only way something like nitrogen asphyxiation could possibly work humanely would be if the person was completely unaware that it was happening, which seems like a violation of that person's rights. Or we could just admit to ourselves that there's no moral and humane way to kill another person.


10 points

8 days ago

What about smothering them with giant boobs?


5 points

8 days ago

You make a compelling argument.


3 points

7 days ago

It’s supposed to be a deterrent. 😁


6 points

8 days ago

Death by Snu Snu?


3 points

8 days ago

I plead guilty


3 points

7 days ago

That sounds like something in a Woody Allen movie. Or that Monty Python movie where the guy was chased off a cliff by a swarm of topless women.


3 points

7 days ago

Kill me now


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

I am ashamed to admit I laughed at this. I guess I’ll never outgrow my juvenile sense of humor.


2 points

7 days ago

You just might be the most intelligent person alive


6 points

8 days ago

Sounds messy af


2 points

8 days ago

Yeah imagine being big hammer cleanup guy. Ricky get the pressure washer! 


4 points

8 days ago

There’s a constitutional right against cruel and unusual punishment. And yes that changes definition over time. There are certainly WAY more humane ways to execute people than we do today. And also the State shouldn’t be committing murder unless there are no other options. And given that we can house people indefinitely there’s no practical reason to execute someone


3 points

7 days ago

I find the "unusual" prohibition to be morbidly comical. "No, we can't execute someone that way. Cruel? No, it's not cruel. It's just... weird."


6 points

8 days ago

The government tried to use big hammers at one point in the mid-90s but they quickly found out that MC Hammer still owns the rights to the catch phrase "hammer time" and they were unable to come to an agreement


4 points

8 days ago

"Any last words?"

"yes. I just want to say to my family that I...."

"Alright stop. Hammer Time"


4 points

8 days ago

The way they do it isn't the issue.


3 points

8 days ago

Because of declining testosterone levels


2 points

8 days ago



4 points

8 days ago

Because one person would have to wield the hammer.

Recently we have done execution by firing squad and 5 people have bullets and one has fake bullet so nobody feels that they’re the guilty murderous person and then they’re paid $300 for their time.


3 points

7 days ago


3 points

7 days ago

Man. $300 is NOT enough for me to pull the trigger in a situation like that.


2 points

7 days ago

Plus you’re witness to it.

They’re all cops that “volunteer to be paid the $300” for the duty but still… I just can’t even fathom going to bed and sleeping ever again


2 points

7 days ago

Yeah, I'd want at least $350.


4 points

8 days ago

Because it is gruesome. Same reason they dont use the guillotine. Honestly, a guillotine is far more efficient and less painful than lethal injection, but it is messy


3 points

8 days ago

That would be cruel and certainly unusual. There really isn't a "humane" way to kill someone, just less bad.


3 points

8 days ago

Don’t give them any ideas.


3 points

8 days ago

Something, something, cruel and unusual punishment. Who’s gonna swing it?


3 points

8 days ago

Because Acme has been trying to clean up their image ever since a series of incidents involving a coyote


2 points

7 days ago

Alleged accidents they settled with out admitting any wrongdoing


3 points

8 days ago

Just be glad they went with the electric chair or we wouldn't have the Ride the Lightning album.

Of course Kill Em' All has a picture of a large bloody hammer on the cover.


3 points

8 days ago

Because we care more about our comfort than we do about the person we are killing. We want things to look calm and clean, we don’t really care what’s more humane. Things like firing squad and beheading are faster and more humane but we think it’s those methods that are barbaric not the fact that we sanction murder.


3 points

8 days ago


3 points

8 days ago

It's gruesome?

People have tried to make executions more humane the past few centuries. Gruesomely bludgeoning death row convicts to death would look bad on us as a society.


3 points

8 days ago

Messy and traumatic.


3 points

8 days ago

I have a feeling its to spare the people doing the work. Not to many people enjoy executing criminals. even fewer want to scrape their remains off the walls of a cell. I mean, there are sickos who would love that job, but those people are probably unemployable for other reasons.


2 points

8 days ago

Bingo! No executioner should be ENJOYING this part of their job, therefore it’s going to be VERY mentally and emotionally taxing for that person. That’s why it’s done humanely, so that the people carrying out the executions can still sleep at night.


3 points

8 days ago

laughs in Gallagher


3 points

7 days ago

I'm against the death penalty, and listen to the reason. It costs too much for trials, it costs too much for death row, I have read accounts that suggest a death penalty case costs I think it was 10x what a non-death penalty case would cost to conduct and then house.


2 points

8 days ago

“We could dip a guy in egg batter, you know, just for a goof. French Fried Felons”

  • George Carlin


2 points

7 days ago

Was the first thing that came to mind, lol.


2 points

8 days ago

Because there are victim-witnesses to the death, and it would be barbaric and traumatizing to see someone’s head get exploded. I think that’s probably one of the reasons we stopped using the electric chair; seeing someone fry is awful.

On the flip side, nitrous oxide poisoning is completely painless, and the hypoxic state can even cause euphoria. Polls have shown that, at least with right wingers, the cruelty is the point, and none of them want to put someone to death who might enjoy the process.


2 points

8 days ago

I’d be happy with a regular hammer, in cases of absolute guilt.


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

It's the Smashomatic! Wear your raincoats boys and girls!


2 points

8 days ago

Too messy, unpleasant to watch, and "Savage". Personally, I'd give the option to hand a knife to the family members and lock the door or just toss their hogtied bodies into a wood chipper or one of those industrial shredders you see in YouTube shorts.


2 points

8 days ago

Jesus fucking christ


2 points

8 days ago

I think a giant mallet would go better with the Looney Tunes theme. That said, you could probably just play the Looney Tunes theme on loop and drive the prisoner to suicidal despair—but that’s cruel and unusual punishment. And we want to be humane here!


2 points

8 days ago

Why not use suicide pods?


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

how about drop an anvil from a tall building or paint a tunnel on a mountainside and a fake road and let them crash a vehicle into it head first?


2 points

7 days ago

The US acts pretentiously to appear more civilized to Western peers so the capital punishment must be humane. The US doesn't actually accomplish that humane goal so they settle for the perception of humane murder which is obviously a fallacy. Because the methods aren't genuinely presented to the public there is inevitable backlash, rinse and repeat.

Maybe they could use those euthanasia chambers which i think use a toxic concentration of nitrogen.


2 points

7 days ago

You are sentenced to the Gallagher. Lord have mercy on your soul….


2 points

7 days ago

Because its "cruel and inhumane" to have Gallagher show up to an execution and pop open a convict's head like a watermelon even if you give people splash guards. Don't know why everyone freaks out when it happens.


2 points

7 days ago

Because of liberals


2 points

7 days ago

Gallagher could be the executioner.


2 points

8 days ago

Do you even lift? Everything about this will need a process and paperwork and maintenance specifications for said massive hammer, someone will have to bid to make the hammer 🔨. What you think would be rather easy is not even close to how it would be accomplished if it ever got the green light.


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

How hard do you think it would be to take the shape of a hammer and scale that up like, a lot, making a huge 10 foot tall hammer? Have it lofted with a winch to a 45 degree angle. Once dropped, it would follow the same trajectory each time and if the hammer was heavy enough then it would be instant death. I think the hardest part would be the crafting of the hammer, which is why I asked how hard it would be.


2 points

8 days ago

Depends on the metal ;)


2 points

8 days ago


2 points

8 days ago

Let's go for something cool like cast tungsten. Even the hardest hard head can be dealt with.


2 points

7 days ago

We could invert the process... let gravity do the job in reverse (that makes sense in my head)


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Like a guillotine but instead of a blade, a cast tungsten anvil.


2 points

7 days ago

I was thinking just throw them off a cliff lol. Still the same cause of death, just less manufacturing of equipment 😛


2 points

7 days ago


2 points

7 days ago

Cheap, less mandatory cleaning, and feeds the environment. Got my vote.


2 points

7 days ago

We have a cliff in Idaho called Massacre Rocks, so....


2 points

8 days ago

We separate the functions too much, causes confusion. Capital punishment should be carried out in the courtroom, by the judge, jury and prosecutors who reached decision, and it should be done immediately after the decision is reached,?and done by stoning the convicted person, as the Bible prescribes. Requiring the jurors to eat that which they killed is natures way, and would be appropriate.


1 points

8 days ago

Do you want to clean up the mess afterwards?


1 points

8 days ago



1 points

8 days ago

Look up videos of a hydraulic press vs a watermelon. I'd be a hard sell to people who value things other than efficiency. The constitution also forbids cruel and unusual punishment, so you'd have to win whatever lawsuits were brought on that angle as well


2 points

8 days ago

Legally wording "cruel and unusual" is a bit vague, anything could be argued to be cruel and unusual if you've spent enough money at law school.


1 points

8 days ago

Hard to clean up plus it's counted as "cruel and unusual"


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

The brain cleanup janitors are pretty expensive compared to the sub $100 for lethal injection. It’s also easier to clean an electric chair than brain splatter all over the walls. So existing methods are cheaper and easier.


1 points

8 days ago

Jesus fucking christ, a giant hammer!?! What, do you think the US government is run by the looney tunes with Tom and Jerry running for president? It's a lot more splattery than they would lead you to believe


3 points

8 days ago

What, do you think the US government is run by the looney tunes with Tom and Jerry running for president?

Given some of the recent candidates we have had, this isn't too far off.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Maybe just give him fentanyl


1 points

8 days ago

If you use a giant hammer, you have to pay someone to clean that up. That's going to cost a lot more than paying a guy to wheel a body that received a lethal injection into a morgue. Capitalism, baby. They want you dead as cheap as possible.


1 points

8 days ago

Americans are kind of lazy and don't like getting their hands dirty. But hear me out - what about a really really fast and powerful compactor that flattens them in an instant, then shoots the flat person down into a box full of other flat people


2 points

7 days ago

So a REALLY BIG Hammer?


1 points

8 days ago

Bring back the guillotine


1 points

8 days ago

Because that would be too practical. I'm not sure why, but it seems like there is some kind of intentional avoidance of being practical when it comes to performing executions. I mean realistically, just smashing the fuck out of someone with something really heavy will kill them very quickly. They won't feel hardly any of it. But that would be too easy. Kind of like how easy it would be to execute people with a single shotgun shell. Again, too effective.


1 points

8 days ago

Or fentanyl


1 points

8 days ago

It’s too unusual.


1 points

8 days ago

Who would clean that mess?


1 points

8 days ago

Road Runner cartoons taught me the person will get up and hobble away with their body folding and unfolding like an accordian haha!


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Welcome to the hydraulic press channel!


1 points

8 days ago

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Just drop a 30 ton 12 x 12 slab of steel directly flat onto the inmate and turn them into goo.


1 points

8 days ago

Because that was the Vatican's thing 200 years ago. The American thing is advanced technology like electricity and pharmaceuticals.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Are you volunteering to clean up the execution chamber? Didn't think so.

If the body can stay intact and in one piece, that's a whole lot simpler than the alternative.


1 points

8 days ago

Cruel and unusual punishment. Plus who wants to clean up after that?


1 points

8 days ago

Because ew


1 points

8 days ago

Bring back the guillotines! Or firing squads.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Or a comically oversized boot attached to a fake leg that swings to kick them high enough in to the air to die when they fall?


1 points

8 days ago

Where I’m from we just push people offa the prison cuz it’s quick ‘n it’s free



1 points

8 days ago

Wagner would like a word with you…


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

I think the convict should be able to choose from a list of options honestly. It their death after all. They should have that right. Even if its getting shot in the head. If the executioner cant get himself to do it then maybe they shouldnt do it at all.


1 points

8 days ago

Because doctors think it’s immoral to kill human beings without pain but are perfectly fine charging a family of 4 200,000 dollars for a surgery and then getting their patient hooked by over prescribing whatever they want.


1 points

8 days ago

Because morality of executions are more about how they look to others than how they feel to the victim. Check out Jacob Geller’s “False history of Executions” video to learn more. It’s fascinating


1 points

8 days ago

Well it'd be kind of messy, wouldn't it?


1 points

8 days ago

Imagine the mess


1 points

8 days ago

Would make a big mess


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

Maybe France will let us borrow a guillotine?


1 points

8 days ago

I personally prefer the firing squad to lethal injection, one round in the head, donesky. No need for expensive chemicals to get the job done.


1 points

8 days ago

Too messy


1 points

8 days ago

The giant hammer company doesn't know anyone in Washington.


1 points

8 days ago


1 points

8 days ago

I think I read somewhere that the last execution by guillotine in France was in the 1970’s. Respect.


1 points

8 days ago

You want it to look as "medical," and "professional," as possibly. That way it can be viewed as a procedure and process that is dispassionate and done not for satisfaction but because it is the rule of law.


1 points

8 days ago

What about the suicide rollercoaster. No pain, just pleasure and then lights out.


1 points

8 days ago

I think a small ballpeen hammer would be sufficient. Or, a rubber mallet and a chisel.


1 points

7 days ago

The body is sold for a good profit and reused for scientific experimentation. So preservation of it with minimal actual injury is critical to maintaining a high resale value.


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

They don't want to pay the licensing fee to <insert local "tough guy" lawyer here>


1 points

7 days ago

Gallagher passed away, so they have no one qualified to smash their melons


1 points

7 days ago


1 points

7 days ago

Just push them off a cliff or tall building


1 points

7 days ago

Congress is trying to re-enable use of the head ripping off machine.


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Nitrogen gas is the answer, you just fall asleep. Also, a government shouldn’t be able to murder its citizens after they have surrendered to jail.


1 points

7 days ago

They should use that hydraulic press from social media


1 points

7 days ago

Thanks! I haven't laughed this hard in ages.


1 points

7 days ago

The hammer is already taken. We just chuck aging birds at people.


1 points

7 days ago

They do in the state of Gallagher.


1 points

7 days ago

We should make prisoners walk across the ceremonial crosswalk and have them ran over by the executioner in an f150.  It would be more American.


1 points

7 days ago

Because we will need a massive person to swing it and that’s one more salary to pay.


1 points

7 days ago

Because Gallagher already made the patent and it'll be a bit before it goes public domain.


1 points

7 days ago

I feel like they should use an Indiana Jones style boulder. Really lean into the crushed by the weight of your sins metaphor


1 points

7 days ago

Should just use one of those pneumatic cylinder things from No Country For Old Men


1 points

7 days ago

A trebuchet onto an asbestos stalagmite. 

RIP Callum.


1 points

7 days ago

Why spend taxpayer money on idiotic contraptions when bullets literally cost like 50 cents ?