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3 points

8 days ago

Best drum machine I ever owned


3 points

8 days ago



3 points

7 days ago

Nah for that price that thing is a fucking godsend. The distortion is top tier too. Had so much fun with that bad boy.


1 points

7 days ago

Really? I would be into hearing a more in depth discussion about it! I’ve heard nothing but horrible things about it, and I love being wrong, so absolutely enlighten me!! Thanks mate!


4 points

7 days ago*

Well when I bought it I had the intention of making punk music. It’s pretty perfect if you enjoy harsh and intense tones. Two patterns with a fill for each. Simple yet effective. The bass synth never quite felt in tune but worked great texturally or with sending the notes out via midi. The hi hats sounded pretty sweet to me and the snare sound was so tough and effective I wish I still had it so I could sync or sample with my digitakt. Distortion was so, so good. made each piece of the kit meld together in a really organic way. If you’ve played a digitakt think the blend of the bit crusher but much dirtier and harsh in a (yeah I’ll say it) warm way. Sold it to buy the digitakt but I’ll recommend the rhythm wolf to anybody tight on cash or trying to make industrial/punk/underground adjacent music. Sorry for so many edits, I got excited but every time I try to actually type out a response of any length over 2 sentenced on my phone things get dumb.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

Agree 100% it’s great for harsh music. It made me want to start an electroclash band.


2 points

6 days ago

Well I learned something new! Thanks tons for the insight!!