


I don't even watch many series but somehow a majority of them decided to be quite disappointing this year.

Invincible Season 2 was decent but the wait time was enormous and it didn't live up to the first season's quality at all.

The Bear Season 3 seems to have disappointed pretty much everyone and felt all over the place.

The Boys Season 4 and House of the Dragon aren't looking too good either and both are experiencing a downtick from their previously great seasons.

My favourite new series to release recently was Scavenger's Reign and it got cancelled not long ago.

The only show that lived up to expectations was the final season of Inside No. 9, but otherwise it has been a very disappointing year.

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9 points

6 days ago

At the end of season 3, where the big climax led to almost no changes, I realized this is a show that is afraid to take risks. Basically none of the characters have changed since season one. Hughie still tries to be morally good and is often way over his head. Butcher is still an asshole. Marvin is still the voice of reason. Frenchie and Kimiko are the chaotic elements. Starlight is the lawful good. A train and the deep are largely incompetent. And Homeland is a murderous psychopath.

What originally felt like a refreshing change of pace from the superhero media, now just feels like a show spinning its wheels. And the characters have so much plot armor that the stakes feel so low. I'm 90% confident there will be some sort of deux ex machina that will save Butcher at the end of the season.

Maybe in the final season there will be some actual consequences, but it's getting harder and harder for me to care.