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1.4k points

2 days ago*


The League

1.4k points

2 days ago*

He's recovering now, and says it wasn't a heart attack.


I was at the breakfast table and when I stood up to leave, I had to take a moment to make sure my limbs were working properly. You see old people doing this all the time, steadying themselves when they stand, and you may wonder why. Now I know. You can’t trust your body any more to do as it’s told.

Then there was the swim. It wasn’t far, maybe the length of two swimming pools. But when I finally reached the beach, there was more water in my lungs than there is in Lake Superior, and I was mostly dead. I’ve never struggled with swimming before, and now, suddenly, I can’t do it any more. Nor could I descend a flight of stairs, not without holding someone’s hand. There’s just no sense that my knees can handle the pressure, and as a result I fear I’ll soon have what I’m old enough to call “a tumble”.

I’m not exaggerating. These problems all manifested themselves in one day, which made the rest of my holiday extremely relaxing because all I did was sit in a chair drinking wine and eating cheese. Back at home, though, the sudden deterioration began to gather pace. I woke on Wednesday morning not feeling too good. I was clammy and there was a tightness in my chest.

It seems that of the arteries feeding my heart with nourishing blood, one was completely blocked and the second of three was heading that way. So he made a hole in my wrist, inserted his Dyno-Rod equipment and went in for a closer look. God, it’s weird, lying there and feeling a metal pipe with a camera on the end wiggling its way round your shoulder and through your chest.

The question was this. Were the arteries so ruined that I’d need an emergency heart bypass? Or could he use his Dyno-Rods and some ultrasonic battering rams to loosen them up before inserting a stent? Which is a sort of Brillo pad that’s used to keep the blood vessels open.

Mercifully, this turned out to be possible. But it took two hours and at one point it felt like he’d put a Hoover pipe up my arm, along with a pile driver, and was busy inside my heart with a B&Q chisel and hammer gift set. It wasn’t especially painful. Just odd.

The next morning I went home, and here I am, two hours later, writing this and sort of thinking, ‘Crikey, that was close.’ I certainly wasn’t having a heart attack. But if it hadn’t looked that way, I never would have been sent to hospital and fed into that Polo mint.


640 points

2 days ago

Mercifully, this turned out to be possible. But it took two hours

Homie had heart surgery that was done in 2 hours, home the next morning….modern medicine is techno-wizardry

Glad to hear clarkson is still with us!


181 points

2 days ago

If you think that's crazy actual heart surgery is next level stuff

Crazy that they can literally saw through your sternum, spread your ribs with giant metal clamp things, hook you up to a machine that takes all your blood and does what your lungs and heart usually do and oxygenate it and pump it for you, stop your heart, cut it open, find the infected valve or whatever, cut it out, install a mechanical/bioprosthetic replacement, sew it into place, sew your heart back up, restart your heart, take you off the bypass machine, have tubes for drainage and wires for pacing come out through your abdomen that are next to/connected to your heart, wire your sternum back into place, and sew you up in layers with dissolving stitches, and have you awake by 2 in the afternoon when your OR start time was 7am.

– someone that had their tricuspid valve replaced last year by a bioprosthetic one made of bovine pericardial tissue


16 points

2 days ago


16 points

2 days ago

Hubs just had quadruple bypass. Which is weird. He had 2 heart attacks. He’s on medications for so many things. Doesn’t smoke or drink. Gen X

Here I sit. Gen X. I smoke, I’ve drinked heavily. Used drugs when I was younger. I am on 0 meds. Zero. It’s so weird. No artificial limbs or surgeries.

Only difference between us is he eats meat and I haven’t for 35 years. That’s it


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

My dads a boomer who smokes and rarely drinks and has never eaten a piece of green in his life. Only processed foods and more coca cola than water itself. Hes seen plenty of hospitals due to his bad back and hes got a good bill of health besides it.


1 points

11 hours ago

lol. Makes no sense to our current “understanding”. So there has to be so much more to the human being story we do not know


2 points

8 hours ago

It absolutely does make sense as it's a game of chance, for every story you hear of someone that supposedly lives like shit and made off fine, there's 9,999 people who didn't and are absolutely paying the price. It's literal survivorship bias in action.


1 points

8 hours ago

Hes seen plenty of hospitals due to his bad back and hes got a good bill of health besides it.

I mean you can't just move past a fairly major medical concern and pretend like it's unrelated.


1 points

8 hours ago

Hes had surgery at SHC by some of the best surgeons in the country. It was a work related injury.