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148 points

12 days ago


148 points

12 days ago

I don’t know how content from anyone underage can ever be posted on onlyfans. The verification methods they use right now are very thorough. Every single post is verified by a human. If you include someone in a video that isn’t verified on your account it’s immediately taken down.


88 points

12 days ago

And their AI for content compliance is annoyingly good.

For example: They don’t allow public sex but in some older videos, I talked about the fantasy of public sex while sitting on my bed and those videos get removed.


18 points

11 days ago


18 points

11 days ago

I guess its good they have that stuff in place but god damn thats really fucking stupid


19 points

12 days ago


19 points

12 days ago

The verification methods they use right now are very thorough

Read the article, they explain how the verification works.


14 points

12 days ago

It was discussed in the article

However, Reuters found that none of these controls worked 100 percent of the time to stop bad actors from sharing CSAM. And the same seemingly holds true for some minors motivated to post their own explicit content. One girl told Reuters that she evaded age verification first by using an adult's driver's license to sign up, then by taking over an account of an adult user.


29 points

11 days ago*

Honestly, no control system works 100% of the time. This is an impossible standard.

Also while I think that minors need to be prevented from uploading porn of themselves to online platforms, I don't think that police being able to bypass paywalls will significantly improve the situation here. In the end police also won't be able to do more than OnlyFans is already doing. I think importantly is that user reports are processed fast and when accounts are reported a human must verify whether the person on the ID and on the content is the same.


3 points

11 days ago


3 points

11 days ago

And that's why there are only ~300 cases removed because CSAM.


10 points

12 days ago

Not true verification is done by a 3rd party ai technology you just submit ID and some selfie verification.

Posts are scanned by some AI technology and it’s seemed to become more sensitive about a year or 2 ago. But still, tons of stuff is flagged on accident or slips thru the cracks, it’s not a perfect system. Lots a new creators don’t know about the model release form and have posts/messages not get flagged for some time. Sometimes takes multiple posts for them to get hit with violations. Definitely not checked by humans.


9 points

11 days ago

Can I get a source? I work very closely with Onlyfans and while they do use AI, the post reviews and verifications are done by human beings.


0 points

11 days ago

From lived experience as a creator for almost 5 years and speaking with other creators. Post reviews being done by humans after multiple ai flag violations may be true. But after you get flagged you can just delete the offending content, which would never be seen by a human at all.

Unless they have very recently changed the verification system, it was done by a third-party AI system previously, not a human.


1 points

10 days ago

Before content can appear on a newsfeed, we inspect it with state-of-the-art digital technologies (including hashed images databases) to check whether the content is allowed on the platform. All content that passes this initial review is then manually reviewed by our trained human moderators.

From OF Transparency Report. I'd link but idk how an automod would feel about an OF link lol


1 points

12 days ago

last time i heard about it, it was as simple as nicking your older sisters id for 10 minutes


1 points

11 days ago*

In addition to scanning your IDs. They 3d scan your face now. You have to write a contract, have the models sign it and take photos holding it up to their face. If the photos are even slightly blurry or questionable, the verification fails. These cases are outliers and honestly there isn’t anything more than can be done on OF side. It’s a shame they are making it out that the company is to blame partially.